#' LIANA wrapper function
#' @param sce `SingleCellExperiment` object or `SeuratObject`
#' @param method method(s) to be run via liana
#' @param resource resource(s) to be used by the methods (`Consensus` by default), Use `all` to run all `human` resources in one go),
#' or `custom` to run liana_wrap with an appropriately formatted custom resource, passed via `exernal_resource`
#' @param idents_col the cell identities/labels to be used. By default set to NULL, and will used the active
#' Idents or colLabels from the seurat_object or SCE, respectively.
#' @param external_resource external resource in OmniPath tibble format
#' @param min_cells minimum cell per cell identity to be considered for analysis
#' @param return_all whether to return all possible interactions. Any
#' interaction with `expr_prop` below the specific threshold will be
#' assigned to the *worst* possible score in those that pass the threshold.
#' For example, p-values from CellPhoneDB will be assigned to max(pvalue)
#' - likely 1, and lr_means will be assigned to min(lr_means).
#' Note that this applies only to the internal methods of liana.
#' @param supp_columns any supplementary/additional columns which are to be
#' returned by liana. Possibilities include: c("ligand.expr", "receptor.expr"
#' "ligand.stat", "receptor.stat", "ligand.pval", "receptor.pval",
#' "ligand.FDR", "receptor.FDR", etc)
#' @param verbose logical whether to output messages and warnings (`TRUE` by default)
#' @param assay assay to be used by Seurat, by default set to `NULL` and will use the DefaultAssay.
#' @param .simplify if methods are run with only 1 resource, return a list
#' of tibbles for each method (default), rather than a list of lists with
#' method-resource combinations
#' @param base Default to NULL (i.e. log2-transformation is assumed
#' for SCE, and log-tranformation for Seurat). This is a requred step for the
#' calculation of the logFC method - ensures that any other preprocessing of
#' the counts is preserved. One could also pass `NaN` if they wish to use the
#' counts stored in the counts assay/slot, or any other number according to the
#' base that was used for log-tranformation.
#' @inheritDotParams liana_defaults
#' @inheritParams liana_pipe
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>% %>%
#' @importFrom purrr map map2 safely compact
#' @returns A list of method-resource results - i.e. provided resources are run
#' with each method
#' If only one resource is selected, a single tibble (with results for that
#' resource) will be returned for each of the selected methods
#' @details LIANA wrapper method that can be used to call each method with
#' a given set of intercellular resources from the OmniPath universe.
#' Please see `liana_defaults()` for more information about the
#' default parameters passed used by `liana_wrap`, if you wish to modify them.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' liana_path <- system.file(package = "liana")
#' # load testdata
#' testdata <- readRDS(file.path(liana_path , "testdata", "input", "testdata.rds"))
#' # run only 2 methods from liana
#' liana_res <- liana_wrap(testdata, method = c('cellphonedb', 'sca'),
#' resource = 'Consensus', # default resource
#' # example run with *only* 2 permutations for cpdb
#' permutation.params = list(nperms = 2))
liana_wrap <- function(sce,
method = c('natmi', 'connectome', 'logfc',
'sca', 'cellphonedb'),
resource = c('Consensus'),
idents_col = NULL,
min_cells = 5,
return_all = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
assay = NULL,
.simplify = TRUE,
cell.adj = NULL,
base = NULL,
# Handle object
sce <- liana_prep(sce,
idents_col = idents_col,
assay = assay,
min_cells = min_cells,
verbose = verbose)
# If base is not passed use default base of Seurat or SingleCellExperiment
base %<>% `%||%` (sce@int_metadata$base)
# method to lower
method %<>% stringr::str_to_lower()
if(resource!='custom' & length(setdiff(resource, c(show_resources(), "all"))) > 0){
stop(str_glue("{setdiff(resource, show_resources())} not part of LIANA "))
resource %<>% select_resource # if null OmniPath
} else{
resource = list('custom_resource' = external_resource)
# Check if any method is internal (i.e. call liana_pipe)
if(any(map_lgl(method, function(m) !str_detect(m, "call_")))){
# LIANA pipe map over resource
lr_results <- resource %>%
liana_message("Resource was NULL and LIANA's internal methods were run with the `Consensus` resource",
verbose = verbose,
output = "warning")
reso <- select_resource("Consensus")[[1]]
list("sce" = sce,
"op_resource" = decomplexify(reso),
verbose = verbose,
cell.adj = cell.adj,
base = base),
}) %>%
.select_method(method) %>%
safely(function(.method, method_name){
liana_message(str_glue("Now Running: {stringr::str_to_title(method_name)}"),
verbose = verbose)
map2(resource, names(resource), function(reso, reso_name){
if(method_name %in% c("call_squidpy", "call_cellchat")){
# external calls (for complex-informed methods)
args <- append(
list("sce" = sce,
"op_resource" = reso),
rlang::invoke(.method, args)
} else if(method_name %in% c("call_connectome", "call_sca",
"call_natmi", "call_italk")){
# external calls (for methods which don't deal with complexes)
args <- append(
list(sce = sce,
"op_resource" = reso %>% {if (!is.null(reso)) decomplexify(.) else .}),
rlang::invoke(.method, args)
} else if(method_name == "cellphonedb"){
# get lr_res for this specific resource
lr_res <- .filt_liana_pipe(lr_results[[reso_name]],
# permutation-based approaches
perm_means <-
list(lr_res = lr_res,
sce = sce,
verbose = verbose
args <- pmap( # append multiple lists
list(lr_res = lr_res,
perm_means = perm_means,
verbose = verbose,
return_all = return_all,
supp_columns = supp_columns),
return_all = return_all
), c) %>%
rlang::invoke(.method, args)
} else if(method_name == "cytotalk"){
lr_res <- .filt_liana_pipe(lr_results[[reso_name]],
args <- pmap( # append multiple lists
lr_res = lr_res,
sce = sce,
return_all = return_all,
supp_columns = supp_columns
), c) %>%
rlang::invoke(.method, args)
} else {
# re-implemented non-permutation approaches
args <- append(
"sce" = sce,
lr_res = .filt_liana_pipe(lr_results[[reso_name]],
return_all = return_all,
supp_columns = supp_columns
rlang::invoke(.method, args)
}, quiet = FALSE)) %>%
# format errors
map(., function(elem)
} %>% .list2tib()
#' Helper Function to Handle resource choices
#' @param resource names of the resources. Passing `all` will return all
#' human resources (i.e. all resources, except MouseConsensus)
#' @details This function simply reads omni_resources.rds and returns the resources.
