#' @title Heuristic to choose the value of the hyperparameter
#' (fudge factor) used to regularize the variance estimator in the
#' likelihood ratio statistic
#' @description
#' #' fudge2LRT: heuristic to choose the value of the hyperparameter
#' (fudge factor) used to regularize the variance estimator in the
#' likelihood ratio statistic (as implemented in samLRT). We follow
#' the heuristic described in \[1\] and adapt the code of the fudge2
#' function in the siggene R package.
#' \[1\] Tusher, Tibshirani and Chu, Significance analysis of
#' microarrays applied to the ionizing radiation response, PNAS 2001
#' 98: 5116-5121, (Apr 24).
#' @param lmm.res.h0 a vector of object containing the estimates (used to
#' compute the statistic) under H0 for each connected component. If
#' the fast version of the estimator was used (as implemented in this
#' package), lmm.res.h0 is a vector containing averages of squared
#' residuals. If a fixed effect model was used, it is a vector of lm
#' objects and if a mixed effect model was used it is a vector or lmer
#' object.
#' @param lmm.res.h1 similar to lmm.res.h0, a vector of object containing
#' the estimates (used to compute the statistic) under H1 for each
#' protein.
#' @param cc a list containing the indices of peptides and proteins
#' belonging to each connected component.
#' @param n the number of samples used in the test
#' @param p the number of proteins in the experiment
#' @param s a vector containing the maximum likelihood estimate of the
#' variance for the chosen model. When using the fast version of the
#' estimator implemented in this package, this is the same thing as
#' the input lmm.res.h1. For other models (e.g. mixed models) it can
#' be obtained from samLRT.
#' @param alpha A vector of proportions used to build candidate values for
#' the regularizer. We use quantiles of s with these
#' proportions. Default to seq(0, 1, 0.05)
#' @param include.zero logical value indicating if 0 should be included in
#' the list of candidates. Default to TRUE.
#' @return (same as the fudge2 function of siggene):
#' s.zero: the value of the fudge factor s0.
#' alpha.hat: the optimal quantile of the 's' values. If s0=0, 'alpha.hat'
#' will not be returned.
#' vec.cv: the vector of the coefficients of variations. Following
#' Tusher et al. (2001), the optimal 'alpha' quantile is given
#' by the quantile that leads to the smallest CV of the modified
#' test statistics.
#' msg: a character string summarizing the most important information
#' about the fudge factor.
#' @author Thomas Burger, Laurent Jacob
#' @export
#' @examples
fudge2LRT <- function(lmm.res.h0,
alpha = seq(0, 1, 0.05),
include.zero = TRUE) {
if (max(alpha) > 1 || min(alpha) < 0) {
stop("alpha has to be between 0 and 1")
if (any(round(100 * alpha, 10) != round(100 * alpha, 0))) {
"At least one alpha is not a percentile. Only the first two
decimal digits are retained."
alpha <- signif(alpha, 2)
if (length(alpha) == 1) {
s.zero <- stats::quantile(s, alpha)
msg <- paste("s0 =", round(s.zero, 4), " (The", 100 *
alpha, "% quantile of the s values.) \n \n")
s.zero = s.zero, alpha.hat = alpha,
vec.cv = NULL, msg = msg
fudge.quan <- stats::quantile(s, alpha)
fudge.quan <- sort(c(fudge.quan, 2 * fudge.quan), decreasing = FALSE)
if (include.zero) {
fudge.quan <- c(0, fudge.quan)
n.alpha <- length(fudge.quan)
## n.pep <- rep(NA, p)
## for(ee in cc){
## ee <- as.numeric(ee)
## pp <- ee[ee <= p]
## n.pep[pp] <- sum(ee > p)
## }
d.mat <- sapply(fudge.quan, FUN = function(s1) {
sam.res <- samLRT(lmm.res.h0, lmm.res.h1, cc, n, p, s1)
## (n*n.pep) * exp(llr)^(-(2/(n*n.pep))) # Hotelling T2
exp(sam.res$llr.sam)^(-(2 / (sam.res$sample.sizes))) # Hotelling T2
# r/outer(s, fudge.quan, "+")
## print(str(d.mat))
n.uni.s <- length(unique(s))
if (n.uni.s < 25) {
"For the computation of the fugde factor,", "\n",
"there should be at least 25 genes with differing
standard deviations."
