#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Remove virtual areas
#' This function removes virtual areas from an \code{antaresDataList} object and
#' corrects the data for the real areas. The \code{antaresDataList} object
#' should contain area and link data to function correctly.
#' @param x An object of class \code{antaresDataList} with at least components
#' \code{areas} and \code{links}.
#' @param storageFlexibility A vector containing the names of the virtual
#' storage/flexibility areas. Can also be a named list. Names are columns
#' to add and elements the virtual areas to group.
#' @param production A vector containing the names of the virtual production
#' areas.
#' @param reassignCosts If TRUE, the production costs of the virtual areas are
#' reallocated to the real areas they are connected to. If the virtual areas
#' are connected to a virtual hub, their costs are first reallocated to the
#' hub and then the costs of the hub are reallocated to the real areas.
#' @param newCols
#' If \code{TRUE}, new columns containing the production of the virtual
#' areas are added. If FALSE their production is added to the production of
#' the real areas they are connected to.
#' @param rowBal
#' If \code{TRUE}, then BALANCE will be corrected by ROW. BAL:
#' @param prodVars
#' Virtual productions columns to add to real area.
#' Default to \code{getAlias("rmVA_production")}
#' @param costsVars
#' If parameter \code{reassignCosts} is TRUE, affected columns.
#' Default to \code{OV. COST}, \code{OP. COST}, \code{CO2 EMIS.} and \code{NP COST}
#' @param costsOn
#' If parameter \code{reassignCosts} is TRUE, then the costs of the
#' virtual areas are reassigned to the real areas they are connected to.
#' You can choose to reassigned production & storageFlexibility virtuals areas
#' ("both", default), or only "production" or "storageFlexibility" virtuals areas
#' @return
#' An \code{antaresDataList} object in which virtual areas have been removed and
#' data of the real has been corrected. See details for an explanation of the
#' corrections.
#' @details
#' Two types of virtual areas have been defined corresponding to different types
#' of modeling in Antares and different types of post-treatment to do:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Flexibility/storage areas are areas created to model
#' pumping unit or any other flexibility that behave as a storage. For those
#' virtual areas, the important results are flows on the links.
#' \item Production areas are areas created to isolate some generation from
#' the "real" areas. They can be isolate for several reasons: to distinguish
#' time-series (for example wind onshore/offshore), to select some specific
#' unit to participate to day-ahead reserve, etc.
#' }
#' \code{removeVirtualAreas} performs different corrections:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Correct the balance of the real areas (and districts) by removing the flows
#' to or from virtual areas.
#' \item If parameter \code{reassignCosts} is TRUE, then the costs of the
#' virtual areas are reassigned to the real areas they are connected to. The
#' default affected columns are \code{OV. COST}, \code{OP. COST}, \code{CO2 EMIS.}
#' and \code{NP COST}. If a virtual area is connected to a single real area,
#' all its costs are attributed to the real area. If it is connected to
#' several real areas, then costs at a given time step are divided between
#' them proportionally to the flows between them and the virtual area.
#' An aggregation is done at the end to correct districts costs.
#' \item For each storage/flexibility area, a column named like the area is
#' created. It contains the values of the flow between the virtual area and
#' the real areas. This column is interpreted as a production of
#' electricity: it is positive if the flow from the virtual area to the real
#' area is positive and negative otherwise. If parameter \code{newCols} is
#' \code{FALSE}, the values are added to the variable \code{PSP} and the
#' columns is removed.
#' An aggregation is done at the end to add virtual storage/flexibility to districts.
#' \item If the parameter \code{production} is specified, then the non null
#' productions of the virtual areas are either added to the ones of the real
#' areas they are connected to if \code{newCols = FALSE} or put in new
#' columns if \code{newCols = TRUE}. In the second case the columns are
#' named \code{*_virtual} where "\code{*}" is a type of
#' production (wind, solar, nuclear, ...). Productions that are zero for
#' all virtual areas are omited.
#' If virtual production areas contains clusters then they will be move to the
#' real area.
#' An aggregation is done at the end to add virtual production to districts.
#' \item Finally, virtual areas and the links connected to them are removed
#' from the data.
#' }
#' The functions makes a few assumptions about the network. If they are
#' violated it will not act correctly:
#' \itemize{
#' \item storage/flexibility
#' areas can be connected to other storage/flexibility areas (hubs), but at
#' least one of them is connected to a real area. That means that there is
#' no group of virtual areas disconnected from the real network. If such a
#' group exists, you can either remove them manually or simply not import
#' them.
