# This file is part of the CNO software
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 - EBI
# File author(s): CNO developers (cno-dev@ebi.ac.uk)
# Distributed under the GPLv2 License. See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# CNO website: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/saezrodriguez/software.html
# $Id: $
gaBinaryDT <- function(CNOlist, model, initBstring = NULL, sizeFac = 1e-04, NAFac = 1, popSize = 50, pMutation = 0.5, maxTime = 60, maxGens = 500, stallGenMax = 100,
selPress = 1.2, elitism = 5, relTol = 0.1, verbose = TRUE, priorBitString = NULL, maxSizeHashTable = 5000, boolUpdates, lowerB = lowerB, upperB = upperB) {
# by default initial bit string is made of ones
if (is.null(initBstring) == TRUE) {
initBstring <- rep(1, length(model$reacID))
# ---- section related to T1 ----
bLength <- length(initBstring)
simList = prep4sim(model)
indexList = indexFinder(CNOlist, model)
Pop <- rbind(initBstring, round(matrix(runif(bLength * (popSize - 1)), nrow = (popSize - 1), ncol = bLength)))
# ---- section related to T1 end ----
Pop <- addPriorKnowledge(Pop, priorBitString)
bestbit <- Pop[1, ]
bestobj <- Inf
stop <- FALSE
obj <- rep(0, popSize)
g <- 0
stallGen <- 0
res <- rbind(c(g, bestobj, toString(bestbit), stallGen, Inf, Inf, toString(bestbit), 0), c(g, bestobj, toString(bestbit), stallGen, Inf, Inf, toString(bestbit),
colnames(res) <- c("Generation", "Best_score", "Best_bitString", "Stall_Generation", "Avg_Score_Gen", "Best_score_Gen", "Best_bit_Gen", "Iter_time")
PopTol <- rep(NA, bLength)
PopTolScores <- NA
# Function that produces the score for a specific bitstring
getObj <- function(x, scoresHash = NULL) {
bitString <- x
# the hash table is used to speed up code. gain is guaranteed to be at least equal to elitism/popsize
if (is.null(scoresHash) == FALSE) {
thisScore <- scoresHash[rownames(scoresHash) == paste(unlist(x), collapse = ","), 1]
if (length(thisScore) != 0)
} # otherwise let us keep going
Score = computeScoreDT(CNOlist, model, bitString, simList, indexList, sizeFac, NAFac, boolUpdates, lowerB = lowerB, upperB = upperB)
# Loop
t0 <- Sys.time()
t <- t0
# used by the scores hashTable.
scoresHash <- data.frame()
# if you do want the hastable, uncomment the following line. scoresHash = NULL
while (!stop) {
# compute the scores
scores <- apply(Pop, 1, getObj, scoresHash = scoresHash)
# fill the hash table to speed up code
scoresHash <- fillHashTable(scoresHash, scores, Pop, maxSizeHashTable)
# Fitness assignment: ranking, linear
rankP <- order(scores, decreasing = TRUE)
Pop <- Pop[rankP, ]
scores <- scores[rankP]
fitness <- 2 - selPress + (2 * (selPress - 1) * (c(1:popSize) - 1)/(popSize - 1))
# selection:stochastic uniform sampling
wheel1 <- cumsum(fitness/sum(fitness))
breaks <- runif(1) * 1/popSize
breaks <- c(breaks, breaks + ((1:(popSize - 1)))/popSize)
sel <- rep(1, popSize)
for (i in 1:length(breaks)) {
sel[i] <- which(wheel1 > breaks[i])[1]
# intermediate generation
Pop2 <- Pop[sel, ]
PSize2 <- dim(Pop2)[1]
PSize3 <- popSize - elitism
# Recombination: uniform: each bit has a .5 proba of being inherited from each parent
mates <- cbind(ceiling(runif(PSize3) * PSize2), ceiling(runif(PSize3) * PSize2))
# This holds the probability, for each bit, to be inherited from parent 1 (if TRUE) or 2 (if FALSE)
InhBit <- matrix(runif((PSize3 * bLength)), nrow = PSize3, ncol = bLength)
InhBit <- InhBit < 0.5
# Try one point crossover xover<-ceiling(runif(PSize3)*(bLength-1)) indices<-matrix(1:bLength,nrow=PSize3,ncol=bLength,byrow=TRUE)
# InhBit<-matrix(rep(FALSE,PSize3*bLength),nrow=PSize3,ncol=bLength) for(i in 1:PSize3){ InhBit[i,]<-indices[i,]<xover[i] }
Pop3par1 <- Pop2[mates[, 1], ]
Pop3par2 <- Pop2[mates[, 2], ]
Pop3 <- Pop3par2
Pop3[InhBit] <- Pop3par1[InhBit]
# Mutation
MutProba <- matrix(runif((PSize3 * bLength)), nrow = PSize3, ncol = bLength)