n.int <- ifelse(n.uni.s > 500, 101, floor(n.uni.s / 5))
quan <- stats::quantile(s, seq(0, 1, le = n.int))
quan <- unique(round(quan, 8))
n.int <- length(quan)
int.s <- as.numeric(cut(s, quan, include.lowest = TRUE, right = FALSE))
## print(cbind(int.s, s))
mad.mat <- matrix(0, n.int - 1, ncol(d.mat))
for (i in seq_len(n.int - 1)) {
mad.mat[i, ] <- apply(d.mat[which(int.s == i), ,
drop = FALSE], 2, stats::mad)
cv <- function(x) {
stats::sd(x) / mean(x)
vec.cv <- apply(mad.mat, 2, cv)
## print(fudge.quan)
## x11()
## plot(fudge.quan, vec.cv)
which.min <- which(vec.cv == min(vec.cv))
if (include.zero & which.min == 1) {
msg <- "s0 = 0 \n \n"
s.zero <- 0
invisible(return(list(s.zero = s.zero, vec.cv = vec.cv, msg = msg)))
s.zero <- fudge.quan[which.min]
if (include.zero) {
which.min <- which.min - 1
alpha.hat <- alpha[which.min]
msg <- paste(
"s0 =", round(s.zero, 4), " (The", 100 * alpha.hat,
"% quantile of the s values.)", "\n", "\n"
alpha.hat = alpha.hat, s.zero = s.zero,
vec.cv = vec.cv, msg = msg
#' @title xxxxxx
#' @param X an n.pep*n.prot indicator matrix.
#' @param y1 n.pep*n.samples matrice giving the observed counts for
## each peptide in each sample from the condition 1
#' @param y2 n.pep*n.samples matrice giving the observed counts for
## each peptide in each sample from the condition 2
#' @return xxxxxxxxxx..
#' @author Thomas Burger, Laurent Jacob
#' @export
#' @examples
LH0 <- function(X, y1, y2) {
n <- ncol(y1) + ncol(y2)
ss <- norm(y1, "F")^2 + norm(y2, "F")^2 - n * norm(
matrix(rowMeans(cbind(y1, y2)), ncol = 1), "F")^2
return(list(ss = ss))
#' @title xxxxxx
#' @param X an n.pep*n.prot indicator matrix.
#' @param y1 n.pep*n.samples matrice giving the observed counts for
## each peptide in each sample from the condition 1
#' @param y2 n.pep*n.samples matrice giving the observed counts for
## each peptide in each sample from the condition 2
#' @param j the index of the protein being tested, ie which has different
## expression in the two conditions under H1
#' @return xxxxxxxxxx..
#' @author Thomas Burger, Laurent Jacob
#' @export
#' @examples
LH1 <- function(X, y1, y2, j) {
n1 <- ncol(y1)
n2 <- ncol(y2)
n <- n1 + n2
xj <- X[, j, drop = FALSE]
ss <- norm(y1, "F")^2 + norm(y2, "F")^2 - n *
sum(rowMeans(cbind(y1, y2))^2) - (sum((xj / norm(xj, "F")) *
(rowMeans(y1) - rowMeans(y2)))^2) * (n1 * n2 / n)
return(list(ss = ss))
#' @title xxxxxx
#' @param X an n.pep*n.prot indicator matrix.
