#' Run an R Studio server instance on rocker-based image
#' A wrapper for the docker function used to run a R Studio server process on a
#' specified docker image. The docker image must be based on
#' [rocker](https://github.com/rocker-org/rocker). This will be available at the
#' `port` specified on the host. Currently, the `permissions` argument operates
#' through setting a `USERID` and `GROUPID`, which are by default set to my
#' user's settings. The `USERID` and `GROUPID` of the current user can be
#' checked using the `id` bash command. In order to make sure your volumes have
#' the correct permissions, these settings should be modified to match the user
#' of interest.
#' @param image `character(1)` the name of the `rocker` image to use.
#' @param port `integer(1)` the port to present R Studio server at`.
#' @param password `character(1)` the password to used for R Studio server.
#' @param name `character(1)` the name for the container.
#' @param detach `logical(1)` whether to use the `-d` flag when running the
#' container. Should the container continue to run in the background after
#' `docker run` has executed?
#' @param rm `logical(1)` whether to use the `-rm` flag when running the
#' container. Should the container be removed when stopped?
#' @param volumes `character(1)` the paths for the host files/directories that
#' you want accessible in the container. See argument `permissions` for
#' read/write access to these. Can either be a path on host or in the form
#' "host_path:container_path".
#' @param volumes_ro `character(1)` the paths for the host files/directories
#' that you want to have read-only access for in the container. This option is
#' recommended for any volumes you don't need to modify.
#' @param permissions `character(1)` if set to "match" (be careful!), then the
#' permissions of the mounted volumes on the container, will match that of the
#' host. I.e. the user executing the docker command will have permissions to
#' read/write/execute in the container as they did on the host.
#' @param USERID `integer(1)` the USERID of the user for which you would like
#' the permissions of the mounted volumes to match.
#' @param GROUPID `integer(1)` the GROUPID of the user for which you would like
#' the permissions of the mounted volumes to match.
#' @param verbose `logical(1)` whether to display the command to be run (for
#' debugging purposes).
#' @param return_flags `logical(1)` whether to return the flags to be inputted
#' into `docker run`, rather than run the command. Mainly here for testing and
#' roxygen example.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @references The solution for the `permissions` of the `volumes` was taken
#' from
#' https://github.com/rocker-org/rocker/wiki/Sharing-files-with-host-machine.
#' @examples
#' # below is an example of running docker_run_rserver with minimal config
#' # importantly, return_flags is set to TRUE
#' # so this command will NOT execute the docker run command
#' # only return the flags that would be run, were return_flags set to FALSE
#' # this is purely for the roxygen example
#' # in practice, users should set return_flags to FALSE
#' docker_flags <- docker_run_rserver(
#' image = "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:RELEASE_3_13",
#' port = 8888,
#' name = "your_container_name",
#' return_flags = TRUE
#' )
#' # the docker command that would run on the system if return_flags = FALSE
#' paste(c("docker", docker_flags), collapse = " ")
docker_run_rserver <- function(image,
password = "bioc",
name = "rockup_container",
detach = TRUE,
rm = FALSE,
volumes = NULL,
volumes_ro = NULL,
permissions = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
return_flags = FALSE) {
# set up the args for password and port
docker_flags <- list(
env = paste0("PASSWORD=", password),
publish = paste0(port, ":8787"),
detach = detach,
rm = rm,
name = name
) %>%
cmdfun::cmd_list_interp() %>%
cmdfun::cmd_list_to_flags(prefix = "--")
# set up USERID/GROUPID to match the host user
# so volume permissions also match the host
if (!is.null(permissions)) {
if (is.null(USERID) || is.null(GROUPID)) {
stop("USERID and GROUPID must be non-NULL, if permissions set to 'match'")
if (permissions == "match") {
permissions <- paste0(
"--env USERID=", USERID, " ",
} else {
stop("permissions must be 'match' or NULL")
# set up volumes
# either with permission
if (!is.null(volumes)) {
volumes <-
volumes %>%
.volumes_to_flag(read_only = FALSE)
if (!is.null(volumes_ro)) {
volumes_ro <-
volumes_ro %>%
.volumes_to_flag(read_only = TRUE)
docker_flags <- c("run", docker_flags, permissions, volumes, volumes_ro, image)
if (return_flags) {
if (verbose) {
"Running docker with flags: ",
stringr::str_c(docker_flags, collapse = " ")
#' @noRd
.volumes_to_flag <- function(volumes, read_only = FALSE) {
. <- NULL
# if you've already got a ":" in the volume
# then leave it as is, otherwise mount volume as
# identical path to host
volumes_flag <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(volumes, ":"),
stringr::str_c(volumes, ":", volumes)
# prefix with the -v flag
volumes_flag <- volumes_flag %>%
stringr::str_c("-v ", .)
if (read_only) {
volumes_flag <-
volumes_flag %>%
stringr::str_c(., ":ro")
volumes_flag <-
volumes_flag %>%
stringr::str_c(collapse = " ")
#' @noRd
.docker_cmd <- function(...) {
system2("docker", ...)
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