#' readPepo - read (any kind of) Illumina DNA methylation array idat
#' files into a methylumi object
#' Pepo is a botanical term for any melon-like fruit. Given the
#' appropriate manifest file, this function should be able to read
#' any of the Illumina Infinium DNAm arrays including 450k, EPIC, EPIC2,
#' MSA and Mouse.
#' @param idatdir the directory with the idatfiles. Currently only handle one directory.
#' @param filelist optional list of idat files to process.
#' @param barcodelist optional list of barcodes to process.
#' @param manifest name of a IlluminaMethylationManifest object or a csv format manifest. If missing, will run idet() on one of the idat files.
#' @param parallel try to use multiple cores.
#' @param n keep beadcounts.
#' @param keep out-of-band (OOB) or opposite-channel signals
#' @param pdat optional data.frame describing the samples.
#' @param two are there two different assay types (true of human methylation arrays except 27k)
#' @return A ‘MethyLumiSet’ object.
#' @examples
#' @export
readPepo <- function ( idatdir='.' , filelist=NULL,
barcodelist=NULL, manifest=NULL,
parallel=F, n=F, pdat=NULL, oob=F,
# check for matched red and green files
if (!is.null(barcodelist)){
if (!is.null(filelist)) {
message("Both file and barcode lists specified, using barcodes")
filelist <- c(
paste(idatdir, '/', barcodelist, '_Red.idat', sep=''),
paste(idatdir, '/', barcodelist, '_Grn.idat', sep='')
} else {
if (is.null(filelist)) filelist <- dir(idatdir, patt='idat')
# this should use basename
barcodelist <- unique(substr(filelist,0,nchar(filelist)-9))
# this should prepend idatdir
filelist <- c(
paste(idatdir, '/', barcodelist, '_Red.idat', sep=''),
paste(idatdir, '/', barcodelist, '_Grn.idat', sep='')
# nothing: list of idat files present and barcodes extracted from them
# barcodes or both: file list expanded from barcode list
# file list: given file list and barcodes from it, re-expand to catch unpaired
check <- sapply(filelist, file.exists)
if (any(!check)){ stop ( "file(s)", filelist[!check], "missing" )}
# identify and if necessary process manifest.
# manifest should be a IlluminaMethylationManifest obj when done.
# name object from loaded package
if(is.null(manifest)){ manifest <- idet(filelist[1])[3] }
# file or name of object from loaded package
if(!is.na(file.info(manifest)$size)){ manifest <- canno(manifest) }
else{ manifest <- eval(parse(text=manifest)) }
stopifnot( is(manifest, 'IlluminaMethylationManifest'))
# manifest now variable in function env; stash copy in global
.manifest <<- manifest
# now we do the thing (copied from methylumIDATepic)
mats <- IDATsToMatrices2(barcodelist, parallel = parallel, idatPath = idatdir)
dats <- DataToNChannelSet2(mats, IDAT = T, parallel = parallel, force = FALSE)
annotation(dats)<- '.manifest' # looks like correct NChannelSet
mlumi <- NChannelSetToMethyLumiSet2(
dats, parallel = parallel, oob = oob, n = n
if(is.null(pdat)) {
pdat <- data.frame(barcode = as.character(barcodelist))
rownames(pdat) <- pdat$barcode
pData(mlumi) <- pdat
} else {
pData(mlumi) <- pdat
if (!is.null(mlumi@QC)) {
sampleNames(mlumi@QC) = sampleNames(mlumi)}
colnames(mlumi) <- as.character(colnames(mlumi))
# return(mlumi[sort(featureNames(mlumi)), ])
# we need to tag the NChannelSet with a meaningful Annotation tag that points to the
# appropriate manifest. minfi -> readEPIC does this indirectly with a lookup table
# implmented as 3 switch statements in getMethylationBeadMappers2() and another in
# generateManifest(), which is called by getMethylationBeadMappers2(). We want to
# specify the manifest object directly.
# Ideally we would also clean up getMethylationBeadMappers2()
# for the moment I am going to use the expedient of setting the Annotation to ".manifest"
# and <<- the manifest to a hidden var .manifest in globalenv
annotation(mlumi) <- '.manifest'
#echo top block of manifest
#DataToNChannelSet2 (IDAT=F) #should make NChannelSet without setting annotation
#option A:
#process manifest file into object required by mergeProbeDesigns2 (and optionally store as rda ) and use NChannelSetToMethyLumiSet2
#option B:
#re-implement processing
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