# SVTable Class
# -----------------------
# Represents a table for summary (S) and variation (V)
# ########################
# Copyright (C) 2020 Nunes IJG et al
#' @include asserts.R
#' @include classhelpers.R
#' @include generics.R
#' @include usecasechecks.R
#' @include vectorhelpers.R
#' @include callhelpers.R
#' @include plotting.R
#' @title Summary-Variation Table
#' @description The `SVTable` class stores a `matrix` composed by two columns: `S` (for *summary*) and `V` (for *variation*).
#' This class is inherited by [`GEVASummary-class`].
#' @slot sv `matrix` composed by two columns: `S` (summary) and `V` (variation)
#' @note The matrix from `sv` slot can be `numeric`, `character`, or any other supported type by `matrix`. The same slot from [`GEVASummary-class`], however, is always a numeric `matrix`.
#' @aliases SVTable
#' @examples
#' ## Creates a SV-table where:
#' # - S has elements from 1 to 10; and
#' # - V has elements from 10 to 1
#' svtab <- svtable(seq.int(1, 10), seq.int(10, 1))
#' @declareS4class
slots = c(
sv = 'matrix'
setMethod('initialize', 'SVTable',
function(.Object, ...)
argls = initialize.class.args(...)
sv = argls$sv
assert.names.equal(sv, colnames = c('S', 'V'))
.Object@sv = as.matrix(sv)
#' @category Constructor
#' @s4method Creates a SVTable from the vectors `S` and `V`
svtable <- function(S, V, row.names=NULL)
if (missing(V))
if (missing(S)) S = NA
V = rep(NA, length(S))
} else if (missing(S)) V = rep(NA, length(V))
assert.dim(S, length=length(V))
if (is.null(row.names))
row.names = if (is.named(S)) names(S) else if (is.named(V)) row.names = names(V) else as.character(seq_along(S))
sv = as.matrix(data.frame(S=S, V=V, row.names=row.names))
new('SVTable', sv=sv)
#' @category Properties
#' @s4method
setMethod('show', 'SVTable',
catline('Summary-Variation Table (SVTable-class)')
catline('Columns: S (summary), V (variation)')
catline('Rows (%d): %s', nrow(object), fmt.limit(rownames(object)))
#' @s4method
setMethod('[', c('SVTable', 'ANY', 'ANY', 'ANY'),
function(x, i, j, ... , drop = TRUE)
#' @s4method
setMethod('$', 'SVTable',
function(x, name)
if (name %in% c('S', 's', 'summary')) return(summary(x))
if (name %in% c('V', 'v', 'variation')) return(variation(x))
#' @category Plotting
#' @s4method Draws a SV-plot. The horizontal axis is for *summary* (S) and the vertical axis is for *variation* (V)
setMethod('plot', c('SVTable', 'missing'),
function(x, y, ...)
call.plot(sv(x), ...)
# S4 Methods
#' @s4method
#' @s4accessor
setMethod('sv', 'SVTable', function(object) object@sv)
#' @category Dimension accessors
#' @s4method Gets the dimensions from the `sv` slot
setMethod('dim', 'SVTable', function(x) dim(sv(x)))
#' @s4method Gets a \code{list} with the row and column names from the `sv` slot. \cr Individual dimension names can also be accessed through \code{rownames} and \code{colnames}
setMethod('dimnames', 'SVTable', function(x) dimnames(sv(x)))
#' @s4method Returns the number of rows in the `sv` slot
setMethod('length', 'SVTable', function(x) nrow(sv(x)))
#' @s4method Always returns `c('S', 'V')`
setMethod('names', 'SVTable', function(x) colnames(sv(x)))
#' @category Alternative accessors
#' @s4method Equivalent to returning this object itself
setMethod('sv.data', 'SVTable', function(object) object)
# S3 Methods
#' @category Alternative accessors
#' @s3method Returns the `S` column
summary.SVTable <- function(object, ...) sv(object)[, 'S']
#' @s3method Returns the `V` column
variation.SVTable <- function(object, ...) sv(object)[, 'V']
#' @category Subsetting
#' @s3method Returns the first parts of the matrix contents
head.SVTable <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) head(sv(x), n=n, ...)
#' @s3method Returns the last parts of the matrix contents
tail.SVTable <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) tail(sv(x), n=n, ...)
#' @category Validation
#' @s3method
is.na.SVTable <- function(x) is.na(sv(x))
#' @category Conversion and coercion
#' @s3method
as.matrix.SVTable <- function(x, ...) sv(x)
#' @s3method
as.data.frame.SVTable <- function(x, ...) as.data.frame(sv(x))
#' @s3method
as.SVTable.matrix <- function(x, row.names=rownames(x), ...) if(all(c('S', 'V') %in% colnames(x))) svtable(x[,'S'], x[,'V'], row.names = row.names) else svtable(x[,1], x[,2], row.names = row.names)
#' @s3method
as.SVTable.data.frame <- function(x, row.names=rownames(x), ...) if(all(c('S', 'V') %in% names(x))) svtable(x$S, x$V, row.names=row.names) else svtable(x[,1], x[,2], row.names=row.names)
#' @s3method Returns the same object
as.SVTable.SVTable <- function(x, ...) x
#' @category Plotting
#' @s3method Draws the SV points in the plot
points.SVTable <- function(x, ...) call.plot(sv(x), ..., plotfn = points.default)
#' @category Formatting and evaluation
#' @s3method
with.SVTable <- function(data, expr, ...)
dt = as.data.frame(data)
eval(substitute(expr), dt, ...)
#' @s3method
format.SVTable <- function(x, ...) format(sv(x), ...)
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