# This file is part of the CNO software
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 - EBI
# File author(s): CNO developers (cno-dev@ebi.ac.uk)
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# CNO website: http://www.cellnopt.org
#' @export
mapBTables2model <-
function(BTable,model=NULL,optimRes=NA,allInter=TRUE, compressed=TRUE){
# BTable are the Bolean Tables inferred from data using the function makeBTables
# Model is the model optimised using CNO and than compressed
if (!is.null(model)){
g<-sif2graph(model2sif(model=model, optimRes=optimRes))
#the vectr indexIntegr will contain the indexes of the added links
g<-new("graphNEL", edgemode="directed")
model$namesSpecies<-unique(c(colnames(BTable$tables[[1]]), rownames(BTable$tables[[1]]), BTable$namesSignals))
model$interMat<-matrix(data=0,nrow=length(model$namesSpecies), ncol=0)
model$notMat<-matrix(data=0,nrow=length(model$namesSpecies), ncol=0)
#Others are the white nodes in the network, those that are not stimulated, nor inhibited, nor measures
namesOthers<-setdiff(setdiff(setdiff(model$namesSpecies, namesSignals), namesInhibitors), namesStimuli)
# i signals
# j stimuli
# k inhibitors
for (i in 1:length(namesSignals)){
for (j in 1:length(namesStimuli)){
print(paste('stimulus: ', namesStimuli[j], ' signal: ', namesSignals[i]))
print(paste("Added links:"))
# noNodes are the inhibitors that in the Btable of signal i, have a 1 in the column
# corresponding to simulus j, meaning that the inhibitor has no effect
noNodes <- rownames(as.matrix(which(BTable$tables[[i]][,j]==1)))
if (compressed==TRUE){
noNodes <- union(noNodes, namesOthers)
noNodes <- setdiff(noNodes,BTable$namesSignals[i])
ix <- as.vector(which(BTable$tables[[i]][,j]==2))
if (length(ix) > 0){
for (k in 1:length(ix)){
# SignStim is the sign of the effect of the Stimulus on the Signal
if (BTable$NotMatStim[[i]][ix[k],j]==1) {SignStim<-(-1)}
# SignInhib is the sign of the effect of the Inhibitor on the Signal
if (BTable$NotMatInhib[[i]][ix[k],j]==1) {SignInhib<-(-1)}
# connection between the stimulus and the inhibitor
cue <- colnames(BTable$tables[[i]])[j]
signal <- rownames(BTable$tables[[i]])[ix[k]]
ck <- searchLinkGraph(node1 = cue,node2 = signal, graph=g, noNodes=noNodes)
#ck <- SearchLink(node1 = cue,node2 = signal, noNodes=noNodes, model = model)
if (ck == 0){
# if there is no connection between the cue and the signal in the model
# all possible connections are added between nodes downstream the cue
# (but upstream the following cue) and those upstream the signal
# (but downstream the previous signal)
if (allInter == TRUE && length(graph::nodes(g))>0){
# 1. create a vector containing all nodes downstream the cue
# (until reaching a cue or a noNode)
AllCues <- union(namesStimuli,namesInhibitors)
CueDown <- downCueGraph(cue=cue, graph=g, stopNodes=union(AllCues,noNodes))
# 2. create a vector containing all nodes upstream the signal
# (until reaching a signal, a Stimulus, a noNode)
# AllSignals <- BTable$namesSignals
stopNodes <-unique(union(namesSignals, noNodes))
SigUp <- upSignalGraph(signal=signal, graph=g, stopNodes=stopNodes)
CueDown <- as.vector(cue)
SigUp <- as.vector(signal)
for (ix_tmp1 in 1:length(CueDown)){
for (jx_tmp1 in 1:length(SigUp)){
print(paste(CueDown[ix_tmp1], "->", SigUp[jx_tmp1],sep=""))
# the sign is the sign of the effect of prodict of the stimulis and the inhibitor to the protein
model <- addLink(CueDown[ix_tmp1], SigUp[jx_tmp1], model, Sign=Sign)
# connection between the inhibitor and the signal
cue <- rownames(BTable$tables[[i]])[ix[k]]
signal <- BTable$namesSignals[i]
#ck <- searchLink(node1 = cue,node2 = signal, noNodes=noNodes, model = model)
ck <- searchLinkGraph(node1 = cue,node2 = signal, graph=g, noNodes=noNodes)
if (ck == 0){
