#' Set and get base URL and port for cromwell server
#' The Cromwell server presents a RESTFul API. The base URL is of the form:
#' `http://EXAMPLE.COM:PORT`. The current approach to changing that
#' url is to set an option, `cromwellBase` to a valid URL (without trailing slash).
#' This URL will then be used throughout the `cRomwell` package. If no option is set,
#' the server is assumed to be running at `http://localhost:8000`.
#' @param base_url character(1) specifying the url and port of the
#' cromwell server
#' @return A character(1) base url (default \code{http://localhost:8000})
#' @examples
#' cromwellBase()
#' # set a bogus host
#' setCromwellBase('http://example.com:8111')
#' cromwellBase()
#' # and set back to NULL to get the default behavior
#' setCromwellBase()
#' cromwellBase()
#' @export
cromwellBase <- function() {
base_url = getOption('cromwellBase', default="http://localhost:8000")
#' @rdname cromwellBase
#' @export
setCromwellBase <- function(base_url=NULL) {
if(!is.null(base_url)) {
options('cromwellBase' = base_url)
} else {
base_url = cromwellBase()
options('cromwellBase' = base_url)
#' Perform a GET request to cromwell server
#' See the docmentation at
#' \href{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#rest-api}{the
#' cromwell github site} for details. Generally, this is not meant to
#' be called by the end user. Rather, use the endpoint-specific
#' functions. See \code{\link{cromwellBase}} for details of setting
#' the base URL and port.
#' @param path The path part of the URL
#' @param query Any query terms as a named character vector
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `GET` (for including `timeouts`,
#' `handles`, etc.)
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom httr modify_url
#' @importFrom httr GET
cromwell_GET <- function(path,query=NULL,...) {
url <- modify_url(cromwellBase(), path = path, query = query)
resp <- GET(url,...)
#' Perform a POST request to cromwell server
#' See the docmentation at
#' \href{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#rest-api}{the
#' cromwell github site} for details. Generally, this is not meant to
#' be called by the end user. Rather, use the endpoint-specific
#' functions.
#' @param path The path part of the URL
#' @param body A list that will become the multipart form that is passed as the request body
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `POST` (for including `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom httr modify_url
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @seealso \code{\link{cromwellBatch}}
cromwell_POST <- function(path,body,...) {
url = modify_url(cromwellBase(), path = path)
resp = POST(url, body = body, ...)
#' Check cromwell response
#' @param resp a \code{\link{response}} object
#' @return a simple list that includes the actual `content` and the complete `response` object.
#' @import httr
.cromwell_process_response <- function(resp) {
if (http_type(resp) != "application/json") {
stop("API did not return json", call. = FALSE)
parsed <- httr::content(resp,'parsed')
if (!(status_code(resp) %in% c(200,201))) {
"Cromwell API request failed [%s]\n%s\n<%s>",
call. = FALSE
content = parsed,
response = resp
class = c("cromwell_api")
#' Get the info about cromwell workflows
#' Each of the following terms can be specified one or more
#' times. Simply create a named list or named character vector.
#' \describe{
#' \item{name}{The name of a job; may be specified more than once}
#' \item{status}{one of Succeeded, Failed, Running}
#' \item{id}{an id of a cromwell job}
#' \item{start}{a timestamp of the form "2015-11-01T07:45:52.000-05:00", including mandatory offset}
#' \item{end}{a timestamp of the form "2015-11-01T07:45:52.000-05:00", including mandatory offset}
#' \item{page}{if paging is used, what page to select}
#' \item{pagesize}{if paging is used, how many records per page}
#' }
#' @param name character vector of workflow names.
#' @param id character vector of workflow IDs.
#' @param label character vector of workflow labels.
#' @param status character vector of workflow status values. The available
#' statuses are: Submitted, Running, Aborting, Aborted, Failed, and Succeeded.
#' @param start a \code{Date} object specifying the workflow start time. Only workflows
#' started after this are returned.
#' @param end a \code{Date} object specifying the workflow end time. Only workflows
#' that completed after this are returned.
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `GET` (for including `timeouts`,
#' `handles`, etc.)
