## return those components that never reach a certain
## concentraction value - these might be taken out
smallComps <- function(obj, Ithresh) {
maxCvalues <- apply(sapply(obj$CList, function(x) apply(x, 2, max)),
1, max)
list(smallComps = which(maxCvalues < Ithresh),
maxCvalues = maxCvalues)
removeComps <- function(obj, toRemove, ...) {
if (!all(toRemove %in% 1:ncol(obj$S)))
stop("Invalid component vector: should be a subset of", 1:ncol(obj$S))
## regenerate the data, should be quick
PsiList <- lapply(1:length(obj$CList),
tcrossprod(obj$CList[[i]], obj$S) + obj$resid[[i]])
names(PsiList) <- names(obj$CList)
doALS(PsiList, obj$S[, -toRemove], ...)
## function combineComps allows the user to combine components.
## Suppose that in a set of 8 components the _real_
## component number 7 is a combination of comps 2 and 7. compList is
## then given like this: compList <- list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, c(2, 7),
## 8). Weights are given by the max intensities in the CList elements,
## or explicitly provided by the user.
combineComps <- function(obj, compList, weights, ...) {
lambdas <- getWavelength(obj)
## regenerate the data, should be quick
PsiList <- lapply(1:length(obj$CList),
tcrossprod(obj$CList[[i]], obj$S) + obj$resid[[i]])
names(PsiList) <- names(obj$CList)
CLlength <- sapply(compList, length)
if (max(CLlength) == 1)
stop("Nothing to do: no combination of components given")
if (missing(weights)) {
maxCvalues <- apply(sapply(obj$CList,
function(x) apply(x, 2, max)),
1, max)
scaledS <- sweep(obj$S, 2, maxCvalues, FUN = "*")
newS <- sapply(compList,
rowMeans(scaledS[, x, drop = FALSE]))
} else {
combineS <- function(origS, idx, wght) {
rowSums(sweep(origS[,idx, drop = FALSE], 2, wght, FUN = "*"))
## weights should be as long as compList, individual elements
## should have the same length, too
newS <- sapply(seq(along = compList),
combineS(obj$S, compList[[ii]], weights[[ii]]))
## scale to unit length
newS <- apply(newS, 2, function(xx) xx/rep(sqrt(crossprod(xx)), length(xx)))
dimnames(newS) <- list(lambdas, paste("Component", 1:ncol(newS)))
doALS(PsiList, newS, ...)
## Experimental function, based on analysis of TEA data.
suggestCompCombis <- function(obj, indices, Ithresh = 0,
corthresh = 0.9,
clusterHeight = 0.6) {
## auxiliary function works on a sublist of the input argument
cC.aux <- function(XCL) {
mat1 <- matrix(0, ncol(XCL[[1]]), ncol(XCL[[1]]))
for (s in 1:length(XCL)) {
## consider only those components with a max I above the threshold
maxI <- which(apply(XCL[[s]], 2, max) > Ithresh)
if (length(maxI) > 0) {
## find all components with a minimum correlation level
corX <- which(cor(XCL[[s]]) > corthresh, arr.ind = TRUE)
corX <- corX[apply(corX, 1, diff) < 0,,
drop = FALSE] ## no double entries
corX <- corX[apply(corX, 1,
function(x) any(match(x, maxI, nomatch = 0))),,
drop = FALSE]
## if successful on both criteria, add one to the count
mat1[corX] <- mat1[corX] + 1
mat1 / length(XCL)
huhn <- lapply(indices, function(idx) cC.aux(obj$CList[idx]))
huhn.dist <- as.dist(1 - do.call("+", huhn))
huhn.hcl <- hclust(huhn.dist, method = "single")
huhn.clusters <- cutree(huhn.hcl, h = clusterHeight)
## reformat the cluster vector into something that can be directly
## imported into combineComps...
list(clusters = lapply(1:max(huhn.clusters),
function(x) which(huhn.clusters == x)),
agreements = huhn)
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