# helper to generate network
inter <- function(x1,i,x2){
data.frame(source = x1, interaction = i, target = x2)
# These helpers can be used to visualize PKN and results.
# They are not essential part of testing but will help identifying the issues
# if we need manual checking.
plotSolution <- function(result_actual,id,inputs, measurement){
net_edge <- result_actual$sifAll[[id]] %>% as_tibble() %>%
rename(from = Node1,to=Node2) %>%
mutate(color = ifelse(Sign == 1, "black","red"))
inp = names(inputs)
measured = names(measurement)
net_nodes <- result_actual$attributesAll[[id]] %>% as_tibble() %>%
rename(id = Nodes) %>%
mutate(label = id) %>%
mutate(color.border = ifelse(id %in% inp, "black","white"),
color.border = ifelse(id %in% measured,"red", color.border)) %>%
mutate(color.background = ifelse(Activity == 1,"#9acd32", "grey"),
color.background = ifelse(Activity == -1,"red", color.background)) %>%
mutate(borderWidth = 3)
visNetwork::visNetwork(edges = net_edge,nodes = net_nodes) %>%
visNetwork::visEdges(arrows = 'to', scaling = list(min = 2, max = 2)) %>%
plotPKN <- function(network, inputs, measurement){
net_edge <- network %>% as_tibble() %>%
rename(from = source,to=target) %>%
mutate(color = ifelse(interaction == 1, "black","red"))
nodes = unique(c(network$source, network$target))
inp = names(inputs)
measured = names(measurement)
net_nodes <- tibble(id = nodes, label = nodes) %>%
mutate(color.background = ifelse(id %in% inp, "#9acd32","white"),
color.background = ifelse(id %in% measured,"lightblue", color.background))
visNetwork::visNetwork(edges = net_edge,nodes = net_nodes) %>%
visNetwork::visEdges(arrows = 'to', scaling = list(min = 2, max = 2)) %>%
## Tests with LP solve ------------------------------------------------------
test_that("lpSolve, inverseCarnival, negative measurement", {
# small chain model
measurement = c(M1 = -1)
network = rbind(inter("I1", 1, "N1"),
inter("I1", 1, "N2"),
inter("N2", 1, "M1"),
inter("N1", 1, "M1"))
options <- defaultLpSolveCarnivalOptions()
options$workdir = file.path(options$workdir,"work_lpsolve")
options$outputFolder = file.path(options$workdir,"work_lpsolve")
options$keepLPFiles = FALSE
# obtain actual result using LP solve
result_actual = runInverseCarnival(measurements = measurement,
priorKnowledgeNetwork = network,
weights = NULL,
carnivalOptions = options)
# plotSolution(result_actual,1,inputs = c(Perturbation = 1), measurement)
attr = result_actual$nodesAttributes
attr <- attr[match(c("Perturbation","I1","M1","N1","N2"),attr$Node),]
expect_equal(attr$AvgAct, c(100,-100,-100,-100,0))
expect_equal(attr$DownAct, c(0,100,100,100,0))
expect_equal(attr$UpAct, c(100,0,0,0,0))
expect_equal(attr$ZeroAct, c(0,0,0,0,100))
# weightedSIF
expect_equal(nrow(result_actual$weightedSIF), 6)
expect_equal(result_actual$weightedSIF$Weight, c(100,0,100,0,100,0))
# sifAll
# attributesAll
## Tests with CPLEX solve ------------------------------------------------------
# find CPLEX folder in Applications folder. Folder name changes between versions.
cplexFolder = dir(path = "/Applications",pattern = "CPLEX_Studio",full.names = TRUE)
cplexPath = ""
cplex_rel_path = "cplex/bin/x86-64_osx/cplex"
cplexPath = file.path(cplexFolder,cplex_rel_path)
test_that("CPLEX, inverseCarnival, negative measurement", {
# There are 4 possible solutions
# small chain model
measurement = c(M1 = -1)
network = rbind(inter("I1", 1, "N1"),
inter("I1", 1, "N2"),
inter("N2", 1, "M1"),
inter("N1", 1, "M1"))
options <- defaultCplexCarnivalOptions()
options$solverPath <- cplexPath
options$workdir = file.path(options$workdir,"work_cplex")
options$outputFolder = file.path(options$workdir,"work_cplex")
options$keepLPFiles <- FALSE
# obtain actual result using LP solve
result_actual = runInverseCarnival(measurements = measurement,
priorKnowledgeNetwork = network,
weights = NULL,
carnivalOptions = options)
# plotSolution(result_actual,1,inputs = c(Perturbation = 1), measurement)
attr = result_actual$nodesAttributes
attr <- attr[match(c("Perturbation","I1","M1","N1","N2"),attr$Node),]
expect_equal(attr$AvgAct, c(0,-100,-100,-50,-50))
expect_equal(attr$DownAct, c(50,100,100,50,50))
expect_equal(attr$UpAct, c(50,0,0,0,0))
expect_equal(attr$ZeroAct, c(0,0,0,50,50))
# weightedSIF
expect_equal(nrow(result_actual$weightedSIF), 6)
expect_equal(result_actual$weightedSIF$Weight, c(50,50,50,50,50,50))
# sifAll
# attributesAll
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