# This file is part of the CNO software
# Copyright (c) 2018 - RWTH Aachen - JRC COMBINE
# File author(s): E.Gjerga (enio.gjerga@gmail.com)
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# CNO website: http://www.cellnopt.org
# $Id$
# This function integrates the new links inferred via the FEED method or from the
# database to the original PKN
# Inputs:
# Mandatory: A cnolist object containing the data (cnolist)
# A model to optimize (model)
# A feeder object as returned by buildFeederObjectDynamic.R function
integrateLinks <- function(feederObject = feederObject, cnolist = cnolist, database = NULL){
# optimizing all the added interactions together
object = feederObject
initial_sif <- object$`Original PKN`
sif <- object$`Original PKN`
write.table(x = sif, file = "temporary_sif.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
model <- readSIF(sifFile = "temporary_sif.txt")
if(length(object$`Feed mechanisms`) > 0){
feedInt = c()
for(ii in 1:length(object$`Feed mechanisms`)){
sif <- unique(rbind(sif, object$`Feed mechanisms`[[ii]]))
for(jj in 1:nrow(object$`Feed mechanisms`[[ii]])){
if(object$`Feed mechanisms`[[ii]][jj, 2]=="1"){
feedInt = c(feedInt, paste0(object$`Feed mechanisms`[[ii]][jj, 1], "=", object$`Feed mechanisms`[[ii]][jj, 3]))
} else {
feedInt = c(feedInt, paste0("!", object$`Feed mechanisms`[[ii]][jj, 1], "=", object$`Feed mechanisms`[[ii]][jj, 3]))
write.table(x = sif, file = "temporary_sif.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
currModel <- readSIF(sifFile = "temporary_sif.txt")
caseCNO <- cnolist
if(is.null(database) || ncol(database)<=3){
currModel <- preprocessing(data = caseCNO, model = currModel, compression = FALSE, expansion = FALSE)
curr_sif = model2sif(model = currModel)
idx2rem = which(duplicated(x = curr_sif[, c(1, 3)]))
if(length(idx2rem) > 0){
curr_sif = curr_sif[-idx2rem, ]
write.table(x = curr_sif, file = "temporary_sif.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
currModel <- readSIF(sifFile = "temporary_sif.txt")
reacDiff <- setdiff(currModel$reacID, model$reacID)
speciesDiff <- setdiff(currModel$namesSpecies, model$namesSpecies)
reacDiffIdx = which(currModel$reacID%in%reacDiff)
speciesDiffIdx = which(currModel$namesSpecies%in%speciesDiff)
returnModel = list()
returnModel[[length(returnModel)+1]] = currModel
returnModel[[length(returnModel)+1]] = reacDiffIdx
returnModel[[length(returnModel)+1]] = speciesDiffIdx
weightVec = rep(0, length(currModel$reacID))
weightVec[which(currModel$reacID%in%feedInt)] = Inf
returnModel[[length(returnModel)+1]] = weightVec
names(returnModel) = c("model", "integLinksIdx", "integSpeciesIdx", "databaseWeight")
} else {
database[, 2] = as.character(as.numeric(database[, 2]))
database[, 4] = as.character(as.numeric(database[, 4]))
reacDiff <- setdiff(currModel$reacID, model$reacID)
speciesDiff <- setdiff(currModel$namesSpecies, model$namesSpecies)
weights = rep(0, length(currModel$reacID))
weightsID = currModel$reacID
for(ii in 1:length(reacDiff)){
if(grepl(pattern = "!", x = reacDiff[ii], fixed = TRUE)){
currReac = gsub(pattern = "!", replacement = "", x = reacDiff[ii], fixed = TRUE)
ss = strsplit(x = currReac, split = "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
tt = strsplit(x = currReac, split = "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
sgn = "-1"
idx = intersect(x = intersect(x = which(database[, 1]==ss), y = which(database[, 3]==tt)), y = which(database[, 2]==sgn))[1]
if(length(idx) > 0){
weights[which(weightsID==reacDiff[ii])] = 1 - as.numeric(database[idx, 4])
} else {
weights[which(weightsID==reacDiff[ii])] = Inf
} else {
currReac = reacDiff[ii]
ss = strsplit(x = currReac, split = "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
tt = strsplit(x = currReac, split = "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
sgn = "1"
idx = intersect(x = intersect(x = which(database[, 1]==ss), y = which(database[, 3]==tt)), y = which(database[, 2]==sgn))
weights[which(weightsID==reacDiff[ii])] = 1 - as.numeric(database[idx, 4])
} else {
weights[which(weightsID==reacDiff[ii])] = Inf
currModel = preprocessingWeighted(data = caseCNO, model = currModel, compression = FALSE, expansion = FALSE, weights = weights, weightsID = weightsID)
returnModel = list()
temp = currModel$model
returnModel[[length(returnModel)+1]] = temp
returnModel[[length(returnModel)+1]] = which(temp$reacID%in%setdiff(temp$reacID, model$reacID))
returnModel[[length(returnModel)+1]] = which(temp$namesSpecies%in%setdiff(temp$namesSpecies, model$namesSpecies))
returnModel[[length(returnModel)+1]] = currModel$weights
names(returnModel) = c("model", "integLinksIdx", "integSpeciesIdx", "databaseWeight")
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