
Defines functions PrepareData2Send Update_Data2send_Vector ResetChildren GetValuesFromChildren ActionOn_Child_Changed

Documented in ActionOn_Child_Changed GetValuesFromChildren PrepareData2Send ResetChildren Update_Data2send_Vector

#' @title xxx
#' @description 
#' # A process has changed
# Either it has returned a value (newValue contains a dataset)
# or it has been reseted (newValue is NULL)

#' @param temp.dataIn xxx
#' @param dataIn xxx
#' @param steps.status xxx
#' @param steps A vector of names which are the names of the steps
#' in the process
#' @param steps.enabled xxx
#' @param steps.skipped xxx
#' @param processHasChanged A character(1) which is the name of the process
#' which has changed its return value.
#' @param newValue The new value given by the step which has changed.
#' It can be either NULL (the process has been reseted) or contain
#' a dataset (the process has been validated and returned the result
#' of its calculations) 
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @export
ActionOn_Child_Changed <- function(temp.dataIn,
  # Indice of the dataset in the object
  # If the original length is not 1, then this indice is different
  # than the above one
  ind.processHasChanged <- which(steps==processHasChanged)
  len <- length(steps)
  if (is.null(newValue)){
    # A process has been reseted
    # One take the last validated step (before the one 
    # corresponding to processHasChanges
    # but it is straightforward because we just updates rv$status
    steps.status[ind.processHasChanged:len] <-  global$UNDONE
    steps.enabled[(ind.processHasChanged+1):len] <- FALSE
    steps.enabled[ind.processHasChanged] <- TRUE
    steps.skipped[ind.processHasChanged:len] <- FALSE
    validated.steps <- which(steps.status == global$VALIDATED)
    if (length(validated.steps) > 0)
      ind.last.validated <- max(validated.steps)
      ind.last.validated <- 0
    # There is no validated step (the first step has been reseted)
    if(ind.last.validated %in% c(0,1))
      dataIn <- temp.dataIn
    else {
      name.last.validated <- steps[ind.last.validated]
      dataIn.ind.last.validated <- which(names(dataIn) == name.last.validated)
      dataIn <- Keep_Datasets_from_Object(object = dataIn, 
                                          range = seq_len(dataIn.ind.last.validated))
  } else {
    # A process has been validated
    steps.status[processHasChanged] <- global$VALIDATED
    if (ind.processHasChanged < len)
      steps.status[(1 + ind.processHasChanged):len] <- global$UNDONE
    steps.status <- Discover_Skipped_Steps(steps.status)
    dataIn <- newValue

    list(dataIn = dataIn,
         steps.status = steps.status,
         steps.enabled = steps.enabled,
         steps.skipped = steps.skipped

#' @title xxxx
#' @description xxx
#' @param config xxxx
#' @param tmp.return xxx
#' @export
GetValuesFromChildren <- function(config,
  # Get the trigger values for each steps of the module
  return.trigger.values <- setNames(lapply(config@steps, function(x){tmp.return[[x]]$dataOut()$trigger}),
                                    nm = config@steps)
  # Replace NULL values by NA
  return.trigger.values[sapply(return.trigger.values, is.null)] <- NA
  triggerValues <- unlist(return.trigger.values)
  # Get the values returned by each step of the modules
  return.values <- setNames(lapply(config@steps, function(x){tmp.return[[x]]$dataOut()$value}),
                            nm = config@steps)
list(triggers = triggerValues,
     values = unlist(return.values)

#' @title xxxx
#' @description xxx
#' @param range xxxx
#' @param resetChildren xxx
#' @export
ResetChildren <- function(range, 
  if (verbose)
  resetChildren[range] <- 1 + resetChildren[range]

#' @title xxxx
#' @description xxx
#' @param rv xxxx
#' @export
Update_Data2send_Vector <- function(rv){
  # One only update the current position because the vector has been entirely
  # initialized to NULL so the other processes are already ready to be sent
  ind.last.validated <- GetMaxValidated_BeforePos(rv = rv)
  if (is.null(ind.last.validated))
    data <- rv$temp.dataIn
    data <- Keep_Datasets_from_Object(object = rv$dataIn,
                                      range = seq_len(ind.last.validated + rv$original.length -1)

#' @title xxxx
#' @description xxx
#' @param rv xxxx
#' @param pos xxx
#' @export
PrepareData2Send <- function(rv, pos){
  # Returns NULL to all modules except the one pointed by the current position
  # Initialization of the pipeline : one send dataIn() to the
  # first module
  # The dataset to send is contained in the variable 'rv$dataIn'
  # Initialize vector to all NULL values
  data2send <- setNames(
    lapply(rv$config@steps, function(x){NULL}),
    nm = rv$config@steps)
  if (is.null(rv$dataIn)){ # Init of core engine
    # Only the first process will receive the data
    data2send[[1]] <- rv$temp.dataIn
    # The other processes are by default disabled.
    # If they have to be enabled, they will be by another function later
    lapply(seq_len(length(rv$config@steps)), function(x){
      rv$steps.enabled[x] <- x==1
  } else{
    current.step.name <- rv$config@steps[rv$current.pos]
    data2send[[current.step.name]] <- Update_Data2send_Vector(rv)
  if (verbose) {
    cat('<----------------- Data sent to children ------------------> \n')
    cat('<----------------------------------------------------> \n')
    list(data2send = data2send,
         steps.enabled = rv$steps.enabled
samWieczorek/Magellan documentation built on March 30, 2022, 3:40 a.m.