# In this file, we define the MgsaGoSets class and some functions to
# create usable objects from it.
#' @include MgsaSets-class.R
######## Class definitions
#### MgsaGoSets
#' This class represents gene ontology annotations.
#' For now, it is identical to the parental class \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @title Gene Ontology annotations
#' @seealso \code{\link{readGAF}}
#' @exportClass MgsaGoSets
contains = c("MgsaSets"),
representation = representation(
#' This functions takes a 1:1 mapping of go.ids to items and returns
#' a full MgsaGOSets instance. The structure of GO is gathered from GO.db. It
#' is sufficient to specify just the directly asserted mapping (or annotation),
#' i.e., the most specific ones. The true path rule is taken account, that is, if an
#' item is annotated to a term then it will be also annotated to more general
#' terms (some people prefer to say that just the transitive closure is calculated).
#' @param go.ids a character vector of GO ids (GO:00001234)
#' @param items a vector of identifiers that are annotated to the term
#' in the corresponding position of the go.ids vector.
#' @export readGAF
if (length(go.ids) != length(items))
stop("Arguments go.ids and items differ in length.")
# Prepare the data base stuff
drv <- DBI::dbDriver("SQLite")
annotation.file <- tempfile()
annotation.con <- DBI::dbConnect(drv, dbname = annotation.file)
# We now attach the GO Database
attachSQL = paste("ATTACH '", GO.db::GO_dbfile(), "' AS goDB;", sep = "")
DBI::dbGetQuery(annotation.con, attachSQL)
# We now make our call
# Basically, we query terms of which annotated term is a offspring.
# All those terms are also annotated to the gene. We union all sub ontologies.
# We also need to consider the direct annotations (hence the 4th SELECT statement).
all<-DBI::dbGetQuery(annotation.con, paste("SELECT DISTINCT ga.items AS items,go_bp_offspring._id AS id, go2.go_id AS go_id",
"FROM ga,goDB.go_term,goDB.go_bp_offspring,goDB.go_term as go2",
"WHERE ga.go_id = goDB.go_term.go_id AND goDB.go_term._id = goDB.go_bp_offspring._offspring_id AND goDB.go_bp_offspring._id = go2._id",
"UNION SELECT DISTINCT ga.items AS items,go_cc_offspring._id AS id, go2.go_id AS go_id",
"FROM ga,goDB.go_term,goDB.go_cc_offspring,goDB.go_term as go2",
"WHERE ga.go_id = goDB.go_term.go_id AND goDB.go_term._id = goDB.go_cc_offspring._offspring_id AND goDB.go_cc_offspring._id = go2._id",
"UNION SELECT DISTINCT ga.items AS items,go_mf_offspring._id AS id, go2.go_id AS go_id",
"FROM ga,goDB.go_term,goDB.go_mf_offspring,goDB.go_term as go2",
"WHERE ga.go_id = goDB.go_term.go_id AND goDB.go_term._id = goDB.go_mf_offspring._offspring_id AND goDB.go_mf_offspring._id = go2._id",
"UNION SELECT DISTINCT ga.items AS items,goDB.go_term._id,goDB.go_term.go_id AS go_id FROM ga,goDB.go_term WHERE ga.go_id = goDB.go_term.go_id"))
term.anno.db<-DBI::dbGetQuery(annotation.con,"SELECT go_id,term,definition FROM goDB.go_term");
# Cleanup
DBI::dbGetQuery(annotation.con, "DETACH goDB" )
# Map to unique gene ids
#' Creates a MgsaGoSets using gene ontology annotations provided by a file in GAF 1.0 or 2.0
#' format.
#' The function extracts from the annotation file all direct gene annotations and infers from the Gene Ontology all the indirect annotations (due to term relationships).
#' This is done using the package \code{Go.db} which provides the ontology as a database and \code{RSQLite} for querying the database.
#' @title Read a Gene Ontology annotation file
#' @usage readGAF(filename, evidence=NULL, aspect=c("P", "F", "C"))
#' @param filename The name of the Gene Ontology annotation file. It must be in the GAF 1.0 or 2.0 format. It may be gzip-compressed.
#' @param evidence \code{character} or \code{NULL}. Only annotations with evidence code in \code{evidence} are returned. If \code{NULL} (default), annotations of all evidence codes are returned.
#' @param aspect \code{character} with values in P, C or F. Only annotations of the listed GO namespaces P (biological process), F (molecular function) or C (cellular component) are returned. By default, annotations of the three namespaces are returned.
#' @return An \code{\linkS4class{MgsaGoSets}} object.
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{MgsaGoSets}}, \code{\link{mgsa}}
#' @references The Gene Ontology Consortium. Gene Ontology: tool for the unification of biology. Nature Genetics, 2000.
#' The GAF file format: \url{http://www.geneontology.org/GO.format.annotation.shtml}
#' GO evidence codes: \url{http://www.geneontology.org/GO.evidence.shtml}
#' @examples ## parsing provided example file (yeast)
#' gofile = system.file("example_files/gene_association_head.sgd", package="mgsa")
#' readGAF(gofile)
#' ## only annoations infered from experiment or a direct assay
#' readGAF(gofile, evidence=c("EXP", "IDA"))
#' @export readGAF
readGAF = function(filename, evidence=NULL, aspect=c("P", "F", "C")){
## the column IDs of interest according to GAF 1.0 and 2.0
gene.id.col = 2
symbol.col = 3
go.id.col = 5
evidence.col = 7
aspect.col = 9
name.col = 10
## validity of parameters
if( !( is.null(evidence) | is.character(evidence) ) )
stop("evidence must be NULL or a character vector.")
if(!all(aspect %in% c("P", "F", "C")))
stop("aspect must be a character vector with all entries in c(\"P\", \"F\", \"C\")")
## reading the file
goa = read.delim(gzfile(filename), na.strings = "", header=FALSE, comment.char = "!", sep="\t")
## remove associations with NOT qualifiers
goa <- goa[goa$V4 != "NOT" | is.na(goa$V4) > 0,]
goa = na.omit(
data.frame (
go.ids = goa[,go.id.col],
gene.ids = goa[, gene.id.col],
evidence.code = goa[, evidence.col],
symbol = goa[, symbol.col],
name = goa[, name.col],
aspect.code = goa[,aspect.col]
goa <- goa[goa$aspect.code %in% aspect, ]
goa <- goa[goa$evidence.code %in% evidence, ]
warning("No genes with annotations. Are the evidence codes too restrictive?")
return( new("MgsaGoSets") )
sets = createMgsaGoSets(go.ids=goa$go.ids, items=goa$gene.ids)
item.annot <- unique(goa[, c("gene.ids", "symbol","name")])
if (any(duplicated(item.annot$gene.ids))) stop("At least one DB object ID has multiple DB object symbols or names in gene ontology annotation file.")
sets@itemAnnotations <- data.frame(
row.names = item.annot[, "gene.ids"],
symbol = as.character(item.annot[, "symbol"]),
name = as.character(item.annot[, "name"])
sets@itemAnnotations <- sets@itemAnnotations[names(sets@itemName2ItemIndex),,drop=FALSE]
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