#' @title Exports a `QFeatures` object to a Excel file.
#' @description
#' This function exports an instance of the class `QFeatures` to a Excel file.
#' The resulting file is composed of four sheets:
#' - `quantitative data` which contains the content of `assay()` object with a
#' color code for each cell w.r.t. to cell quantitative metadata.
#' - `metadata` which is the content of `rowData()` with only one-dimensionnal
#' data (i.e. the adjacencyMatrix and the qMetacell slots are not part of
#' the sheet),
#' - `exp. design` which is the content of `colData()`. Each condition in the
#' table is colored with a different color,
#' - `quantitative metadata` which is the content of `qMetacell()`. There is a
#' color code for the different tags.
#' @param object An object of class `QFeatures`.
#' @param i xxx
#' @param filename A character string for the name of the Excel file.
#' @param exp.design xxx
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @param wb A workbook
#' @param n A `integer(1)` which is the number of sheet in the workbook.
#' @param tags xxx
#' @param colors A `character()` which contains the HEX code for colors.
#' The size of this vector must be the same as the number of tags.
#' @return A Excel file.
#' @name QFeatures-excel
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' data(ft, package='DaparToolshed')
#' #---------------------------------------
#' # Export the whole dataset
#' #---------------------------------------
#' write2excel(ft, filename = "foo")
#' unlink('foo.xls')
#' write2excel(ft, 1, "foo")
#' unlink('foo.xls')
#' @exportMethod write2excel
#' @rdname QFeatures-excel
"write2excel", "QFeatures",
#' @param object xxx
#' @param i xxx
#' @param filename xxx
#' @param ... xxx
i = NULL,
filename = "newFile", ...) {
if (length(object) == 0) {
if (is.null(i)) {
# One exports all the QFeatures object
} else {
# One exports only one SE
#' @exportMethod write2excel
#' @rdname QFeatures-excel
"write2excel", "SummarizedExperiment",
#' @param object xxx
#' @param filename xxx
#' @param exp.design xxx
#' @param ... xxx
function(object, filename, exp.design, ...) {
.write2excel(object, filename, exp.design, ...)
#' @title xxx
#' @description xxx
#' @param object xxx
#' @param filename xxx
#' @param exp.design xxx
#' @rdname QFeatures-excel
.write2excel <- function(object, filename, exp.design) {
pkgs.require(c("DaparViz", "openxlsx"))
name <- paste0(filename, ".xlsx", sep = "")
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook(name)
# Write the assay data to the first sheet
i.sheet <- 1
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, "Quantitative data")
sheet = i.sheet,
ID = rowData(object)[, idcol(object)],
rowNames = FALSE
# Add colors to quantitative table
mc <- qMetacell.def(typeDataset(object))
colors <- as.list(stats::setNames(mc$color, mc$node))
tags <- cbind(
keyId = rep("identified", nrow(object)),
addColors(wb, i.sheet, tags, colors)
# Write the rowData table to the second sheet
i.sheet <- 2
# Write only one-dimensional slots
# browser()
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, "Exp. design")
sheet = i.sheet,
rowNames = FALSE
# Add colors for sample data sheet
u_conds <- unique(exp.design$Condition)
colors <- stats::setNames(DaparViz::ExtendPalette(length(u_conds)), u_conds)
colors[["blank"]] <- "white"
tags <- as.data.frame(exp.design)
tags[, ] <- "blank"
tags$Sample.name <- exp.design$Condition
tags$Condition <- exp.design$Condition
addColors(wb, i.sheet, tags, colors)
# ## Add the experimental design to the third sheet
n <- 3
oneDim <- which(lapply(rowData(object), is.vector) == 1)
new.rowData <- rowData(object)[, oneDim]
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, "rowData")
sheet = n,
ID = new.rowData[, idcol(object)],
rowNames = FALSE
# Add the qMetacell information
n <- 4
new.rowData <- qMetacell(object)
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, "qMetacell")
sheet = n,
ID = rowData(object)[, idcol(object)],
rowNames = FALSE
colors <- as.list(stats::setNames(mc$color, mc$node))
tags <- cbind(
keyId = rep("identified", nrow(new.rowData)),
tags[, ] <- "identified"
tags[, 1 + seq_len(ncol(new.rowData))] <- new.rowData
addColors(wb, n, tags, colors)
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, name, overwrite = TRUE)
#' @rdname QFeatures-excel
addColors <- function(wb, n, tags, colors) {
unique.tags <- NULL
if (!is.null(tags) && !is.null(colors)) {
unique.tags <- unique(as.vector(as.matrix(tags)))
conds.colors <- sum(unique.tags %in% names(colors))
conds.colors <- conds.colors == length(unique.tags)
if (conds.colors) {
lapply(seq_len(length(colors)), function(x) {
list.tags <- which(names(colors)[x] == tags, arr.ind = TRUE)
sheet = n,
cols = list.tags[, "col"],
rows = list.tags[, "row"] + 1,
style = openxlsx::createStyle(fgFill = colors[x])
} else {
warning("The length of colors vector must be equal to the number
of different tags. As is it not the case, colors are ignored")
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