#' @return a data.frame of query results
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom lubridate fast_strptime
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' res = cromwellQuery(status='Succeeded')
#' head(res)
#' }
#' @export
cromwellQuery <- function(name = NULL, id = NULL, status = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, label = NULL, ...) {
cnames = c('name', 'id', 'status') # character vectors
dnames = c('submission', 'start', 'end') # date objects required
.statuses = c('Submitted','Running','Aborting','Aborted','Failed','Succeeded')
query = list(name=name, id=id, status=status, start=start, end=end, label=label)
path = 'api/workflows/v1/query'
resp = cromwell_GET(path=path,query=query,...)
x = lapply(c(cnames,dnames),function(cname) {
as.character(sapply(resp$content$results, '[[', cname))
x = setNames(x,c(cnames,dnames))
x = data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#x = do.call(rbind.fill,lapply(resp$content$results,as.data.frame))
if('start' %in% colnames(x))
x$start = fast_strptime(as.character(x$start),format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS%z")
x$start = NA
if('end' %in% colnames(x))
x$end = fast_strptime(as.character(x$end),format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS%z")
x$end = NA
if('submission' %in% colnames(x))
x$submission = fast_strptime(as.character(x$submission),format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS%z")
x$submission = NA
x$end = as.POSIXct(x$end,tz=Sys.timezone())
x$start = as.POSIXct(x$start,tz=Sys.timezone())
x$submission = as.POSIXct(x$submission,tz=Sys.timezone())
# deal with situation when no ends exist
# subtraction ends up "failing", so need
# to catch error
x$duration = tryCatch({x$end-x$start},
error=function(e) "")
# Coerce to difftime so that column is always
# difftime, even when only NA
x$duration = as.difftime(x$duration)
x = as_tibble(x)
attr(x,'when') = Sys.time()
attr(x,'path') = path
class(x) = c('cromwell_query','cromwell_api',class(x))
#' Get metadata associated with one or more workflow ids
#' This endpoint returns a superset of the data from
#' #get-workflowsversionidlogs in essentially the same format
#' (i.e. shards are accounted for by an array of maps, in the same
#' order as the shards). In addition to shards, every attempt that was
#' made for this call will have its own object as well, in the same
#' order as the attempts. Workflow metadata includes submission,
#' start, and end datetimes, as well as status, inputs and
#' outputs. Call-level metadata includes inputs, outputs, start and
#' end datetime, backend-specific job id, return code, stdout and
#' stderr. Date formats are ISO with milliseconds.
#' @param ids A character() vector of cromwell IDs, typically returned
#' from a batch submission or from a call to \code{\link{cromwellQuery}}.
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `GET` (for including `timeouts`,
#' `handles`, etc.)
#' @references \url{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#get-apiworkflowsversionidmetadata}
#' @return a list of metadata lists
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' res = cromwellQuery(terms=c(status='Succeeded',name='taskName'))
#' head(res)
#' metalist = cromwellMetadata(res$id)
#' str(metalist,list.len=5)
#' }
#' @export
cromwellMetadata <- function(ids,query=NULL,...) {
retlist = lapply(ids,function(id) {
resp = cromwell_GET(path = path, query=query, ...)
ret = resp$content
attr(ret,'path') = path
attr(ret,'when') = Sys.time()
class(ret) = c('cromwell_metadata','cromwell_api',class(ret))
retlist = setNames(retlist,ids)
attr(retlist,'when') = Sys.time()
class(retlist) = c('cromwell_metadata_list','cromwell_api',class(retlist))
print.cromwell_metadata_list <- function(x, ...) {
cat(sprintf("<Cromwell Metadata List>\nlength: %d", length(x)))
#' Abort a cromwell job
#' @param id A cromwell id as a string
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `POST` (for including
#' `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @examples
#' #cromwellAbort('ID')
#' @export
cromwellAbort <- function(id, ...) {
#' Get output paths associated with one or more workflow ids
#' @param ids a character vector of Cromwell ids. See
#' \code{\link{cromwellQuery}} for details of how to query
#' Cromwell for available ids.
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `POST` (for including
#' `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)
#' @return a list of output lists.
#' @references \url{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#get-apiworkflowsversionidoutputs}
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' res = cromwellQuery(terms=c(status='Succeeded',name='taskName'))
#' head(res)
#' outfilelist = cromwellOutputs(res$id)
#' str(outfilelist,list.len=5)
#' }
#' @export
cromwellOutputs <- function(ids, ...) {
retlist = lapply(ids,function(id) {
path = sprintf('api/workflows/v1/%s/outputs', id)
resp = cromwell_GET(path = path, ...)
ret = resp$content$outputs
attr(ret,'path') = path
attr(ret,'when') = Sys.time()
class(ret) = c('cromwell_output','cromwell_api',class(ret))
retlist = setNames(retlist,ids)
attr(retlist,'when') = Sys.time()
class(retlist) = c('cromwell_output_list','cromwell_api',class(retlist))
#' Get log paths associated with one or more workflow ids
#' This will return paths to the standard out and standard error files
#' that were generated during the execution of all calls in a
#' workflow. A call has one or more standard out and standard error
#' logs, depending on if the call was scattered or not. In the latter
#' case, one log is provided for each instance of the call that has
#' been run.
