# This file is part of the CNO software
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 - EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute
# File author(s): CNO developers (cno-dev@ebi.ac.uk)
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# CNO website: http://www.cellnopt.org
expandGates<-function(model, ignoreList=NA,maxInputsPerGate=2){
Model = model
# check that Model is a Model list
if(!is.list(Model)) stop("This function expects as input a Model as output by readSIF")
if(length(Model) == 4) {
if(all(names(Model) != c("reacID", "namesSpecies","interMat","notMat"))){
stop("This function expects as input a Model as output by readSIF")
if(length(Model) == 5) {
if(all(names(Model) != c("reacID", "namesSpecies","interMat","notMat","speciesCompressed"))) {
stop("This function expects as input a Model as output by readSIF")
SplitANDs <- list(initialReac=c("split1","split2"))
splitR <- 1
# split all the ANDs
# remove any ANDs 2/3 and save >3 to add later
# +3 won't get added here again but are part of prior knowledge if contained within PKN
andToAdd = c()
remove.and = c()
reacs2Ignore = c()
initialReacN <- length(Model$reacID)
#TODO: move into readSIF ?
if (initialReacN == 1){
Model$interMat <- as.matrix(Model$interMat)
# which reactions have ignoreList as output?
if(!is.na(ignoreList[1])) {
for(s in 1:initialReacN) {
if(any(Model$interMat[ignoreList,s] == 1)) {
reacs2Ignore = c(reacs2Ignore, s)
for(r in 1:initialReacN) {
inNodes <- which(Model$interMat[,r] == -1)
if(length(inNodes) > 1) {
if(length(inNodes) > 3) {
andToAdd = c(andToAdd, r)
remove.and = c(remove.and, r)
if(!any(reacs2Ignore == r)) {
outNode <- which(Model$interMat[,r] == 1)
newReacs <- matrix(data=0,nrow=dim(Model$interMat)[1],ncol=length(inNodes))
newReacsNots <- matrix(data=0,nrow=dim(Model$interMat)[1],ncol=length(inNodes))
newReacs[outNode,] <- 1
newReacsIDs <- rep("a",length(inNodes))
for(i in 1:length(inNodes)) {
newReacs[inNodes[i],i] <- -1
newReacsNots[inNodes[i],i] <- Model$notMat[inNodes[i],r]
newReacsIDs[i] <- paste(Model$namesSpecies[inNodes[i]],"=",Model$namesSpecies[outNode],sep="")
if(Model$notMat[inNodes[i],r] == 1) newReacsIDs[i] <- paste("!",newReacsIDs[i],sep="")
colnames(newReacs) <- newReacsIDs
colnames(newReacsNots) <- newReacsIDs
SplitANDs[[splitR]] <- newReacsIDs
names(SplitANDs)[splitR] <- Model$reacID[r]
splitR <- splitR+1
Model$notMat <- cbind(Model$notMat,newReacsNots)
Model$interMat <- cbind(Model$interMat,newReacs)
Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID,newReacsIDs)
# ***** ADDED *****
# remove 'AND' gates that will be made anyway
# save anything > 3 to add at end
if(length(andToAdd)) {
toAdd = list()
toAdd$notMat <- Model$notMat[,andToAdd]
toAdd$interMat <- Model$interMat[,andToAdd]
toAdd$reacID <- Model$reacID[andToAdd]
} else {
toAdd <- NA
if(length(remove.and)) {
Model$notMat <- Model$notMat[,-remove.and]
Model$interMat <- Model$interMat[,-remove.and]
Model$reacID <- Model$reacID[-remove.and]
# ***** ADDED *****
# the list SplitANDs now contains a named element for each AND reac that has been split,
# and each element contains a vector with the names of the reactions that result from the split
# create combinations of ORs
# the newANDs list will contain an element for each new '&' gate, named by the name of this new and
# reac, and containing a vector of the names of the reactions from which it was created
newANDs <- list(finalReac=c("or1","or2"))
ANDsadded <- 1
total.list = 1:length(Model$namesSpecies)
# functions to get lhs and rhs of reactions
getlhs <- function(x) {
spec1 = strsplit(x, "=")[[1]][1]
getrhs <- function(x) {
spec2 = strsplit(x, "=")[[1]][2]
# scan all species and build and gates if required
for(sp in total.list) {
inReacsIndex <- which(Model$interMat[sp,] == 1)
if(length(inReacsIndex) > 1) {
inReacs <- Model$interMat[,inReacsIndex]
findInput <- function(x) {
inNode<-which(x == -1)
inSp <- apply(inReacs,2,findInput)
# let
# find the input species first and store in a vector
inSpecies = apply(as.matrix(colnames(inReacs)), 1, getlhs)
outname = Model$namesSpecies[sp]
# just for sanity check, all outputs must be the same
outnames = apply(as.matrix(colnames(inReacs)), 1, getrhs)
if (length(unique(outnames))!=1 | outname!=outnames[1]){
stop("error in expandGates. should not happen here.please report")
# an alias
myrownames = rownames(Model$interMat)
# first the 2 inputs cases
combinations = combn(seq(1,length(inSpecies)), 2)
for (this in seq(1, dim(combinations)[2])){
i = combinations[1,this]
j = combinations[2,this]