#' @param y1 n.pep*n.samples matrice giving the observed counts for
#' each peptide in each sample from the condition 1
#' @param y2 n.pep*n.samples matrice giving the observed counts for
#' each peptide in each sample from the condition 2
#' @return xxxxxxxxxx..
#' @author Thomas Burger, Laurent Jacob
#' @export
#' @examples
LH0.lm <- function(X, y1, y2) {
Ytilde <- matrix(c(as.vector(y1), as.vector(y2)), ncol = 1)
p <- ncol(X)
q <- nrow(X)
n <- ncol(y1) + ncol(y2)
Xcommon <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", rep(list(X), n)),
row.names = as.character(seq_len(n * q)))
## Remove proteins containing all peptides (already represented as
## the offset in the linear model)
rem.mask <- unlist(lapply(Xcommon,
FUN = function(v) length(unique(v)) == 1))
if (sum(rem.mask) == p) {
if (q > 1) { # Only include a peptide effect if there is more than
# one peptide
Xpep <- factor(rep(rownames(X), n))
dataIn <- data.frame(
Y = Ytilde,
Xpep = Xpep,
row.names = as.character(seq_len(n * q))
lmm.res <- stats::lm(Y ~ 1 + Xpep, data = dataIn)
} else {
dataIn <- data.frame(
Y = Ytilde,
row.names = as.character(seq_len(n * q)))
lmm.res <- stats::lm(Y ~ 1, data = dataIn)
} else {
Xpep <- factor(rep(rownames(X), n))
Xcommon <- lapply(Xcommon[!rem.mask], factor)
dataIn <- data.frame(
Y = Ytilde,
Xcommon = Xcommon,
Xpep = Xpep,
row.names = as.character(seq_len(n * q))
lmm.res <- stats::lm(Y ~ ., data = dataIn)
ll <- stats::logLik(lmm.res)
return(list(ll = ll, lmm.res = lmm.res))
#' @title xxxxxx
#' @param X an n.pep*n.prot indicator matrix.
#' @param y1 n.pep*n.samples matrix giving the observed counts for
## each peptide in each sample from the condition 1
#' @param y2 n.pep*n.samples matrix giving the observed counts for
## each peptide in each sample from the condition 2
#' @param j the index of the protein being tested, ie which has different
## expression in the two conditions under H1.
#' @return xxxxxxxxxx..
#' @author Thomas Burger, Laurent Jacob
#' @export
#' @examples
LH1.lm <- function(X, y1, y2, j) {
n1 <- ncol(y1)
n2 <- ncol(y2)
n <- n1 + n2
p <- ncol(X)
q <- nrow(X)
xj <- X[, j, drop = FALSE]
Xj <- factor(c(rep(xj, n1), rep(0, n2 * q)))
Xpep <- factor(rep(rownames(X), n))
Xcommon <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", rep(list(X), n)),
row.names = as.character(seq_len(n * q)))
## Remove proteins containing all peptides (already represented as
## the offset in the linear model)
rem.mask <- unlist(lapply(Xcommon,
FUN = function(v) length(unique(v)) == 1))
Ytilde <- matrix(c(as.vector(y1), as.vector(y2)), ncol = 1)
dataIn <- data.frame(Y = Ytilde, Xj = Xj, Xpep = Xpep,
row.names = as.character(seq_len(n * q)))
lmm.form <- "Y ~"
if (ncol(X) > 1 && sum(rem.mask) < p) {
Xcommon <- lapply(Xcommon[!rem.mask], factor)
dataIn <- c(dataIn, Xcommon)
lmm.form <- paste(lmm.form, " .-Xpep", sep = "+", collapse = "")
} else {
lmm.form <- paste(lmm.form, "Xj", sep = "+", collapse = "")
if (q > 1) {
# Only include a peptide effect if there is more than one peptide
# Xpep effect
lmm.form <- paste(lmm.form, " Xpep", sep = "+", collapse = "")
lmm.form <- stats::formula(lmm.form)
lmm.res <- stats::lm(lmm.form, data = dataIn)
} else {
lmm.form <- stats::formula(lmm.form)
lmm.res <- stats::lm(lmm.form, data = dataIn)
ll <- stats::logLik(lmm.res)
return(list(ll = ll, lmm.res = lmm.res))
#' @title xxxxxx
#' @description
#' This function computes a regularized version of the likelihood ratio
#' statistic. The regularization adds a user-input fudge factor s1 to
#' the variance estimator. This is straightforward when using a fixed
#' effect model (cases 'numeric' and 'lm') but requires some more care
#' when using a mixed model.
