##' @title Filter features of one SE based on their rowData
##' @description
##' The `filterFeaturesOneSE` methods enables users to filter features
##' based on a variable in their `rowData`. It is directly inspired of the
##' function `filterFeature` of the package `QFeatures`.
##' The first difference is that the filter only applies to one
##' `SummarizedExperiment` contained in the object rather than applying on
##' all the SE.
##' This method generates a new `SummarizedExperiment` object which is added
##' to the `QFeatures` object. If the SE on which the filter applies is the
##' last one of the object, then a new xxxx. If it is not the last one, the
##' new SE is added and all the further SE are deleted. The features matching
##' the. The filters can be provided as instances of class `AnnotationFilter`
##' (see the package `QFeatures`) or of class `FunctionFilter` (see below).
##' @section Function filters:
##' The function filters are filters as defined in the
##' [DaparToolshed] package. Each filter is defined by a name (which is the
##' name of a function) and a list which contains the parameters passed to the
##' function. Those filters can be created with the `FunctionFilter`
##' constructor.
##' Those functions are divided into two main categories:
##' - the one that filter on one rowData feature,
##' - the one based on a two-dimensional information such as the adjacency
##' matrix
##' for the first category, all filters of class [AnnotationFilter] can be
##' used as they are used in `QFeatures`
##' For the second category, the package `DaparToolshed` provides filter
##' functions based either on the adjacency matrix:
##' - [DaparToolshed::topnPeptides()]: xxxx
##' - [DaparToolshed::sharedPeptides()]: xxx
##' - [DaparToolshed::specPeptides()]: xxx
##' Or based on the quantitative metadata (identification):
##' - [DaparToolshed::qMetacellWholeMatrix()]: xxx
##' - [DaparToolshed::qMetacellWholeLine()]: xxx
##' - [DaparToolshed::qMetacellOnConditions()]: xxx
##' @return A filtered `QFeature` object
##' @author Samuel Wieczorek
##' @name QFeatures-filtering-oneSE
##' @rdname QFeatures-filtering-oneSE
##' @aliases filterFeaturesOneSE filterFeaturesOneSE, DaparToolsehd,
##' FunctionFilter, VariableFilter
##' @examples
##' ## ----------------------------------------
##' ## Creating function filters
##' ## ----------------------------------------
##' FunctionFilter('FUN',
##' param1 = 'value_of_param1',
##' param2 = 'value_of_param2')
##' FunctionFilter('qMetacellWholeLine',
##' cmd = 'delete',
##' pattern = 'imputed POV')
##' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
##' ## Filter the last assay to keep only specific peptides. This filter
##' ## only applies on peptide dataset.
##' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
##' spec.filter <- FunctionFilter('specPeptides', list())
##' ## using a user-defined character filter
##' filterFeaturesOneSE(feat1, list(FunctionFilter('specPeptides', list())))
##' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
##' ## Filter the last assay to keep only specific peptides and topn
##' ## peptides. The two filters are run sequentially.
##' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
##' lst.filters <- list(FunctionFilter('specPeptides', list()))
##' lst.filters <- append(lst.filters,
##' FunctionFilter('topnPeptides',
##' fun = 'rowSums',
##' top = 2))
##' filterFeaturesOneSE(feat1, lst.filters)
##' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
##' ## Filter the last assay to delete peptides where, in at least one
##' ## condition, there is less than 80% of samples marked as 'imputed POV'
##' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
##' filter <- FunctionFilter('qMetacellOnConditions',
##' cmd = 'delete',
##' mode = 'AtLeastOneCond',
##' pattern = 'imputed POV',
##' conds = colData(ft)$Condition,
##' percent = TRUE,
##' th = 0.8,
##' operator = '<')
##' filterFeaturesOneSE(feat1, filter)
##' @exportClass FunctionFilter
##' @rdname QFeatures-filtering-oneSE
slots = c(
name = "character",
params = "list"
prototype = list(
name = character(1),
params = list()
##' @param name `character(1)` refering to the name of the function
##' to apply the filter on.
##' @param ... Additional arguments
##' @export FunctionFilter
##' @rdname QFeatures-filtering-oneSE
##' @importFrom methods new
FunctionFilter <- function(name, ...) {
name = name,
params = list(...)
##' @param object An instance of class `QFeatures` or `SummarizedExperiment`.
##' @param i The index or name of the assay which features will be
##' filtered the create the new assay.
##' @param name A `character(1)` naming the new assay. Default is
##' `newAssay`. Note that the function will fail if there's
##' already an assay with `name`.
##' @param filters A `list()` containing instances of class `AnnotationFilter`
##' or `FunctionFilter`
##' @exportMethod filterFeaturesOneSE
##' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
##' @rdname QFeatures-filtering-oneSE
"filterFeaturesOneSE", "QFeatures",
function(object, i, name = "newAssay", filters) {
if (length(object) == 0) {
if (name %in% names(object)) {
stop("There's already an assay named '", name, "'.")
if (missing(i)) {
i <- length(object)
if (missing(filters)) {
## Create the aggregated assay
new.se <- filterFeaturesOneSE(object[[i]], filters)
## Add the assay to the QFeatures object
object <- addAssay(object,
name = name
if (nrow(new.se) > 0) {
idcol <- S4Vectors::metadata(object[[i]])$idcol
if (is.null(idcol)) {
S4Vectors::metadata(object[[i]])$idcol <- "_temp_ID_"
idcol <- "_temp_ID_"
## Link the input assay to the aggregated assay
object <- addAssayLink(object,
from = names(object)[i],
to = name,
varFrom = idcol,
varTo = idcol
##' @importFrom BiocGenerics do.call
##' @importFrom AnnotationFilter field
##' @exportMethod filterFeaturesOneSE
##' @rdname QFeatures-filtering-oneSE
"filterFeaturesOneSE", "SummarizedExperiment",
function(object, filters) {
for (x in filters) {
if (inherits(x, "AnnotationFilter")) {
.tmp <- rowData(object)
sel <- if (AnnotationFilter::field(x) %in% names(.tmp)) {
.tmp[, AnnotationFilter::field(x)],
} else {
rep(FALSE, nrow(.tmp))
object <- object[sel]
} else if (inherits(x, "FunctionFilter")) {
object <- do.call(
list(object = object),
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