# This file is part of the `BraDiPluS` R package
# Copyright (c) 2016 EMBL-EBI
# File author(s): Federica Eduati (federica.eduati@gmail.com)
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# Website: https://github.com/saezlab/BraDiPluS
# --------------------------------------------------------
#' Remove outlier peaks.
#' \code{qualityAssessment} removes low quality peaks (i.e. replicates).
#' This function allows to remove the peaks that are outliers based on the orange channel. Orange dye is added to the cells suspention
#' in order to monitor mixing of reagents in each plug. This function looks at the distribution of the
#' values of all orange peaks and marks the possible outliers: corresponding peaks are removed from further
#' analysis. It can be done at once for different runs (where we call run a complete cycle of all the samples corresponding
#' to different experimental conditions).
#' @param runs List with one element for each run. For each run the list elements correspond to the peaks selected for the different
#' samples using \code{\link{selectSamplesPeaks}} (after defining samples with \code{\link{samplesSelection}})
#' @return This function returns a list with the same structure of the one used as input but without the outlier peaks.
#' @seealso \code{\link{samplesSelection}} to define samples, \code{\link{selectSamplesPeaks}} to select peaks for each sample
#' @examples
#' data(BxPC3_data,package="BraDiPluS")
#' res <- samplesSelection(data=MyData, BCchannel="blue",
#' BCthr=0.01, distThr=300, plotMyData=TRUE)
#' samples <-res$samples
#' # select the peaks for each sample
#' samplesPeaks <- selectSamplesPeaks(samples, channel="green", metric="median", baseThr=0.01, minLength=350, discartPeaks="first", discartPeaksPerc=5)
#' # remove outliers based on orange channel
#' runs<-list(run1=samplesPeaks)
#' runs.qa<-qualityAssessment(runs=runs)
#' @export
qualityAssessment <- function(runs){
for (i in 1:length(runs)){
res[[i]]<-removeOutliers(runs[[i]], i)
# remove ouliers for each run
removeOutliers <- function(x, index){
allData<-unlist(sapply(x, get, x="orange"))
bxp<-boxplot(allData, ylab="orange (all replicates, all samples)")
main<-paste("run", index, ": median=", round(median(allData), 2), ", IQR=", round(IQR(allData), 3))
# title(main=main, sub=paste("total =", length(allData), " outliers =", round(length(bxp$out),3)))
# remove outliers from each sample
x_new<-lapply(x, function(y){
subset(y, (orange > lower_outlier & orange < upper_outlier))
# find samples with less then 2 replicates after removing outliers
nRepl<-sapply(x_new, nrow)
cat("\nrun", index, ":\n")
cat("Sample(s): ", paste(names(x_new)[ixRemove], sep=","), "have less then 2 replicates and will therefore be removed")
if (length(ixRemove)>0){
sub1<-paste("samples removed:", paste(names(x_new)[ixRemove], collapse=","))
sub1<-"samples removed: none"
sub2<-paste("total =", length(allData), " outliers =", round(length(bxp$out),3))
title(main=main, sub=paste(sub1, sub2, sep="\n"))
# if (length(ixRemove)>0){
# x_new<-x_new[-ixRemove]
# }
# instead of removing it, I substitute it with an empty data frame
for (i in ixRemove){
x_new[[i]]<-setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = ncol(x_new[[i]]), nrow = 0)), colnames(x_new[[i]]))
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