#' @param lmm.res.h0 a vector of object containing the estimates (used to
#' compute the statistic) under H0 for each connected component. If
#' the fast version of the estimator was used (as implemented in this
#' package), lmm.res.h0 is a vector containing averages of squared
#' residuals. If a fixed effect model was used, it is a vector of lm
#' objects and if a mixed effect model was used it is a vector or lmer
#' object.
#' @param lmm.res.h1 similar to lmm.res.h0, a vector of object containing
#' the estimates (used to compute the statistic) under H1 for each
#' protein.
#' @param cc a list containing the indices of peptides and proteins
#' belonging to each connected component.
#' @param n the number of samples used in the test
#' @param p the number of proteins in the experiment
#' @param s1 the fudge factor to be added to the variance estimate
#' @return llr.sam: a vector of numeric containing the regularized log
#' likelihood ratio statistic for each protein.
#' s: a vector containing the maximum likelihood estimate of the
#' variance for the chosen model. When using the fast version of the
#' estimator implemented in this package, this is the same thing as
#' the input lmm.res.h1.
#' lh1.sam: a vector of numeric containing the regularized log
#' likelihood under H1 for each protein.
#' lh0.sam: a vector of numeric containing the regularized log
#' likelihood under H0 for each connected component.
#' sample.sizes: a vector of numeric containing the sample size
#' (number of biological samples times number of peptides) for each
#' protein. This number is the same for all proteins within each
#' connected component.
#' @author Thomas Burger, Laurent Jacob
#' @export
#' @examples
samLRT <- function(lmm.res.h0, lmm.res.h1, cc, n, p, s1) {
pkgs.require(c("stats", "lme4"))
s <- lh1.sam <- llr.sam <- rep(NA, p)
lh0.sam <- rep(NA, length(cc))
sample.sizes <- rep(NA, p)
ii <- 0
for (ee in cc) {
ii <- ii + 1
ee <- as.numeric(ee)
local.prot <- ee[ee <= p]
local.pep <- ee[ee > p] - p
if (is(lmm.res.h0 == "numeric")) {
lh0.sam[ii] <- (lmm.res.h0[ii] + s1) * (length(local.pep) * n)
} else {
if (is(lmm.res.h0[[ii]], "lm")) {
lh0.sam[ii] <- (
mean(stats::residuals(lmm.res.h0[[ii]])^2) + s1) *
(length(local.pep) * n)
} else {
devcomp <- lme4::getME(lmm.res.h0[[ii]], "devcomp")
sigmaML2 <- devcomp$cmp["pwrss"] / devcomp$dims["n"]
lh0.sam[ii] <- -(devcomp$cmp["ldL2"] + devcomp$dims["n"] *
(1 + log(2 * pi * (sigmaML2 + s1)))) / 2
for (jj in local.prot) {
sample.sizes[jj] <- (length(local.pep) * n)
if (is(lmm.res.h1, "numeric")) {
lh1.sam[jj] <- (lmm.res.h1[jj] + s1) * (length(local.pep) * n)
llr.sam[jj] <- (length(local.pep) * n) *
(log(lh0.sam[ii]) - log(lh1.sam[jj]))
s[jj] <- lmm.res.h1[jj]
} else {
if (is(lmm.res.h1[[jj]], "lm")) {
s[jj] <- mean(stats::residuals(lmm.res.h1[[jj]])^2)
