runGC <- function(files, xset, settings, rtrange = NULL, DB = NULL, removeArtefacts = TRUE, findUnknowns = nexp >= mcs, returnXset = FALSE,
RIstandards = NULL, nSlaves = 0) {
## ################################################################### some preliminary sanity checks
if (!missing(files)) {
nexp <- length(files)
} else {
if (missing(xset))
stop("Either 'files' or 'xset' should be given")
if (is(xset)[1] == "xcmsSet")
stop("xset should be a list of CAMERA-grouped xcmsSet objects, see man page")
xset.l <- xset
nexp <- length(xset.l)
## same criterion as in matchSamples2Samples
mcs <- max(2, min(metaSetting(settings, "betweenSamples.min.class.size"), metaSetting(settings, "betweenSamples.min.class.fraction") *
## check for unrealistic expectations: findUnknowns can only be relevant if enough samples are present.
if (findUnknowns & nexp < mcs) {
stop("Number of samples too small to define unknowns - either provide more samples or change the settings.")
if (is.null(DB) & !findUnknowns)
stop("Nothing to do. Provide a DB or set 'findUnknowns' to TRUE...")
if (findUnknowns & !is.null(DB) & metaSetting(settings, "betweenSamples.timeComparison") != metaSetting(settings, "match2DB.timeComparison"))
stop("Settings error: choose one value for timeComparison only...")
if (is.null(RIstandards) & ((metaSetting(settings, "betweenSamples.timeComparison") == "RI" & findUnknowns) | (metaSetting(settings,
"match2DB.timeComparison") == "RI" & !is.null(DB))))
stop("Argument RIstandards is mandatory when using RI for matching")
if (!is.null(RIstandards) & metaSetting(settings, "betweenSamples.timeComparison") == "rt" & metaSetting(settings, "match2DB.timeComparison") ==
printWarning("Warning: argument RIstandards provided, but using retention times for matching")
printString(paste("Experiment of", nexp, "samples"))
printString(paste("Instrument:", metaSetting(settings, "protocolName")))
if (length(rtrange) == 2)
printString(paste("Retention time range:", rtrange[1], "to", rtrange[2], "minutes"))
if (!is.null(DB)) {
DB.orig <- DB
DB <- treat.DB(DB.orig)
printString(paste("Annotation using database of", length(DB), "spectra"))
} else {
printString("No annotation performed")
DB.orig <- NULL
## ################################################################### Peak picking and CAMERA
if (!missing(files)) {
printString("Performing peak picking and CAMERA")
xset.l <- peakDetection(files, metaSetting(settings, "PeakPicking"), rtrange = rtrange, convert2list = TRUE, nSlaves = nSlaves)
allSamples <- lapply(xset.l, runCAMERA, chrom = metaSetting(settings, "chrom"), settings = metaSetting(settings, "CAMERA"))
} else {
printString("Using xcmsSet object - only doing annotation")
allSamples <- xset.l
## ################################################################### convert into msp format (a nested list)
allSamples.msp <- lapply(allSamples, to.msp, file = NULL, settings = metaSetting(settings, "DBconstruction"))
names(allSamples.msp) <- sapply(allSamples, function(x) sampnames(x@xcmsSet))
if (!is.null(RIstandards))
allSamples.msp <- lapply(allSamples.msp, addRI, RIstandards, isMSP = FALSE)
## check: files without any features - should not happen very often...
nofeats <- which(sapply(allSamples.msp, length) == 0)
if ((nnof <- length(nofeats)) > 0) {
printWarning("Removing", nnof, "injections without any features:\n\t", paste(names(allSamples)[nofeats], collapse = "\n\t "))
allSamples.msp <- allSamples.msp[-nofeats]