MutProba <- (MutProba < (pMutation/bLength))
Pop3[MutProba] <- 1 - Pop3[MutProba]
# Compute stats
t <- c(t, Sys.time())
g <- g + 1
thisGenBest <- scores[length(scores)]
thisGenBestBit <- Pop[length(scores), ]
if (is.na(thisGenBest)) {
thisGenBest <- min(scores, na.rm = TRUE)
thisGenBestBit <- Pop[which(scores == thisGenBest)[1], ]
if (thisGenBest < bestobj) {
bestobj <- thisGenBest
bestbit <- thisGenBestBit
stallGen <- 0
} else {
stallGen <- stallGen + 1
resThisGen <- c(g, bestobj, toString(bestbit), stallGen, (mean(scores, na.rm = TRUE)), thisGenBest, toString(thisGenBestBit), as.numeric((t[length(t)] - t[length(t) -
1]), units = "secs"))
names(resThisGen) <- c("Generation", "Best_score", "Best_bitString", "Stall_Generation", "Avg_Score_Gen", "Best_score_Gen", "Best_bit_Gen", "Iter_time")
if (verbose)
res <- rbind(res, resThisGen)
# Check stopping criteria
Criteria <- c((stallGen > stallGenMax), (as.numeric((t[length(t)] - t[1]), units = "secs") > maxTime), (g > maxGens))
if (any(Criteria))
stop <- TRUE
# Check for bitstrings that are within the tolerance of the best bitstring
tolScore <- scores[length(scores)] * relTol
TolBs <- which(scores < scores[length(scores)] + tolScore)
if (length(TolBs) > 0) {
PopTol <- rbind(PopTol, Pop[TolBs, ])
PopTolScores <- c(PopTolScores, scores[TolBs])
if (elitism > 0) {
Pop <- rbind(Pop3, Pop[(popSize - elitism + 1):popSize, ])
} else {
Pop <- Pop3
Pop <- addPriorKnowledge(Pop, priorBitString)
# end of the while loop
PopTol <- PopTol[-1, ]
PopTolScores <- PopTolScores[-1]
TolBs <- which(PopTolScores < scores[length(scores)] + tolScore)
PopTol <- PopTol[TolBs, ]
PopTolScores <- PopTolScores[TolBs]
PopTolT <- cbind(PopTol, PopTolScores)
PopTolT <- unique(PopTolT, MARGIN = 1)
if (!is.null(dim(PopTolT))) {
PopTol <- PopTolT[, 1:(dim(PopTolT)[2] - 1)]
PopTolScores <- PopTolT[, dim(PopTolT)[2]]
} else {
PopTol <- PopTolT[1:(length(PopTolT) - 1)]
PopTolScores <- PopTolT[length(PopTolT)]
res <- res[3:dim(res)[1], ]
rownames(res) <- NULL
return(list(bString = bestbit, results = res, stringsTol = PopTol, stringsTolScores = PopTolScores))
addPriorKnowledge <- function(pop, priorBitString) {
if (is.null(priorBitString) == TRUE) {
} else {
for (i in 1:dim(pop)[1]) {
pop[i, !is.na(priorBitString)] = priorBitString[!is.na(priorBitString)]
# simple function to shift a data.frame
shift <- function(d, k) rbind(tail(d, k), head(d, -k), deparse.level = 0)
fillHashTable <- function(scoresHash, scores, Pop, maxSizeHashTable = 5000) {
# if not a data.frame, just return NULL
if (is.null(scoresHash) == TRUE) {
popSize = dim(Pop)[1]
for (i in 1:dim(Pop)[1]) {
thisScore <- scoresHash[rownames(scoresHash) == paste(unlist(Pop[i, ]), collapse = ","), 1]
# if not already stored, store the score and corresponding bitstring
if (length(thisScore) == 0) {
# compute a new score
thisScore <- scores[i]
# rename the row (latest one) of the newly added score
if (dim(scoresHash)[1] < maxSizeHashTable) {
scoresHash <- rbind(scoresHash, c(thisScore, 1))
j = dim(scoresHash)[1]
row.names(scoresHash)[j] = paste(unlist(Pop[i, ]), collapse = ",")
} else {
# shift by -1 so that first element put in the queue (that we get rid of) is last indices = c(1:maxSizeHashTable-popSize*2) scoresHash[indices, ] =
# scoresHash[order(scoresHash[indices,2], decreasing=TRUE), ]
scoresHash = shift(scoresHash, -1)
# scoresHash = shift(scoresHash, -1) overwrite last element with the latest score and bitstring
scoresHash[maxSizeHashTable, ] = c(thisScore, 1)
row.names(scoresHash)[maxSizeHashTable] = paste(unlist(Pop[i, ]), collapse = ",")
} else {
count = scoresHash[rownames(scoresHash) == paste(unlist(Pop[i, ]), collapse = ","), 2]
scoresHash[rownames(scoresHash) == paste(unlist(Pop[i, ]), collapse = ","), 2] = count + 1
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