.op1 <- (mean(stats::residuals(lmm.res.h1[[jj]])^2) + s1)
.op2 <- (length(local.pep) * n)
lh1.sam[jj] <- .op1 * .op2
.op1 <- (length(local.pep) * n)
.op2 <- (log(lh0.sam[ii]) - log(lh1.sam[jj]))
llr.sam[jj] <- .op1 * .op2
} else {
devcomp <- lme4::getME(lmm.res.h1[[jj]], "devcomp")
sigmaML2 <- devcomp$cmp["pwrss"] / devcomp$dims["n"]
s[jj] <- sigmaML2
lh1.sam[jj] <- -(devcomp$cmp["ldL2"] + devcomp$dims["n"] *
(1 + log(2 * pi * (sigmaML2 + s1)))) / 2
llr.sam[jj] <- 2 * (lh1.sam[jj] - lh0.sam[ii])
llr.sam = llr.sam,
s = s,
lh1.sam = lh1.sam,
lh0.sam = lh0.sam,
sample.sizes = sample.sizes
#' @title PEptide based Protein differential Abundance test
#' @param X Binary q x p design matrix for q peptides and p
#' proteins. X_(ij)=1 if peptide i belongs to protein j, 0 otherwise.
#' @param y q x n matrix representing the log intensities of q peptides
#' among n MS samples.
#' @param n1 number of samples under condition 1. It is assumed that the first
#' n1 columns of y correspond to observations under condition 1.
#' @param n2 number of samples under condition 2.
#' @param global if TRUE, the test statistic for each protein uses all
#' residues, including the ones for peptides in different connected
#' components. Can be much faster as it does not require to compute
#' connected components. However the p-values are not well calibrated
#' in this case, as it amounts to adding a ridge to the test
#' statistic. Calibrating the p-value would require knowing the
#' amplitude of the ridge, which in turns would require computing the
#' connected components.
#' @param use.lm if TRUE (and if global=FALSE), use lm() rather than the result
#' in Proposition 1 to compute the test statistic
#' @return A list of the following elements:
#' llr: log likelihood ratio statistic (maximum likelihood version).
#' llr.map: log likelihood ratio statistic (maximum a posteriori version).
#' llr.pv: p-value for llr.
#' llr.map.pv: p-value for llr.map.
#' mse.h0: Mean squared error under H0
#' mse.h1: Mean squared error under H1
#' s: selected regularization hyperparameter for llr.map.
#' wchi2: weight used to make llr.map chi2-distributed under H0.
#' @author Thomas Burger, Laurent Jacob
#' @export
#' @examples
#' NA
pepa.test <- function(X,
global = FALSE,
use.lm = FALSE
) {
pkgs.require(c("graph", "stats"))
n <- n1 + n2
q <- nrow(X) # Number of peptides
p <- ncol(X) # Number of proteins
if (nrow(y) != q) {
stop("[pepa.test] y must have the same number of rows as X
(one per peptide)")
y1 <- y[, seq_len(n1)]
y2 <- y[, -(seq_len(n1))]
if (global) {
lik0 <- LH0(X, y1, y2)
mse.h0 <- lik0$ss / (q * n)
llr <- mse.h1 <- rep(NA, p)
for (jj in seq_len(p)) {
#print(paste0("[pepa.test] Computing H1 likelihood for protein ",
# jj))
lik1 <- LH1(X, y1, y2, jj)
mse.h1[jj] <- lik1$ss / (q * n)
llr[jj] <- (q * n) * (log(lik0$ss) - log(lik1$ss))