## now scale the rest...
allSamples.msp.scaled <- lapply(allSamples.msp, treat.DB, isMSP = FALSE)
## remove Artefacts
if (!is.null(DB)) {
if (removeArtefacts) {
printString(paste("Removing artefacts (", paste(metaSetting(settings, "matchIrrelevants.irrelevantClasses"), collapse = ", "),
")", sep = ""))
irrel.idx <- which(sapply(DB, function(x) x$Class) %in% metaSetting(settings, "matchIrrelevants.irrelevantClasses"))
if (length(irrel.idx) > 0) {
subDB <- DB[irrel.idx]
junkPatterns <- lapply(matchSamples2DB(allSamples.msp.scaled, subDB, metaSetting(settings, "matchIrrelevants"),
quick = TRUE)$annotations, function(x) x[, "pattern"])
allSamples.msp <- mapply(function(x, y) if (length(y) > 0) {
} else {
}, allSamples.msp, junkPatterns)
allSamples.msp.scaled <- mapply(function(x, y) if (length(y) > 0) {
} else {
}, allSamples.msp.scaled, junkPatterns)
## check: files without any features
nofeats <- which(sapply(allSamples.msp, length) == 0)
if ((nnof <- length(nofeats)) > 0) {
printWarning("Removing", nnof, "injections containing only artefacts:\n\t", paste(names(allSamples)[nofeats],
collapse = "\n\t "))
allSamples <- allSamples[-nofeats]
DB <- DB[-irrel.idx]
DB.orig <- DB.orig[-irrel.idx]
printString("Matching with database of standards")
allSam.matches <- matchSamples2DB(allSamples.msp, DB = DB, settings = metaSetting(settings, "match2DB"), quick = FALSE)
} else {
allSam.matches <- NULL
if (findUnknowns) {
printString("Matching unknowns across samples")
allSam.matches <- matchSamples2Samples(allSamples.msp.scaled, allSamples.msp, annotations = allSam.matches$annotations,
settings = metaSetting(settings, "betweenSamples"))
# Add this if because when you obtain no result, there was an error during 'sweep' function for ann.df2
# if(sum(sapply(allSam.matches$annotations,nrow)) > 0){
printString("Formatting results")
## First obtain the pseudospectra
PseudoSpectra <- constructExpPseudoSpectra(allMatches = allSam.matches, standardsDB = DB.orig)
## and replace the DB indices of the identified standards with the indices in the pseudospec DB - they are simply ordered. The
## alternatives should also be there! Then export the quantitations. The first part is a data.frame describing the features
features.df <- getFeatureInfo(stdDB = DB.orig, allMatches = allSam.matches, sampleList = allSamples.msp)
## Second data.frame contains the actual annotations, for the moment as relative intensities
ann.df <- getAnnotationMat(exp.msp = allSamples.msp, pspectra = PseudoSpectra, allMatches = allSam.matches)
## To get to intensities comparable to the ones identified by xcms, use largest peak in PseudoSpectra as the common intensity
## measure
ann.df2 <- sweep(ann.df, 1, sapply(PseudoSpectra, function(x) max(x$pspectrum[, 2])), FUN = "*")
if (returnXset) {
list(PeakTable = cbind(data.frame(features.df), data.frame(round(ann.df2))), PseudoSpectra = PseudoSpectra, settings = settings,
xset = allSamples, annotation = allSam.matches$annotation, samples.msp = allSamples.msp, SessionInfo = sessionInfo())
} else {
list(PeakTable = cbind(data.frame(features.df), data.frame(round(ann.df2))), PseudoSpectra = PseudoSpectra, settings = settings,
SessionInfo = sessionInfo())
# }else{ peaktable <- data.frame(Name = 1, Class = 1, = 1, rt = 1)[FALSE,] result <- matrix(0, 0,
# length(allSamples.msp)) colnames(result) <- names(allSamples.msp) if (returnXset) { list(PeakTable =
# cbind(data.frame(peaktable), data.frame(result)), PseudoSpectra = NULL, settings = settings, xset = allSamples, annotation
# = allSam.matches$annotation, samples.msp = allSamples.msp, SessionInfo = sessionInfo()) } else { list(PeakTable =
# cbind(data.frame(peaktable), data.frame(result)), PseudoSpectra = NULL, settings = settings, SessionInfo = sessionInfo()) }
# }
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