#' @param ids a character vector of Cromwell ids. See
#' \code{\link{cromwellQuery}} for details of how to query
#' Cromwell for available ids.
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `POST` (for including
#' `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)
#' @return a list of logfile lists. There will be one list item for
#' each id. Each of these list items will contain another list
#' with log outputs from each workflow step in the submitted
#' workflow.
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @references \url{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#get-apiworkflowsversionidlogs}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' res = cromwellQuery(terms=c(status='Succeeded',name='taskName'))
#' head(res)
#' loglist = cromwellLogs(res$id)
#' str(loglist,list.len=5)
#' }
#' @export
cromwellLogs <- function(ids, ...) {
retlist = lapply(ids,function(id) {
path = sprintf('api/workflows/v1/%s/logs', id)
resp = cromwell_GET(path = path, ...)
ret = resp$content$calls
attr(ret,'path') = path
attr(ret,'when') = Sys.time()
class(ret) = c('cromwell_log','cromwell_api',class(ret))
retlist = setNames(retlist,ids)
attr(retlist,'when') = Sys.time()
class(retlist) = c('cromwell_log_list','cromwell_api',class(retlist))
#' Submit a cromwell batch job
#' This function submits a set of one or more inputs to cromwell. It
#' is much more efficient than submitting a single job at a time. See
#' \href{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#post-apiworkflowsversionbatch}{the
#' cromwell \code{batch} API documentation} for details.
#' @param wdlSource Represents the
#' \href{https://software.broadinstitute.org/wdl/}{WDL} A string
#' (character vector of length 1) or an
#' \code{\link[httr]{upload_file}} object. See details below.
#' @param workflowInputs A \code{data.frame} that will be coerced to a
#' json array or a JSON string (as a \code{character} vector of
#' length 1), or an \code{\link[httr]{upload_file}} object. See
#' details below.
#' @param workflowOptions A \code{list}, a JSON string (as a
#' \code{character} vector of length 1, or an
#' \code{\link[httr]{upload_file}} object. See details below.
#' @param customLabels A named \code{character} vector with key-value
#' pairs to assign to all batch tasks.
#' @param timeout The number of seconds to wait for a response. Batch
#' jobs can take quite some time for cromwell to process, so this
#' will typically need to be set to a large value to allow for a
#' completed response.
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `POST` (for including
#' `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)
#' @return If a timeout does not occur (this is pretty common....),
#' then a list that contains the submission status.
#' @details TODO details
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @export
cromwellBatch <- function(wdlSource,
customLabels = NULL,
timeout = 120,
...) {
if(!(is.data.frame(workflowInputs) | (is.character(workflowInputs) & length(workflowInputs)==1)))
stop('workflowInputs should be a data.frame or a character vector of length 1')
inputs = toJSON(workflowInputs)
inputs = workflowInputs
opts = workflowOptions
if(!is.null(workflowOptions)) {
if(!(is.list(workflowOptions) | (is.character(workflowOptions) & length(workflowOptions)==1)))
stop('workflowOptions should be a data.frame or a character vector of length 1')
opts = toJSON(workflowOptions)
opts = workflowOptions
body = list(wdlSource = wdlSource,
workflowInputs = inputs,
customLabels = toJSON(customLabels,auto_unbox=TRUE),
workflowOptions = opts)
return(cromwell_POST('/api/workflows/v1/batch',body = body, encode = 'multipart',
timeout(timeout), ...))
#' Submit a single cromwell job
#' This function submits a set of one or more inputs to cromwell. It
#' is much more efficient than submitting a single job at a time. See
#' \href{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#post-apiworkflowsversionbatch}{the
#' cromwell \code{batch} API documentation} for details.
#' @param wdlSource A \code{list}, a JSON string (as a \code{character} vector of length 1,
#' or an \code{\link[httr]{upload_file}} object. See details below.
#' @param workflowInputs A \code{list}, a JSON string (as a \code{character} vector of length 1,
#' or an \code{\link[httr]{upload_file}} object. See details below.
