# ./server -c config.yaml --auto-upgrade-db
# PATH api
host <- ""
study_id <- "79541dba-5d22-4288-be82-83d8ce9038b0"
token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ7XCJpZFwiOiAzLCBcImltcGVyc29uYXRvclwiOiAxLCBcInR5cGVcIjogXCJib3RzXCIsIFwiZ3JvdXBzXCI6IFtdfSIsImlhdCI6MTYzMTE4Mzg3MywibmJmIjoxNjMxMTgzODczLCJqdGkiOiIwZDQwOGE2My1mMWQ1LTRjN2QtOTYwMC1jZmNiOWIzZjFhODMiLCJleHAiOjc5OTAyMjM4NzMsInR5cGUiOiJhY2Nlc3MiLCJmcmVzaCI6ZmFsc2V9.0NqQBmjFEpNAcZAeqV9PXzJipMR15pcsefyAARstwFM"
simulation = 2
# require(httr)
# set_config(verbose())
# reset_config()
opts_api <- setSimulationPathAPI(host = host,
study_id = study_id,
token = token,
simulation = simulation)
opts_local <- setSimulationPath(path = "C:\\Users\\BenoitThieurmel\\Desktop\\Antares\\Test_packages_R", simulation = 2)
all.equal(opts_api$parameters$general, opts_local$parameters$general)
getAreas(opts = opts_local)
getDistricts(opts = opts_local)
getLinks(opts = opts_local)
getAreas(opts = opts_api)
getDistricts(opts = opts_api)
getLinks(opts = opts_api)
# layout
ly_local <- antaresRead::readLayout(opts = opts_local)
ly_api <- antaresRead::readLayout(opts = opts_api)
all.equal(ly_api, ly_local)
# clusterDesc
cd_local <- antaresRead::readClusterDesc(opts = opts_local)
cd_api <- antaresRead::readClusterDesc(opts = opts_api)
all.equal(cd_api, cd_local[, colnames(cd_api), with = FALSE])
# bindingConstratins
bc_local <- antaresRead::readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_local)
bc_api <- antaresRead::readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_api)
all.equal(bc_api, bc_local)
# antaresRead::readOptimCriteria(opts = opts_local)
# TO DO ?
# readAntares
dt_local <- readAntares(opts = opts_local, areas = "all")
dt_api <- readAntares(opts = opts_api, areas = "all")
data.table::fsetequal(dt_local, dt_api)
dt_local <- readAntares(opts = opts_local, areas = c('a', 'b'), mcYears = 1:2)
dt_api <- readAntares(opts = opts_api, areas = c('a', 'b'), mcYears = 1:2)
data.table::fsetequal(dt_local, dt_api)
dt_local <- readAntares(opts = opts_local, links = "all", areas = "all",
clusters = "all", districts = "all")
dt_api <- readAntares(opts = opts_api, links = "all", areas = "all",
clusters = "all", districts = "all")
sapply(1:length(dt_local), function(x){
data.table::fsetequal(dt_local[[x]], dt_api[[x]])
dt_local <- readAntares(opts = opts_local, links = "all", areas = "all",
clusters = "all", districts = "all")
dt_api <- readAntares(opts = opts_api, links = "all", areas = "all",
clusters = "all", districts = "all")
sapply(1:length(dt_local), function(x){
data.table::fsetequal(dt_local[[x]], dt_api[[x]])
for(ts in c("hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "annual")){
dt_local <- readAntares(opts = opts_local, links = "all", areas = "all", clusters = "all",
districts = "all", mcYears = 1:2, timeStep = ts, showProgress = F)
dt_api <- readAntares(opts = opts_api, links = "all", areas = "all", clusters = "all",
districts = "all", mcYears = 1:2, timeStep = ts, showProgress = F)
print(sapply(1:length(dt_local), function(x){
data.table::fsetequal(dt_local[[x]], dt_api[[x]])
dt_local <- readAntares(opts = opts_local, links = opts_local$linkList[1:2],
areas = opts_local$areaList[1:2], clusters = NULL,
districts = "all", mcYears = 1:2)
dt_api <- readAntares(opts = opts_api, links = opts_local$linkList[1:2],
areas = opts_local$areaList[1:2], clusters = NULL,
districts = "all", mcYears = 1:2)
sapply(1:length(dt_local), function(x){
data.table::fsetequal(dt_local[[x]], dt_api[[x]])
dt_local <- readAntares(opts = opts_local, links = "all", areas = "all",
clusters = "all", districts = "all",
misc = TRUE, linkCapacity = TRUE,
hydroStorageMaxPower = TRUE,
hydroStorage = TRUE,
thermalModulation = TRUE,
thermalAvailabilities = TRUE,
reserve = TRUE, mustRun = TRUE)
dt_api <- readAntares(opts = opts_api, links = "all", areas = "all",
clusters = "all", districts = "all",
misc = TRUE, linkCapacity = TRUE,
hydroStorageMaxPower = TRUE,
hydroStorage = TRUE,
thermalModulation = TRUE,
thermalAvailabilities = TRUE,
reserve = TRUE, mustRun = TRUE)
sapply(1:length(dt_local), function(x){
data.table::fsetequal(dt_local[[x]], dt_api[[x]])
# readInputTS
load_local <- readInputTS(load = 'all', opts = opts_local)
load_api <- readInputTS(load = 'all', opts = opts_api)
data.table::fsetequal(load_local, load_api)
for(ts in c("hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "annual")){
fullinput_local <- readInputTS(load = 'all',
ror = "all",
thermalAvailabilities = "all",
hydroStorage = "all",
hydroStorageMaxPower = "all",
wind = "all",
solar = "all",
misc = "all",
reserve = "all",
linkCapacity = "all",
opts = opts_local,
timeStep = ts, showProgress = FALSE)
fullinput_api <- readInputTS(load = 'all',
ror = "all",
thermalAvailabilities = "all",
hydroStorage = "all",
hydroStorageMaxPower = "all",
wind = "all",
solar = "all",
misc = "all",
reserve = "all",
linkCapacity = "all",
opts = opts_api,
timeStep = ts, showProgress = FALSE)
print(sapply(1:length(fullinput_local), function(x){
data.table::fsetequal(fullinput_local[[x]], fullinput_api[[x]])
# et en mode "input" ?
opts_api_input <- setSimulationPathAPI(
host = host,
study_id = study_id,
token = token,
simulation = "input"
opts_local_input <- setSimulationPath(path = "C:\\Users\\BenoitThieurmel\\Desktop\\Antares\\Test_packages_R", "input")
for(ts in c("hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "annual")){
fullinput_local <- readInputTS(load = 'all',
ror = "all",
thermalAvailabilities = "all",
hydroStorage = "all",
hydroStorageMaxPower = "all",
wind = "all",
solar = "all",
misc = "all",
reserve = "all",
linkCapacity = "all",
opts = opts_local_input,
timeStep = ts, showProgress = FALSE)
fullinput_api <- readInputTS(load = 'all',
ror = "all",
thermalAvailabilities = "all",
hydroStorage = "all",
hydroStorageMaxPower = "all",
wind = "all",
solar = "all",
misc = "all",
reserve = "all",
linkCapacity = "all",
opts = opts_api_input,
timeStep = ts, showProgress = FALSE)
print(sapply(1:length(fullinput_local), function(x){
data.table::fsetequal(fullinput_local[[x]], fullinput_api[[x]])
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