## We don't compute a regularized version of global-PEPA which is
## already a form of ridging
llr.map <- llr.map.pv <- s <- wchi2 <- NULL
} else {
## Connected components: which peptides are connected to which proteins?
#print("[pepa.test] Identifying connected components in the
# peptide-protein graph")
A <- matrix(0, nrow = p + q, ncol = p + q)
A[seq_len(p), seq.int(from = (p + 1), to = (p + q))] <- as.matrix(t(X))
A[seq.int(from = (p + 1), to = (p + q)), seq_len(p)] <- as.matrix(X)
g <- graph::graphAM(A, edgemode = "undirected", values = NA)
nodes(g) <- as.character(seq_len(p + q))
cc <- graph::connComp(as(g, "graphNEL"))
## Test proteins in each connected component
protein.cc <- sapply(cc, FUN = function(ee) {
min(as.numeric(ee)) <= p
cc <- cc[protein.cc]
## Compute 'local' likelihoods, using only peptides belonging to
## protein of interest, or connected proteins.
llr <- lh1 <- lh0 <- n.pep <- rep(NA, p)
mse.h0 <- mse.h1 <- c()
ii <- 0
for (ee in cc) {
ii <- ii + 1
#print(paste0("[pepa.test] Computing H0 likelihood for
# connected component ", ii, "/", length(cc)))
ee <- as.numeric(ee)
local.prot <- ee[ee <= p]
if (length(local.prot) == 0) {
local.pep <- ee[ee > p] - p
local.X <- X[local.pep, local.prot, drop = FALSE]
prot.barcode <- apply(local.X, 2,
FUN = function(v) paste(as.character(v), collapse = "-"))
bc.dup <- duplicated(prot.barcode)
equiv.X <- local.X[, !bc.dup, drop = FALSE]
if (use.lm) {
lik0 <- LH0.lm(
y1[local.pep, , drop = FALSE],
y2[local.pep, , drop = FALSE]
mse.h0[ii] <- mean(stats::residuals(lik0$lmm.res)^2)
} else {
lik0 <- LH0(
y1[local.pep, , drop = FALSE],
y2[local.pep, , drop = FALSE]
mse.h0[ii] <- lik0$ss / (length(local.pep) * n)
for (jj in local.prot) {
#print(paste0("[pepa.test] Computing H1 likelihood for
# protein ", jj))
.ind <- prot.barcode[!bc.dup] == prot.barcode[colnames(X)[jj]]
prot.equiv.idx <- match(
if (use.lm) {
lik1 <- LH1.lm(equiv.X,
y1[local.pep, , drop = FALSE],
y2[local.pep, , drop = FALSE],
mse.h1[jj] <- mean(stats::residuals(lik1$lmm.res)^2)
llr[jj] <- 2 * (lik1$ll - lik0$ll)
} else {
lik1 <- LH1(equiv.X,
y1[local.pep, , drop = FALSE],
y2[local.pep, , drop = FALSE],
mse.h1[jj] <- lik1$ss / (length(local.pep) * n)
.operand1 <- (length(local.pep) * n)
.operand2 <- (log(lik0$ss) - log(lik1$ss))
llr[jj] <- .operand1 * .operand2
s <- mse.h1
if (p < 500) { # Following SAM paper recommendations, we don't attempt
#to estimate s0 if p<500
s1 <- stats::quantile(s, 0.05)
} else {
s1 <- fudge2LRT(mse.h0, mse.h1, cc, n, p, s)$s.zero
samLRT.res <- samLRT(mse.h0, mse.h1, cc, n, p, s1)
llr.map <- samLRT.res$llr.sam
## Reweight LLR-sam for calibration of its p-value
s2.est <- mean(s)
wchi2 <- rep((s2.est + s1) / s2.est, length(llr.map))
llr.map.pv <- 1 - stats::pchisq(wchi2 * llr.map, 1)
## Compute p-value for llr
llr.pv <- 1 - stats::pchisq(llr, 1)
llr = llr,
llr.map = llr.map,
llr.pv = llr.pv,
llr.map.pv = llr.map.pv,
mse.h0 = mse.h0,
mse.h1 = mse.h1,
s = s,
wchi2 = wchi2
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