#' @param workflowOptions A \code{list}, a JSON string (as a \code{character} vector of length 1,
#' or an \code{\link[httr]{upload_file}} object. See details below.
#' @param timeout The number of seconds to wait for a response. Batch jobs can take
#' quite some time for cromwell to process, so this will typically need to be set
#' to a large value to allow for a completed response.
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `POST` (for including `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)
#' @details abc details
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @export
cromwellSingle <- function(wdlSource,
customLabels = NULL,
timeout = 120,
...) {
body = list(wdlSource = wdlSource,
workflowInputs = workflowInputs,
workflowOptions = workflowOptions)
return(cromwell_POST('/api/workflows/v1',body = body,
timeout(timeout), ...))
#' List available backends for a cromwell endpoint
#' This endpoint returns a list of the backends supported by the
#' server as well as the default backend.
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `GET` (for including `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)
#' @return a list that includes backend details
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @references \url{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#get-apiworkflowsversionbackends}
#' @examples
#' #cromwellBackends()
#' @export
cromwellBackends <- function(...) {
path = 'api/workflows/v1/backends'
resp = cromwell_GET(path = path, ...)
ret = resp$content
attr(ret,'path') = path
attr(ret,'when') = Sys.time()
class(ret) = c('cromwell_backends','cromwell_api',class(ret))
print.cromwell_backends <- function(x, ...) {
cat(sprintf("Supported backends: \n %s\nDefault backend: \n %s",
paste(x$supportedBackends,collapse = '\n '), x$defaultBackend))
#' Get current statistics for cromwell endpoint
#' This endpoint returns some basic statistics on the current state of
#' the engine. At the moment that includes the number of running
#' workflows and the number of active jobs.
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `GET` (for including `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)
#' @return a list containing engine stats
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @references \url{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#get-apiengineversionstats}
#' @examples
#' #cromwellStats()
#' @export
cromwellStats <- function(...) {
path = '/engine/v1/stats'
resp = cromwell_GET(path = path, ...)
ret = resp$content
attr(ret,'path') = path
attr(ret,'when') = Sys.time()
class(ret) = c('cromwell_stats','cromwell_api',class(ret))
#' Get version of the cromwell server
#' @param ... passed directly to httr `GET` (for including `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)
#' @return character(1) with the cromwell server version
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @references \url{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell#get-version}
#' @examples
#' #cromwellVersion()
#' @export
cromwellVersion <- function(...) {
path = '/engine/v1/version'
resp = cromwell_GET(path = path, ...)
ret = resp$content$cromwell
attr(ret,'path') = path
attr(ret,'when') = Sys.time()
class(ret) = c('cromwell_version','cromwell_api',class(ret))
print.cromwell_version <- function(x, ...) {
cat(sprintf("Cromwell server version: %s", x))
#' Utility to fetch the cromwell JAR file
#' The purpose of this R package is to interact with the
#' Broad Cromwell execution engine.
#' The Cromwell server is contained in a JAVA JAR file. This
#' function simply downloads the cromwell JAR file
#' and puts it in the destfile location. The JAR file is picked up from
#' \url{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell/releases}.
#' @param cromwell_version string representing the version number
#' @param destfile string The full path to the cromwell jar file location on the local system
#' @return destfile location [invisibly]
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @seealso See lots of details at \url{https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell}.
#' @examples
#' version = '24'
#' tmpfile = file.path(tempdir(),'cromwell.jar')
#' fp = getCromwellJar(cromwell_version = version)
#' fp
#' unlink(fp)
#' @export
getCromwellJar <- function(cromwell_version,destfile = file.path(tempdir(),'cromwell.jar')) {
"Get the cromwell JAR file"
fname = destfile
cromwell_version,cromwell_version),write_disk(fname,overwrite = TRUE))
#' Cromwell reference class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
WDLRunR <- R6::R6Class('WDLRunR',
public = list(
host = NULL,
port = NULL,
initialize = function(host ='localhost',
port = 8000) {
self$host = host
self$port = as.integer(port)
getCromwellJar = getCromwellJar,
version = cromwellVersion,
stats = cromwellStats,
backends = cromwellBackends,
submit = cromwellSingle,
batch = cromwellBatch,
logs = cromwellLogs,
outputs = cromwellOutputs,
abort = cromwellAbort,
metadata = cromwellMetadata,
query = cromwellQuery
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