# This file is part of the `BraDiPluS` R package
# Copyright (c) 2016 EMBL-EBI
# File author(s): Federica Eduati (federica.eduati@gmail.com)
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# Website: https://github.com/saezlab/BraDiPluS
# --------------------------------------------------------
#' Select fluorescence peaks.
#' \code{peaksSelection} allows to identify peaks for the defined channel.
#' This function reads the data produced with labview in the 3 channels (green, orange and blue)
#' and selects the peaks corresponding to the plugs in the user defined channel. This is done by considering
#' as peaks the signal that goes above a threshold (defined by argument "baseThr") and stays above for a minimum number
#' of data points (defined by argument "minLength").
#' @param data data to be analyzed (formatted as data.frame with 4 columns: green, orange, blue, time)
#' @param channel channel to be considered, default="green"
#' @param metric metric to be used to define the value to assign to each peak, select among "median", "mean",
#' "max" or "AUC", default is "median"
#' @param Nchannel channel to be used to normalise data, default is NA (raccomended to not use it)
#' @param baseThr threshold on the baseline used in order to define what is a peak, default is 0.01
#' @param minLength minimum length of a plug/droplet in number of data points, default is 10 (note that unit is
#' number of data points, not seconds)
#' @param discartPeaks select of to discart first and/or last peak ("first" discart the first, "last" discart the last,
#' "both" discart both), default is NA
#' @param discartPeaksPerc select the percentage of peaks to discart if discartPeaks is defined. Default is 1
#' @return This function returns a data.frame with one peak for each row and 9 columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{green}{value of the peak in the green channel}
#' \item{orange}{value of the peak in the orange channel}
#' \item{blue}{value of the peak in the blue channel}
#' \item{norm}{value of the selected channel normalized by the value of the Nchannel, if the Nchannel is provided (otherwise the value is set to 0)}
#' \item{start}{starting point of the peak}
#' \item{end}{final point of the peak}
#' \item{length}{length of the peak}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotData}}
#' @examples
#' data(BxPC3_data,package="BraDiPluS")
#' peaks <- peaksSelection(data=MyData, channel="blue")
#' @export
peaksSelection <- function(data, channel="green", metric="median", Nchannel=NA, baseThr=0.01, minLength=10, discartPeaks=NA, discartPeaksPerc=1){
# consider only data for the desired channel
if (length(x)==0){
cat("CAREFUL: no peaks identified for the current sample - no data\n")
theColNames<-c("green", "orange", "blue", "norm", "start", "end", "length")
peaks <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(theColNames), nrow = 0)), theColNames)
# define when data are above a selected threshold
thr <- (x>baseThr) #vector with TRUE for values above the baseline threshold and FALSE for values below
# find the corresponding indices
# to find the start points I check when the T is preceeded by a non T (i.e. a F)
ix_T<-c(0, which(thr==TRUE))
# to find the end points I check when the F is preceeded by a non F (i.e. a T)
# if ix_start is longer than ix_end it means that the last peak starts but do not end so I remove it
# compute corresponding length
# remove short peaks (below the defined threshold)
ix_start <- ix_start[which(pLength > minLength)]
ix_end <- ix_end[which(pLength > minLength)]
pLength <- pLength[which(pLength > minLength)]
# check if there are peaks identified
if (length(ix_start)==0){
cat("CAREFUL: no peaks identified for the current sample\n")
theColNames<-c("green", "orange", "blue", "norm", "start", "end", "length")
peaks <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(theColNames), nrow = 0)), theColNames)
# select corresponding data and compute metric
if (metric=="AUC"){ # AUC is computed as the sum of data points multiplied by the sampling time
metric <- match.fun(metric)
for (i in 1:length(ix_start)){
tmp_all<- x_all[seq(ix_start[i], ix_end[i]), , drop = FALSE]
pAll[i,]<-apply(tmp_all,2,metric) # store the computed metric for each channel
# store the corresponding time points
pStart <- data$time[ix_start]
pEnd <- data$time[ix_end]
# if the normalization channel is provided, use it to normalize the data
if (!is.na(Nchannel)){
} else{
pNorm<-rep(0, nrow(pAll))
# save relevant values
peaks <- data.frame(green=pAll$green, orange=pAll$orange, blue=pAll$blue, norm=pNorm, start=pStart, end=pEnd, length=pLength)
# and remove short peaks (below the defined threshold)
#peaks <- peaks[which(peaks$length > minLength),]
# discart first and/or last replicates because of contamination
if (!is.na(discartPeaks)){
nRemove<-ceiling(ix2* discartPeaksPerc*0.01) # number of peaks to remove according to the defined discartPeaksPerc
if (discartPeaks=="first"){
if (ix2>=2){
else{warning("there is only one peak selected, cannot discart first peak")}
if (discartPeaks=="last"){
if (ix2>=2) {
else{warning("there is only one peak selected, cannot discart last peak")}
if (discartPeaks=="both"){
if (ix2>=3) {
else{warning("there are less then 2 peaks selected, cannot discart first and last peak")}
if (ix1>ix2){ix2<-ix1;warning("if you are discarting peaks from both sides the percentage must be lower then 50")}
peaks <- peaks[ix1:ix2,]
# green shows in orange, thus if green is the main channel and orange the mixture control channel
# orange is corrected as follow orange_new <- orange - 0.45*green
# peaks$orangeOriginal<-peaks$orange
# if (!is.na(Cchannel)){
# if (channel=="green" & Cchannel=="orange"){
# peaks$orange<-peaks$orange-correctOrange*peaks$green
# }
# }
## MOVED TO qualityAssessment.R
### remove outliers using the control channel (e.g. blue)
# if (!is.na(Cchannel)){
# lowerq = quantile(get(Cchannel, peaks))[2]
# upperq = quantile(get(Cchannel, peaks))[4]
# iqr = upperq - lowerq #Or use IQR(data)
# #mild.threshold.upper = (iqr * 1.5) + upperq
# #mild.threshold.lower = lowerq - (iqr * 1.5)
# extreme.threshold.upper = (iqr * 3) + upperq
# extreme.threshold.lower = lowerq - (iqr * 3)
# ixOut<-which((get(Cchannel, peaks))>extreme.threshold.upper | (get(Cchannel, peaks))<extreme.threshold.lower)
# if (length(ixOut)>0){peaks <- peaks[-ixOut,]}
# }
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