# This file is part of the CNO software
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 - EBI
# File author(s): CNO developers (cno-dev@ebi.ac.uk)
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# CNO website: http://www.cellnopt.org
# $Id$
makeBTables <-
function(CNOlist, k=2, measErr=c(0.1, 0), timePoint=NA){
#CNOlist should be a list as output from makeCNOlist
#k is the proportionality constant used to determine the threshold
#measErr should be a 2 value vector (err1, err2) defining the error model as sd^2=err1^2+(err2*data)^2
if ((class(CNOlist)=="CNOlist")==FALSE){
CNOlist = CellNOptR::CNOlist(CNOlist)
#if (!is.na(timePoint)){
# if (timePoint == "t1"){
# CNOlist@signals<-list(t0=CNOlist@signals[[1]], CNOlist@signals[[2]])
# }
# if (timePoint == "t2"){
# CNOlist@signals<-list(t0=CNOlist@signals[[1]], CNOlist@signals[[3]])
# }
if (is.numeric(timePoint)){
ix <- which(CNOlist@timepoints==timePoint)
if (length(ix)==0){
print("You do not have measures for the selected time point, please provide a different time point.")
CNOlist@signals<-list(t0=CNOlist@signals[[1]], CNOlist@signals[[ix]])
err1 <- measErr[1]
err2 <- measErr[2]
mat <- list()
NotMatStim <- list()
NotMatInhib <- list()
for (p in 1:length(colnames(CNOlist@signals[[2]]))){
#for each protein, create a m x n matrix where m is the number of inhibitors and n is the number of stimuli
mat[[p]] <- matrix(data=0, nrow=length(colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors)), ncol=length(colnames(CNOlist@stimuli)))
colnames(mat[[p]]) <- colnames(CNOlist@stimuli)
rownames(mat[[p]]) <- colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors)
NotMatStim[[p]]<-matrix(data=0, nrow=length(colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors)), ncol=length(colnames(CNOlist@stimuli)))
colnames(NotMatStim[[p]]) <- colnames(CNOlist@stimuli)
rownames(NotMatStim[[p]]) <- colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors)
NotMatInhib[[p]]<-matrix(data=0, nrow=length(colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors)), ncol=length(colnames(CNOlist@stimuli)))
colnames(NotMatInhib[[p]]) <- colnames(CNOlist@stimuli)
rownames(NotMatInhib[[p]]) <- colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors)
#consider as reference the condition with no stimuli and no inhibitors
ref1_index <- which(apply(CNOlist@cues,1,sum) == 0)
ref1 <- c()
for (t in 1:length(CNOlist@signals)){
ref1 <- c(ref1, CNOlist@signals[[t]][ref1_index, p])
# if the baseline is NA I consider it = 0
ref1[is.na(ref1)] <- 0
# if the condition with no stimuli and no inhibitors is missing, I assume that the basal is = 0
if (length(ref1_index)==0){
ref1_var <- err1^2+(err2*ref1)^2
ref1 <- ref1[2:length(ref1)] - ref1[1] #subtract the basal because it differs in different experimental conditions
ref1_var <- ref1_var[2:length(ref1_var)] + ref1_var[1] #add the variance of the basale for error propagation
ref1_sd <- sqrt(ref1_var) #compute the standard deviation from the variance of the error
for (i in 1:length(colnames(CNOlist@stimuli))){
#for each stimulus, verify its effect on the analyzed protein
#considering as test the condition with that stimulus and no inhibitors
test1_index <- which(apply(CNOlist@stimuli,1,sum) == 1) #select experiments with only one stimulus..
test1_index <- intersect(test1_index, which(CNOlist@stimuli[,i] == 1)) #..that has to be the one we are interested in..
test1_index <- intersect(test1_index, which(apply(CNOlist@inhibitors,1,sum) == 0)) #..and with no inhibitors
test1 <- c()
for (t in 1:length(CNOlist@signals)){
test1 <- c(test1, CNOlist@signals[[t]][test1_index, p])
# take care of cases in which single stimulus/single inhibitor conditions are missing or NA
if (length(test1_index)==0 || length(na.omit(test1[-1]))==0){
print(paste(colnames(CNOlist@signals[[2]])[p],": the condition with stimulus", colnames(CNOlist@stimuli)[i] , "is missing or NA"))
if (is.na(test1[1])){test1[1]<-0}
test1_var <- err1^2+(err2*test1)^2
test1 <- test1[2:length(test1)] - test1[1] #subtract the basal because it differs in different experimental conditions
test1_var <- test1_var[2:length(test1_var)] + test1_var[1] #add the variance of the basale for error propagation
test1_sd <- sqrt(test1_var) #compute the standard deviation from the variance of the error
check <- test1 - ref1
check_sd <- sqrt(ref1_sd^2 + test1_sd^2)
#the condition with the stimulus and no inhibitor in the new reference to test the effect of the inhibitors
ref2 <- test1
ref2_var <- test1_var
ref2_sd <- test1_sd
if (length(which(abs(check) > k*check_sd))>0){
for (j in 1:length(colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors))){
#I'm here only if the stimulus resuled to have effect on the protein, so I put a 1 in each position of the column referred to that stimulus
mat[[p]][j,i] <- 1
# if test1 < ref1 - k*SD (i.e. abs(check) > k*SD with check < 0) than the regulation has negative sign
if (any(checkStim<0)){NotMatStim[[p]][j,i] <- 1}
test2_index <- which(apply(CNOlist@stimuli,1,sum) == 1) #select experiments with only one stimulus..
test2_index <- intersect(test2_index, which(CNOlist@stimuli[,i] == 1)) #..that has to be the one we are interested in..
test2_index <- intersect(test2_index, which(CNOlist@inhibitors[,j] == 1)) #..and with the specific inhibitor I want to test
test2 <- c()
for (t in 1:length(CNOlist@signals)){
test2 <- c(test2, CNOlist@signals[[t]][test2_index, p])
# take care of cases in which single stimulus/single inhibitor conditions are missing or are all NA
if (length(test2_index)==0 || length(na.omit(test2[-1]))==0){
print(paste(colnames(CNOlist@signals[[2]])[p],": the condition with stimulus", colnames(CNOlist@stimuli)[i] ,"and inhibitor", colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors)[j]," is missing or NA"))
if (is.na(test2[1])){test2[1]<-0}
test2_var <- err1^2+(err2*test2)^2
test2 <- test2[2:length(test2)] - test2[1] #subtract the basal because it differs in different experimental conditions
test2_var <- test2_var[2:length(test2_var)] + test2_var[1] #add the variance of the basale for error propagation
test2_sd <- sqrt(test2_var) #compute the standard deviation from the variance of the error
check <- ref2 - test2
check_sd <- sqrt(ref2_sd^2 + test2_sd^2)
if (length(which(abs(check) > k*check_sd))>0 && colnames(CNOlist@signals[[2]])[[p]] != colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors)[[j]]){
mat[[p]][j,i] <- 2
# if test2 > ref2 + k*SD (i.e. abs(check) > k*SD with check < 0) than the regulation has negative sign
if (any(check<0)){NotMatInhib[[p]][j,i] <- 1}
return(list(namesSignals=colnames(CNOlist@signals[[2]]), tables=mat, NotMatStim=NotMatStim, NotMatInhib=NotMatInhib))
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