# names[i] and names[j] contains possibly the !
# sign,let us get the real species names
realname1 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[i], 1,1)=="!",substr(inSpecies[i],2,10000), inSpecies[i])
realname2 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[j], 1,1) =="!",substr(inSpecies[j],2,10000), inSpecies[j])
realnames = c(realname1,realname2)
if (any(combn(realnames,2)[1,] == combn(realnames,2)[2,])){ # exclude reaction if any name are indentical
# create the new reaction Id to be used as a column name
newcolname = paste(paste(inSpecies[i], inSpecies[j],sep="+"),outname, sep="=")
if (newcolname %in% colnames(Model$interMat)){
next() # skip if exist already
Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID,newcolname)
# fill the interMat (-1 if in lhs, 1 if in rhs)
values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
values[which(myrownames == realname1)]<- -1
values[which(myrownames == realname2)]<- -1
values[which(myrownames == outname)]<- 1
Model$interMat= cbind(Model$interMat, values)
# now, the notMat, 0 by default
values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
if (substr(inSpecies[i],1,1) == "!"){ #look first specy
values[which(myrownames == realname1)]<- 1
if (substr(inSpecies[j],1,1) == "!"){# and second one
values[which(myrownames == realname2)]<- 1
Model$notMat= cbind(Model$notMat, values)
# finally, fill the newAnd list
newreac1 = paste(inSpecies[i], outname, sep="=")
newreac2 = paste(inSpecies[j], outname, sep="=")
newANDs[[length(newANDs)+1]] <- c(newreac1, newreac2)
names(newANDs)[[length(newANDs)]] <- newcolname
# Same code as above but to create the 3 inputs combinations
if (length(inSpecies)>=3 & maxInputsPerGate>=3){
combinations = combn(seq(1,length(inSpecies)), 3)
indices = seq(1,dim(combinations)[2])
indices = seq(length=0)
for (this in indices){
i = combinations[1,this]
j = combinations[2,this]
k = combinations[3,this]
realname1 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[i], 1,1)=="!",substr(inSpecies[i],2,10000), inSpecies[i])
realname2 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[j], 1,1) =="!",substr(inSpecies[j],2,10000), inSpecies[j])
realname3 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[k], 1,1) =="!",substr(inSpecies[k],2,10000), inSpecies[k])
realnames = c(realname1,realname2, realname3)
if (any(combn(realnames,2)[1,] == combn(realnames,2)[2,])){ # exclude reaction if any name are indentical
newcolname <- paste(paste(inSpecies[i], inSpecies[j],inSpecies[k],
sep="+"), outname, sep="=")
if (newcolname %in% colnames(Model$interMat)){
next() # skip if exist already
Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID,newcolname)
# intermat first
values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
for (name in inSpecies){
realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1,1)=="!",substr(name,2,10000), name)
values[which(myrownames == realname)]<- -1
values[which(myrownames == outname)]<- 1
Model$interMat= cbind(Model$interMat, values)
# now, the notMat
values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
for (name in inSpecies){
if (substr(name,1,1) == "!"){
realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1,1) =="!", substr(name,2,10000), name)
values[which(myrownames == realname)]<- 1
Model$notMat= cbind(Model$notMat, values)
# finally the newAnd
newreac1 = paste(inSpecies[i], outname, sep="=")
newreac2 = paste(inSpecies[j], outname, sep="=")
newreac3 = paste(inSpecies[k], outname, sep="=")
newANDs[[length(newANDs)+1]] <- c(newreac1, newreac2, newreac3)
names(newANDs)[[length(newANDs)]] <- newcolname
# Same code as above but to create the 4 inputs combinations
if (length(inSpecies)>=4 & maxInputsPerGate>=4){
combinations = combn(seq(1,length(inSpecies)), 4)
indices = seq(1,dim(combinations)[2])
indices = seq(length=0)
for (this in indices){
i = combinations[1,this]
j = combinations[2,this]
k = combinations[3,this]
l = combinations[4,this]
realname1 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[i], 1,1)=="!",substr(inSpecies[i],2,10000), inSpecies[i])
realname2 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[j], 1,1) =="!",substr(inSpecies[j],2,10000), inSpecies[j])
