#' adjustedDasen
#' @description adjustedDasen utilizes dasen normliasation to normalise autosomal
#' CpGs, and infers the sex chromosome linked CpGs by linear interpolation on
#' corrected autosomal CpGs.
#' @param mns matrix of methylated signal intensities, samples in column and
#' probes in row.
#' @param uns matrix of unmethylated signal intensities, samples in column and
#' probes in row.
#' @param onetwo character vector or factor of length nrow(mns) indicating assay
#' type 'I' or 'II'.
#' @param chr character vector stores the mapped chromosomes for all probes, e.g.
#' chr <- c('1', 'X', '21', ..., 'Y').
#' @param offset_fit logical (default is TRUE). To use dasen, set it TRUE; to use
#' nasen, set it FALSE.
#' @param cores an integer(e.g. 8) defines the number of cores to parallel processing.
#' Default value is 1, set to -1 to use all available cores.
#' @param ret2 logical (default is FALSE), if TRUE, returns a list of intensities
#' and betas instead of a naked matrix of betas.
#' @param fudge default 100, a value added to total intensity to prevent denominators
#' close to zero when calculating betas, e.g. betas <- mns / (mns + uns + fudge).
#' @param ... additional argument roco for dfsfit giving Sentrix rows and
#' columns. This allows a background gradient model to be fit. This is split
#' from data column names by default. roco=NULL disables model fitting (and
#' speeds up processing), otherwise roco can be supplied as a character vector
#' of strings like 'R01C01' (only 3rd and 6th characters used).
#' @return a matrix of normalised beta values.
#' @export
#' adjustedDasen
#' @references
#' A data-driven approach to preprocessing Illumina 450K methylation array data,
#' Pidsley et al, BMC Genomics. \cr
#' interpolatedXY: a two-step strategy to normalise DNA methylation
#' microarray data avoiding sex bias, Wang et al., 2021.
#' @examples
#' data(melon)
#' normalised_betas <- adjustedDasen(mns = methylated(melon), uns = unmethylated(melon), onetwo = fData(melon)[,fot(melon)], chr = fData(melon)$CHR, cores=1)
#' ## if input is an object of methylumiset or methylset
#' normalised_betas <- adjustedDasen(melon)
adjustedDasen <- function(mns, uns, onetwo, chr, offset_fit=TRUE, cores=1, ret2=FALSE, fudge=100,...){
stopifnot(nrow(mns) == length(chr))
stopifnot(nrow(uns) == length(chr))
stopifnot(nrow(mns) == length(onetwo))
stopifnot(nrow(uns) == length(onetwo))
stopifnot(length(chr) == length(onetwo))
is_sex <- grepl('(X|chrX|Y|chrY|23|24)', as.character(chr))
} else {
is_sex <- chr
if (cores < 1) {
cores <- detectCores()
if(Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Linux"){
cores <- 1
## to use 'nasen', set offset_fit=FALSE
mns <- p_dfsfit(mns, onetwo, cores=cores)
uns <- p_dfsfit(uns, onetwo, roco=NULL, cores=cores)
mns[onetwo == 'I' , ] <- uSexQNengine(A = mns[onetwo == 'I' , ], is_sex = is_sex[onetwo == 'I' ], cores = cores)
mns[onetwo == 'II', ] <- uSexQNengine(A = mns[onetwo == 'II', ], is_sex = is_sex[onetwo == 'II'], cores = cores)
uns[onetwo == 'I' , ] <- uSexQNengine(A = uns[onetwo == 'I' , ], is_sex = is_sex[onetwo == 'I' ], cores = cores)
uns[onetwo == 'II', ] <- uSexQNengine(A = uns[onetwo == 'II', ], is_sex = is_sex[onetwo == 'II'], cores = cores)
betas = (mns) / (mns+uns+fudge)
return(list(betas = betas, methylated = mns, unmethylated = uns))
} else {
sort_order <- function(d, tie=TRUE){
## obtain the sorted values and their index
Si <- sort(d, method = "quick", index.return = TRUE) # NA will be ignored or removed.
if (tie){
Si$ix <- NA
# deal with NA in input d
nobsj <- length(Si$x)
n_1 <- length(d)
isna <- is.na(d)
if (sum(isna) > 0) {
i <- (0:(n_1 - 1))/(n_1 - 1)
Si$x <- approx((0:(nobsj - 1))/(nobsj - 1), Si$x, i, ties = list("ordered", mean))$y # Si$x will not contain NAs any more.
if (!tie) {
O_i <- rep(NA, n_1)
O_i[!isna] <- ((1:n_1)[!isna])[Si$ix]
Si$ix <- O_i
tie_norm <- function(d, is_sex, rank2mean){
## normalise d differently on autosomes and XY
d_sex <- d[is_sex]
d_autosome <- d[!is_sex]
r_autosome <- rank(d_autosome) # NA will be counted and placed at the end.
# Get the ranks of sexual cpgs based on ranks of autosomal cpgs;
# rule=2 means the value at the closest data extreme is used when new x is greater than max(x)
r_sex <- approx(d_autosome, r_autosome, d_sex, ties = mean, rule=2)$y
# Produce the final values of non-NA autosomal cpgs based on their ranks
notna <- !is.na(d_autosome)
nobsj <- sum(notna)
d[!is_sex][notna] <- rank2mean((r_autosome[notna] - 1)/(nobsj - 1))
# Produce the final values of non-NA sexual cpgs based on their ranks
notna_sex <- !is.na(d_sex)
d[is_sex][notna_sex] <- rank2mean((r_sex[notna_sex] - 1)/(nobsj - 1))
uSexQNengine <- function(A, is_sex, cores=1) {
## A: a dataframe or matrix;
## chr: a vector, like c('1', '2', 'X', 'Y')
stopifnot(nrow(A) == length(is_sex))
A <- data.frame(A, check.names=FALSE)
A_autosome <- A[!is_sex, ]
n_1 <- nrow(A_autosome)
sort_Aa <- mclapply(A_autosome, sort_order, mc.cores=cores, tie=TRUE)
S_autosome <- sapply(sort_Aa, function(x) x$x)
m_autosome <- rowMeans(S_autosome)
# Get a function which gives relationships between orders and mean values.
i <- (0:(n_1 - 1))/(n_1 - 1)
rank2mean <- approxfun(i, m_autosome, ties = list("ordered", mean))
#rm(S_autosome, A_autosome, sort_Aa)
# For each sample, find its normalised values
A <- mclapply(A, tie_norm, is_sex=is_sex, mc.cores=cores, rank2mean=rank2mean)
A <- sapply(A, function(x) x)
p_dfsfit <- function (mn, onetwo, cores=1, roco=substring(colnames(mn), regexpr("R0[1-9]C0[1-9]", colnames(mn))), ...){
mn <- data.frame(mn, check.names=FALSE)
mdf <- mclapply(mn, dfs2, onetwo, mc.cores=cores)
mdf <- sapply(mdf, function(x) x)
if (!is.null(roco)) {
scol <- as.numeric(substr(roco, 6, 6))
srow <- as.numeric(substr(roco, 3, 3))
fit <- try(lm(mdf ~ srow + scol), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
mdf <- fit$fitted.values
else {
message("Sentrix position model failed, skipping")
otcor <- matrix(rep(mdf, sum(onetwo == "I")), byrow = T, nrow = sum(onetwo == "I"))
mn[onetwo == "I", ] <- mn[onetwo == "I", ] - otcor
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