#' Setup a simulation before running it for calculating Water Values,
#' used in \code{runWaterValuesSimulation}
#' @param area The area concerned by the simulation.
#' @param fictive_area_name Name of the fictive area to create.
#' @param thermal_cluster Name of the thermal cluster to create.
#' @param overwrite If area or cluster already exists, overwrite them ?
#' @param remove_areas Character vector of area(s) to remove from the created district.
#' @param reset_hydro Boolean. True to reset hydro inflow to 0 before the simulation.
#' @param link_from area that will be linked to the created fictive area. If it's
#' \code{NULL} it will takes the area concerned by the simulation.
#' @param pumping Boolean. True to take into account the pumping.
#' @param max_load the maximum load to put it in the fictive areas.
#' @param opts
#' List of simulation parameters returned by the function
#' \code{antaresRead::setSimulationPath}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return The result of antaresRead::simOptions
setupWaterValuesSimulation <- function(area,
fictive_area_name = paste0("watervalue_", area),
thermal_cluster = "water_value_cluster",
overwrite = FALSE,
remove_areas = NULL,
opts = antaresRead::simOptions(),
link_from=NULL,pumping=F,max_load=100000000,...) {
assertthat::assert_that(class(opts) == "simOptions")
assertthat::assert_that(area %in% names(opts$energyCosts$unserved),
msg=paste0("Unserved cost is null in ",area,
", unserved energy will be exported to this area in simulations launched by the package."))
changeHydroManagement(opts=opts,watervalues = F, heuristic = T, area=area)
add_fictive_fatal_prod_demand(area = area, opts = opts)
# Reset hydro storage
suppressWarnings(resetHydroStorage(area = area, opts = opts))
# Get hydro max power
hydro_storage_max <- antaresRead::readInputTS(hydroStorageMaxPower = area, timeStep = "hourly", opts = opts)
hydro_storage_max <- rbind(
hydro_storage_max, utils::tail(hydro_storage_max, 24)
# Reset Pumping power
suppressWarnings(resetPumpPower(area = area, opts = opts))
# Prepare thermal Cluster parameters
if (utils::hasName(hydro_storage_max, "hstorPMaxHigh")) {
prepro_modulation <- matrix(
data = c(rep(1, times = 365 * 24 * 2),
hydro_storage_max$hstorPMaxHigh/hydro_storage_max[, max(hydro_storage_max$hstorPMaxHigh)],
rep(0, times = 365 * 24 * 1)),
ncol = 4
time_series <- hydro_storage_max$hstorPMaxHigh
nominalcapacity_turb <- hydro_storage_max[, max(hydro_storage_max$hstorPMaxHigh)]
} else {
prepro_modulation <- matrix(
data = c(rep(1, times = 365 * 24 * 2),
hydro_storage_max$generatingMaxPower/hydro_storage_max[, max(hydro_storage_max$generatingMaxPower)],
rep(0, times = 365 * 24 * 1)),
ncol = 4
time_series <- hydro_storage_max$generatingMaxPower
nominalcapacity_turb <- hydro_storage_max[, max(hydro_storage_max$generatingMaxPower)]
nominalcapacity_pump <- hydro_storage_max[, max(hydro_storage_max$pumpingMaxPower)]
# Chose the area to link
from_area <- link_from
from_area <- area
fictive_areas <- c(paste0(fictive_area_name,"_turb"),paste0(fictive_area_name,"_bc"))
fictive_areas <- c(fictive_areas,paste0(fictive_area_name,"_pump"))
for(fictive_area in fictive_areas){
# Create fictive areas
opts <- antaresEditObject::createArea(name = fictive_area, overwrite = overwrite, opts = opts)
# Create thermal cluster
if(grepl("_turb$", fictive_area)){
opts <- antaresEditObject::createCluster(
area = fictive_area,
cluster_name = thermal_cluster,
group = "other", unitcount = "1",
time_series = time_series,
nominalcapacity = nominalcapacity_turb,
prepro_modulation = prepro_modulation,
`min-down-time` = "1",
`marginal-cost` = 0.01,
`market-bid-cost` = 0.01,
overwrite = overwrite,
opts = opts
if(grepl("_pump$", fictive_area)){
#add load
max_pump <- hydro_storage_max$pumpingMaxPower
antaresEditObject::writeInputTS(fictive_area, type = "load", data = max_pump)
if(grepl("_bc$", fictive_area)){
#add load
max_pump <- hydro_storage_max$pumpingMaxPower
max_turb <- hydro_storage_max$generatingMaxPower
antaresEditObject::writeInputTS(fictive_area, type = "load",
data = max_pump+max_turb)
# add positive cluster
area = fictive_area,
cluster_name = "positive",
group = "other", unitcount = "1",
nominalcapacity = nominalcapacity_pump,
`min-down-time` = "1",
`marginal-cost` = 0.01,
`market-bid-cost` = 0.01,
overwrite = overwrite,
opts = opts
# add negative cluster
area = fictive_area,
cluster_name = "negative",
group = "other", unitcount = "1",
nominalcapacity = nominalcapacity_turb,
`min-down-time` = "1",
`marginal-cost` = 0.01,
`market-bid-cost` = 0.01,
overwrite = overwrite,
opts = opts
unsp_cost <- max(opts$energyCosts$unserved)
area = c(fictive_area),
average_unsupplied_energy_cost = c(2*unsp_cost)
# Create link
if(grepl("_turb$", fictive_area)|grepl("_pump$", fictive_area)){
opts <- antaresEditObject::createLink(
from = from_area,
to = fictive_area,
propertiesLink = antaresEditObject::propertiesLinkOptions(transmission_capacities = "infinite"), #
dataLink = NULL,
overwrite = overwrite,
opts = opts
}#end fictive areas loop
# Activate output year by year
antaresEditObject::updateGeneralSettings(year.by.year = TRUE, opts = opts)
# Create a water values district
name = "water values district",
caption = "water values district",
comments = "Used for calculate water values",
apply_filter = "add-all",
remove_area = fictive_areas,
output = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE,
opts = opts
# Adjust thematic trimming
settings_ini <- antaresRead::readIniFile(file.path(opts$studyPath, "settings", "generaldata.ini"))
if (settings_ini$general$`thematic-trimming`){
for (p in list("OV. COST","MRG. PRICE","BALANCE")){
if (p %in% settings_ini$`variables selection`){
idx <- which(settings_ini$`variables selection`== p)
settings_ini$`variables selection`[[idx]] <- NULL
settings_ini$`variables selection` <- append(settings_ini$`variables selection`,
list(`select_var +`=p))
antaresEditObject::writeIni(settings_ini, file.path(opts$studyPath, "settings", "generaldata.ini"),overwrite=T)
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