realname3 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[k], 1,1) =="!",substr(inSpecies[k],2,10000), inSpecies[k])
realname4 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[l], 1,1) =="!",substr(inSpecies[l],2,10000), inSpecies[l])
realnames = c(realname1,realname2, realname3, realname4)
if (any(combn(realnames,2)[1,] == combn(realnames,2)[2,])){ # exclude reaction if any name are indentical
newcolname <- paste(paste(inSpecies[i], inSpecies[j],inSpecies[k],inSpecies[l],
sep="+"), outname, sep="=")
if (newcolname %in% colnames(Model$interMat)){
next() # skip if exist already
Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID,newcolname)
# intermat first
values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
for (name in inSpecies){
realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1,1)=="!",substr(name,2,10000), name)
values[which(myrownames == realname)]<- -1
values[which(myrownames == outname)]<- 1
Model$interMat= cbind(Model$interMat, values)
# now, the notMat
values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
for (name in inSpecies){
if (substr(name,1,1) == "!"){
realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1,1) =="!", substr(name,2,10000), name)
values[which(myrownames == realname)]<- 1
Model$notMat= cbind(Model$notMat, values)
# finally the newAnd
newreac1 = paste(inSpecies[i], outname, sep="=")
newreac2 = paste(inSpecies[j], outname, sep="=")
newreac3 = paste(inSpecies[k], outname, sep="=")
newreac4 = paste(inSpecies[l], outname, sep="=")
newANDs[[length(newANDs)+1]] <- c(newreac1, newreac2, newreac3, newreac4)
names(newANDs)[[length(newANDs)]] <- newcolname
} # end if length(inSp) == 2
if (maxInputsPerGate >= 5) {
for (mip in 5:maxInputsPerGate) {
if (length(inSpecies) >= mip & maxInputsPerGate >=
mip) {
combinations = combn(seq(1, length(inSpecies)),
indices = seq(1, dim(combinations)[2])
else {
indices = seq(length = 0)
for (this in indices) {
combs <- c()
realnames <- c()
for (i in 1:mip) {
combs[i] = combinations[i, this]
realnames[i] = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[combs[i]], 1, 1) ==
"!", substr(inSpecies[i], 2, 10000), inSpecies[combs[i]])
if (any(combn(realnames, 2)[1, ] == combn(realnames,
2)[2, ])) {
newcolname <- paste(paste(inSpecies[combs], collapse = "+"), outname,
sep = "=")
if (newcolname %in% colnames(Model$interMat)) {
Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID, newcolname)
values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
colnames(values) <- newcolname
for (name in inSpecies) {
realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1, 1) == "!",
substr(name, 2, 10000), name)
values[which(myrownames == realname)] <- -1
values[which(myrownames == outname)] <- 1
Model$interMat = cbind(Model$interMat, values)
values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
colnames(values) <- newcolname
for (name in inSpecies) {
if (substr(name, 1, 1) == "!") {
realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1, 1) == "!",
substr(name, 2, 10000), name)
values[which(myrownames == realname)] <- 1
Model$notMat = cbind(Model$notMat, values)
newreac1 = paste(inSpecies[i], outname, sep = "=")
newreac2 = paste(inSpecies[j], outname, sep = "=")
newreac3 = paste(inSpecies[k], outname, sep = "=")
newreac4 = paste(inSpecies[l], outname, sep = "=")
newreacs <- c()
for (i in 1:mip) {
newreacs[i] <- paste(inSpecies[combs[i]], outname, sep = "=")
newANDs[[length(newANDs) + 1]] <- newreacs # c(newreac1, newreac2, newreac3, newreac4)
names(newANDs)[[length(newANDs)]] <- newcolname
# dup.index2 = c(1:length(Model$reacID))
# dup.index2 = dup.index2[duplicated(Model$reacID)]
# Model$reacID = Model$reacID[-dup.index2]
# Model$interMat = Model$interMat[,-dup.index2]
# Model$notMat = Model$notMat[,-dup.index2]
if(!is.na(toAdd)) {
Model$notMat = cbind(Model$notMat, toAdd$notMat)
Model$interMat = cbind(Model$interMat, toAdd$interMat)
Model$reacID = c(Model$reacID, toAdd$reacID)
modelExp <- Model
modelExp$SplitANDs <- SplitANDs
modelExp$newANDs <- newANDs
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