#' @title Creates an object of class `QFeatures` from text file.
#' @description
#' Creates an object of class `QFeatures` from a
#' single tabulated-like file for quantitative and meta-data and a dataframe
#' for the samples description.
#' @param data The name of a tab-separated file that contains the data.
#' @param file A `character(1)`. The name of a file xxx
#' @param sample A dataframe describing the samples (in lines).
#' @param indQData A vector of string where each element is the name
#' of a column in designTable that have to be integrated in
#' the `rowData()` table of the `QFeatures` object.
#' @param keyId A `character(1)` or `numeric(1)` which is the indice of the
#' column containing the ID of entities (peptides or proteins)
#' @param indexForMetacell xxxxxxxxxxx
#' @param force.na A `boolean` that indicates if the '0' and 'NaN' values of
#' quantitative values must be replaced by 'NA' (Default is FALSE)
#' @param typeDataset A string that indicates whether the dataset is about
#' @param parentProtId A `character(1)` For peptide entities, a string which
#' is the name of a column in rowData. It contains the id of parent proteins
#' and is used to generate adjacency matrix and process to aggregation.
#' @param analysis A `character(1)` which is the name of the MS study.
#' @param processes A vector of A `character()` which contains the name of
#' processes which has already been run on the data. Default is 'original'.
#' @param typePipeline A `character(1)` The type of pipeline used with this
#' dataset. The list of predefined pipelines in DaparToolshed can be obtained
#' with the function `pipelines()`. Default value is NULL
#' @param software A `character(1)`
#' @param name A `character(1)` which is the name of the assay in the
#' QFeatures object. Default is 'original'
#' @return An instance of class `QFeatures`.
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples inst/extdata/examples/ex_createQFeatures.R
#' @importFrom QFeatures readQFeatures
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages read.table
#' @export
#' @rdname import-export-QFeatures
createQFeatures <- function(data = NULL,
file = NULL,
keyId = "AutoID",
indexForMetacell = NULL,
force.na = TRUE,
parentProtId = NULL,
analysis = "foo",
processes = NULL,
typePipeline = NULL,
software = NULL,
name = "original") {
# Check parameters validity
if (missing(data) && missing(file)) {
stop("Either 'data' or 'file' is required")
} else if (!missing(data) && !missing(file)) {
stop("Only 'data' or 'file' is required at a time. Please choose
one of them.")
if (!missing(data) && !is(data, "data.frame")) {
stop("'data' must be a data.frame")
if (!missing(file)) {
if (!is(file, "xxx")) {
stop("'file' must be a connection")
} else {
data <- read.table(file,
header = TRUE,
sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (missing(sample)) {
stop("'sample' is required")
} else if (!is(sample, "data.frame")) {
stop("'sample' must be a data.frame")
if (missing(indQData)) {
stop("'indQData' is required")
# else if (!is.numeric(indQData)) {
# stop("'indQData' must be a vector of integer")
# }
if (missing(indexForMetacell)) {
stop("'indexForMetacell' is required")
# else if (!is.numeric(indexForMetacell)) {
# stop("'indexForMetacell' must be a vector of integer")
# }
if (!is.null(keyId) && !is.character(keyId)) {
stop("'keyId' must be either NULL nor a string")
if (missing(typeDataset)) {
stop("'typeDataset' is required")
# Standardize all colnames
colnames(data) <- ReplaceSpecialChars(colnames(data))
if (is.numeric(indQData))
indQData <- colnames(data)[indQData]
if (is.numeric(indexForMetacell))
indexForMetacell <- colnames(data)[indexForMetacell]
# Standardizes names
keyId <- ReplaceSpecialChars(keyId)
typeDataset <- ReplaceSpecialChars(typeDataset)
parentProtId <- ReplaceSpecialChars(parentProtId)
analysis <- ReplaceSpecialChars(analysis)
#processes <- ReplaceSpecialChars(processes)
typePipeline <- ReplaceSpecialChars(typePipeline)
software <- ReplaceSpecialChars(software)
if (keyId == "AutoID") {
auto <- rep(paste(typeDataset, "_", seq_len(nrow(data)), sep = ""))
data <- cbind(data, AutoID = auto)
rownames(data) <- auto
} else {
rownames(data) <- data[, keyId]
# Creates the QFeatures object
obj <- QFeatures::readQFeatures(data,
ecol = indQData,
name = "original",
fnames = keyId
## Encoding the sample data
sample <- lapply(sample, function(x) {ReplaceSpecialChars(x)})
design.qf(obj) <- sample
# Get the metacell info
tmp.qMetacell <- NULL
if (!is.null(indexForMetacell)) {
tmp.qMetacell <- data[, indexForMetacell]
#tmp.qMetacell <- apply(tmp.qMetacell, 2, tolower)
#tmp.qMetacell <- apply(tmp.qMetacell, 2, function(x) gsub("\\s", "", x))
tmp.qMetacell <- as.data.frame(tmp.qMetacell, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(tmp.qMetacell) <- gsub(".", "_", colnames(tmp.qMetacell), fixed = TRUE)
qMetacell <- BuildMetacell(from = software,
level = typeDataset,
qdata = assay(obj),
conds = colData(obj)$Condition,
df = tmp.qMetacell
colnames(qMetacell) <- gsub(".", "_", colnames(qMetacell), fixed = TRUE)
# Add the quantitative cell metadata info
qMetacell(obj[["original"]]) <- qMetacell
# Remove the identification columns which became useless
.ind <- -match(indexForMetacell, colnames(rowData(obj[[1]])))
rowData(obj[[1]]) <- rowData(obj[[1]])[, .ind]
if (force.na) {
obj <- QFeatures::zeroIsNA(obj, seq_along(obj))
# Enrich the metadata for whole QFeatures object
S4Vectors::metadata(obj)$versions <- ProstarVersions()
S4Vectors::metadata(obj)$analysis <- list(
analysis = analysis
#typePipeline = typePipeline
#processes = c("original", processes)
# Fill the metadata for the first assay
typeDataset(obj[["original"]]) <- typeDataset
if (tolower(typeDataset) == 'peptide')
idcol(obj[["original"]]) <- keyId
if (tolower(typeDataset) == "peptide") {
parentProtId(obj[["original"]]) <- parentProtId
# Create the adjacency matrix
#X <- PSMatch::makeAdjacencyMatrix(rowData(obj[[1]])[, parentProtId])
#rownames(X) <- rownames(rowData(obj[[1]]))
#adjacencyMatrix(obj[[1]]) <- X
# Create the connected components
#ConnectedComp(obj[[1]]) <- PSMatch::ConnectedComponents(X)
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