# if there is no connection between the cue and the signal in the model
# all possible connections are added between nodes downstream the cue
# (but upstream the following cue) and those upstream the signal
# (but downstream the previous signal)
if (allInter == TRUE && length(graph::nodes(g))>0){
# 1. create a vector containing all nodes downstream the cue
# (until reaching a cue or a noNode)
AllCues <- union(namesStimuli,namesInhibitors)
CueDown <- downCueGraph(cue=cue, graph=g, stopNodes=union(AllCues,noNodes))
# 2. create a vector containing all nodes upstream the signal
# (until reaching a signal, a Stimulus, a noNode)
# AllSignals <- BTable$namesSignals
stopNodes <-unique(union(namesSignals, noNodes))
SigUp <- upSignalGraph(signal=signal, graph=g, stopNodes=stopNodes)
CueDown <- as.vector(cue)
SigUp <- as.vector(signal)
for (ix_tmp1 in 1:length(CueDown)){
for (jx_tmp1 in 1:length(SigUp)){
print(paste(CueDown[ix_tmp1], "->", SigUp[jx_tmp1],sep=""))
# the sign is the sign of the effect of the inhibitor to the protein
model <- addLink(CueDown[ix_tmp1], SigUp[jx_tmp1], model, Sign=Sign)
# possible negative and gates between the inhibited prot and one signal
# check if the inhibited prot is also measured
ixInh <- which(namesSignals==rownames(BTable$tables[[i]])[ix[k]])
if (length(ixInh)>0){
# if yes, look at which stimuli are affecting that signal (though that inhibitor or not
#ixSti1 <- which(BTable$tables[[i]][ix[k],]==2)
ixSti1 <- which(BTable$tables[[i]][ix[k],]>0)
# and which stimuli are affecting the inhibited (and measured) protein
ixSti2 <- which(BTable$tables[[ixInh]][ix[k],]>0)
ixStiDiff <- setdiff(ixSti2, ixSti1)
# if they do not coincide, add an AND gate between the stimulus that is not affecting the protien
# (but only the inhibitor) and the inhibitor - with negative sign for the stimulus
if (length(ixStiDiff)>0){
for (k2 in 1:length(ixStiDiff)){
ck <- searchLinkGraph(node1 = cue,node2 = signal, graph=g, noNodes=noNodes)
print(paste("!",namesStimuli[ixStiDiff[k2]], "+", namesInhibitors[ix[k]] ,"->", namesSignals[i],sep=""))
model<-addLinkAND(namesStimuli[ixStiDiff[k2]], namesInhibitors[ix[k]], namesSignals[i], model)
# additional connection between the stimulus and the signal
if (sum(BTable$tables[[i]][,j]) == dim(BTable$tables[[i]])[1]){
cue <- colnames(BTable$tables[[i]])[j]
signal <- BTable$namesSignals[i]
if (BTable$NotMatStim[[i]][1,j]==1) {SignStim<-(-1)}
#ck <- SearchLink(node1 = cue,node2 = signal, noNodes=noNodes, model = model)
ck <- searchLinkGraph(node1 = cue,node2 = signal, graph=g, noNodes=noNodes)
if (ck == 0){
# if there is no connection between the cue and the signal in the model
# all possible connections are added between nodes downstream the cue
# (but upstream the following cue) and those upstream the signal
# (but downstream the previous signal)
if (allInter == TRUE && length(graph::nodes(g))>0){
# 1. create a vector containing all nodes downstream the cue
# (until reaching a cue or a noNode)
AllCues <- union(namesStimuli,namesInhibitors)
CueDown <- downCueGraph(cue=cue, graph=g, stopNodes=union(AllCues,noNodes))
# 2. create a vector containing all nodes upstream the signal
# (until reaching a signal, a Stimulus, a noNode)
# AllSignals <- BTable$namesSignals
stopNodes <-unique(union(namesSignals, noNodes))
SigUp <- upSignalGraph(signal=signal, graph=g, stopNodes=stopNodes)
CueDown <- as.vector(cue)
SigUp <- as.vector(signal)
for (ix_tmp1 in 1:length(CueDown)){
for (jx_tmp1 in 1:length(SigUp)){
print(paste(CueDown[ix_tmp1], "->", SigUp[jx_tmp1],sep=""))
model <- addLink(CueDown[ix_tmp1], SigUp[jx_tmp1], model, Sign=SignStim)
model$indexIntegr<-seq(from=indexIntegr+1, to=length(model$reacID))
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