#' Any of the resources can also be obtained via the same file.
#' or the `compile_ligrec` function, which querries and assmelbes the
#' resources via `OmniPathR`.
#' `Default` - The Default (inbuilt) resource for each of the methods;
#' if using the `call_*` functions, the default resource is used by
#' passing *NULL* to the resource parameter.
#' `Reshuffled` - a reshuffled (randomized control) version of ConnectomeDB
#' @export
select_resource <- function(resource){
omni_resources <-
readRDS(system.file(package = 'liana', "omni_resources.rds"))
} else{
#' Function to return the appropriate method(s) to be executed
#' @param method name of the method
#' @return A list of method function names (to be called by the LIANA wrapper)
#' @details Adapted from (jvelezmagic); [decoupleR](https://github.com/saezlab/decoupleR/)
#' @noRd
.select_method <- function(method){
available_method <-
# liana_scores
connectome = expr(get_connectome),
logfc = expr(get_logfc),
natmi = expr(get_natmi),
sca = expr(get_sca),
# liana_permutes
cellphonedb = expr(get_cellphonedb),
# cytotalk
cytotalk = expr(get_cytotalk),
# pipes (deprecated)
call_squidpy = expr(call_squidpy),
call_cellchat = expr(call_cellchat),
call_sca = expr(call_sca),
call_connectome = expr(call_connectome),
call_natmi = expr(call_natmi),
call_italk = expr(call_italk)
method %>%
tolower() %>%
match.arg(names(available_method), several.ok = TRUE) %>%
#' Helper Function to return the methods in LIANA
#' @details methods starting with `call_*` were re-implemented in liana and
#' albeit their original pipelines (and packages are still supported),
#' we recommend using the liana re-implementations for efficiency
#' @export
show_methods <- function(){
#' Helper Function to return the Resources in LIANA
#' @export
show_resources <- function(){
package = 'liana', "omni_resources.rds"
#' Helper Function to Handle list or not list method calls
#' @param res list of lists (e.g. Method-Resource Results from the LIANA pipe)
#' @param .x name of the element to pluck
#' @return The first element of the list
#' @noRd
.list2tib <- function(res, .x = NULL){
.x %<>% `%||%`(1)
res %>% pluck(.x)
} else if(is.character(.x)){
res %>% pluck(.x)
} else{ res }
#' Helper Function to do prop filtering of liana_pipe output
#' @param liana_res resutls from `liana_pipe`
#' @param method current method
#' @inheritDotParams liana_defaults
#' @noRd
.filt_liana_pipe <- function(liana_res,
# Convert prop_filt logical to 0 or 1
# (step not required, but should be explicit)
filt_or_not <- as.integer(liana_defaults(...)[[method]]$prop_filt)
# set to value of expr_prop from defaults, or 0 if not to filter
expr_prop <- liana_defaults(...)$expr_prop * filt_or_not
if (!is.numeric(expr_prop) | expr_prop < 0 | expr_prop > 1) {
stop("Expression Proportion should be a numeric value between 0 and 1")
if(expr_prop > 0){
# If we filter missing subunits here, they are
# then not aggregated in the method
# hence we should filter the complexes, not the subunits
non_expressed <- liana_res %>%
group_by(ligand.complex, receptor.complex, source, target) %>%
summarize(prop_min = min(ligand.prop, receptor.prop)) %>%
filter(prop_min < expr_prop)
liana_res %>%
anti_join(non_expressed, by=c("ligand.complex", "receptor.complex",
"source", "target"))
} else if(return_all){
liana_res %>%
mutate(to.filter = receptor.prop >= expr_prop &
ligand.prop >= expr_prop)
} else if(expr_prop == 0){
} else{ # shouldn't happen (sanity check)
stop("Expression Proportion is not a positive number")
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