##' 'FScanR' identifies Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting (PRF) events from BLASTX homolog sequence alignment
##' between targeted genomic/cDNA/mRNA sequences against the peptide library of the same species or a close relative.
##' The output by BLASTX or diamond BLASTX will be used as input of 'FScanR' and should be in a tabular format with 14 columns.
##' For BLASTX, the output parameter should be: -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qframe sframe'.
##' For diamond BLASTX, the output parameter should be: -outfmt 6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qframe qframe.
##' @title FScanR
##' @param blastx_output Input file with 14 columns in tab-delimited format, output from BLASTX using parameters:
##' -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qframe sframe'
##' @param mismatch_cutoff Threshold of number of mismatches for BLASTX hits, default 5 (aa)
##' @param evalue_cutoff Threshold of E-value for BLASTX hits, default 1e-5
##' @param frameDist_cutoff Threshold for gap size (bp) to detect frameshifting between BLASTX hits of same mRNA/cDNA sequence, default 10 (nt)
##' @return dataframe
##' @importFrom stats complete.cases
##' @export
##' @author Xiao Chen
##' @references 1. X Chen, Y Jiang, F Gao, W Zheng, TJ Krock, NA Stover, C Lu, LA Katz & W Song (2019).
##' Genome analyses of the new model protist Euplotes vannus focusing on genome rearrangement and resistance
##' to environmental stressors. Molecular Ecology Resources, 19(5):1292-1308.
##' <https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.13023>
##' @examples
##' test_data <- read.table(system.file("extdata", "test.tab", package = "FScanR"), header=TRUE, sep="\t")
##' FScanR(test_data)
## Main
FScanR <- function(blastx_output,
mismatch_cutoff = 5,
evalue_cutoff = 1e-5,
frameDist_cutoff = 10
) {
blastx <- blastx_output
colnames(blastx) <- c("qseqid", "sseqid", "pident", "length", "mismatch", "gapopen", "qstart", "qend", "sstart", "send", "evalue", "bitscore", "qframe", "sframe")
blastx <- blastx[complete.cases(blastx) & blastx$evalue <= evalue_cutoff & blastx$mismatch <= mismatch_cutoff,,drop=FALSE]
blastx_freq <- table(blastx$qseqid)
blastx_freq_cutoff <- blastx_freq[blastx_freq > 1]
blastx_cutoff <- blastx[blastx$qseqid %in% names(blastx_freq_cutoff),,drop=FALSE]
blastx_cutoff_sort <- blastx_cutoff[order(blastx_cutoff$qseqid, blastx_cutoff$sseqid, blastx_cutoff$qstart),,drop=FALSE]
prf <- data.frame()
if (nrow(blastx_cutoff_sort) > 0) {
for (i in 2:nrow(blastx_cutoff_sort)) {
mismatch <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i,5]
qseqid <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i,1]
sseqid <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i,2]
qstart <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i,7]
qend <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i,8]
sstart <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i,9]
send <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i,10]
qframe <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i,13]
qseqid_last <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i-1,1]
sseqid_last <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i-1,2]
qstart_last <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i-1,7]
qend_last <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i-1,8]
sstart_last <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i-1,9]
send_last <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i-1,10]
qframe_last <- blastx_cutoff_sort[i-1,13]
strand <- ""
if (qseqid == qseqid_last & sseqid == sseqid_last & qframe != qframe_last & qframe * qframe_last > 0) {
if (qframe > 0 & qframe_last > 0) {
frameStart <- qend_last
frameEnd <- qstart
pepStart <- send_last
pepEnd <- sstart
strand <- "+"
} else if (qframe < 0 & qframe_last < 0) {
frameStart <- qstart_last
frameEnd <- qend
pepStart <- send
pepEnd <- sstart_last
strand <- "-"
qDist <- frameEnd - frameStart - 1
sDist <- pepEnd - pepStart
FS_type <- qDist + (1 - sDist) * 3
if (abs(qDist) <= frameDist_cutoff & abs(sDist) <= floor(frameDist_cutoff/3)) {
prf_sub <- data.frame(as.character(qseqid), frameStart, frameEnd, as.character(sseqid), send_last + 1, sstart, FS_type, strand)
prf <- rbind(prf, prf_sub)
prf <- prf[prf$FS_type < 3 & prf$FS_type > -3,,drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(prf) > 0) {
colnames(prf) <- c("DNA_seqid", "FS_start", "FS_end", "Pep_seqid", "Pep_FS_start", "Pep_FS_end", "FS_type", "Strand")
prf$loci1 = paste(prf$DNA_seqid, prf$FS_start, sep="_")
prf$loci2 = paste(prf$DNA_seqid, prf$FS_end, sep="_")
prf$loci3 = paste(prf$Pep_seqid, prf$Pep_FS_start, sep="_")
prf$loci4 = paste(prf$Pep_seqid, prf$Pep_FS_end, sep="_")
prf = prf[!duplicated(prf$loci1),,drop=FALSE]
prf = prf[!duplicated(prf$loci2),,drop=FALSE]
prf = prf[!duplicated(prf$loci3),,drop=FALSE]
prf = prf[!duplicated(prf$loci4),,drop=FALSE]
prf = prf[,!colnames(prf) %in% c("loci1", "loci2","loci3", "loci4"),drop=FALSE]
} else {
message("No PRF events detected!")
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