#' \item production areas are connected to one and only one real area. They
#' cannot be connected to virtual areas. But a real area may by connected to
#' several production areas.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assume we have a network with two virtual areas acting as pump storage and
#' # an area representing offshore production
#' #
#' # offshore
#' # |
#' # real area - psp in
#' # \
#' # psp out
#' #
#' data <- readAntares(areas="all", links="all")
#' # Remove pump storage virtual areas
#' correctedData <- removeVirtualAreas(
#' x = data,
#' storageFlexibility = c("psp in", "psp out"),
#' production = "offshore"
#' )
#' correctedData_list <- removeVirtualAreas(
#' x = data,
#' storageFlexibility = list(PSP = c("psp in", "psp out")),
#' production = "offshore"
#' )
#' correctedData_details <- removeVirtualAreas(
#' x = data,
#' storageFlexibility = list(PSP_IN = "psp in", PSP_OUT = "psp out"),
#' production = "offshore"
#' )
#' }
#' @export
removeVirtualAreas <- function(x,
storageFlexibility = NULL,
production = NULL,
reassignCosts = FALSE,
newCols = TRUE,
rowBal = TRUE,
prodVars = getAlias("rmVA_production"),
costsVars = c("OV. COST", "OP. COST", "CO2 EMIS.", "NP COST"),
costsOn = c("both", "storageFlexibility", "production")) {
# check x is an antaresData object with elements areas and links
if (!is(x, "antaresDataList") || is.null(x$areas) || is.null(x$links))
stop("x has to be an 'antaresDataList' object with elements 'areas' and 'links'")
if (is.null(storageFlexibility) & is.null(production))
stop("At least one argument of 'storageFlexibility' and 'production' needs to be specified")
if (!is.null(storageFlexibility))
stop("If using list for storageFlexibility, you have to use named list.")
if (!any(unlist(storageFlexibility) %in% unique(x$areas$area))){
warning("no one of you storageFlexibility areas are load in data")
if (is.list(storageFlexibility) && newCols){
warning("`newCols` will be ignore for storageFlexibility. Use named list instead.")
if (!is.null(production))
if (!any(production %in% unique(x$areas$area))){
warning("no one of you production areas are load in data")
costsOn <- match.arg(costsOn)
opts <- simOptions(x)
# Keep only virtual areas present in data. Note, that for storage/flexibility
# nodes, we do not need area data, but only links data, unless reassignCosts
# is TRUE
areaList <- as.character(unique(x$areas$area))
production <- intersect(production, areaList)
if (reassignCosts) {
storageFlexibility <- lapply(storageFlexibility, function(X) intersect(X, areaList))
} else {
storageFlexibility <- intersect(storageFlexibility, areaList)
vareas <- c(unlist(storageFlexibility), production) # list of virtual areas that need to be removed at the end
prodAreas <- x$areas[area %in% production]
storageAreas <- x$areas[area %in% unlist(storageFlexibility)]
by <- .get_by(x)
byarea <- .get_by_area(x)
bylink <- .get_by_link(x)
# Table with the definition of the links
linkList <- getLinks(vareas, namesOnly = FALSE, withDirection = TRUE)
# Treatment of hubs:
# If a virtual area is only connected to virtual areas then it should be a
# "very virtual" area and the areas it is connected to should be hubs.
# (by assumption there are only two levels of virtual areas)
# In such case we remove the "very virtual" areas by using removeVirtualAreas
# and treating the hubs as real areas. This way, the costs of the very
# virtual areas are agregated in the hubs.
# Finally we run treat the hubs as normal virtual areas and continue the
# execution of the function.
linkList$connectedToVirtualArea <- linkList$to %in% unlist(storageFlexibility)
connectedToHub <- linkList[, .(connectedToHub = all(connectedToVirtualArea)),
by = area]
if (any(connectedToHub$connectedToHub)) {
veryVirtualAreas <- connectedToHub[connectedToHub == TRUE]$area
# Remove very virtual areas from data
x <- removeVirtualAreas(x, storageFlexibility = veryVirtualAreas)
# Update parameters
storageFlexibility <- lapply(storageFlexibility, function(X){
intersect(X, connectedToHub[connectedToHub == FALSE]$area)
} else {
storageFlexibility <- intersect(storageFlexibility, connectedToHub[connectedToHub == FALSE]$area)
vareas <- c(unlist(storageFlexibility), production)
linkList <- linkList[area %in% vareas]
# Remove columns added for very virtual areas
x$areas[, c(veryVirtualAreas) := NULL]
# Make a copy of x$areas with only real areas. This ensures that we do not modify
# accidentally the input data by reference
x$areas <- x$areas[!area %in% vareas]
# Flows between virtual and real nodes.
# These flows are used two times:
# 1 - to correct balance fo real areas
# 2 - to compute the share of each real area when reassigning the costs of the
# virtual nodes
flows <- merge(linkList,
x$links[, c(bylink, "FLOW LIN."), with = FALSE],
by = "link", allow.cartesian = TRUE)
flows[, `:=`(
flow = `FLOW LIN.` * direction, # Change sign of flows when links are in wrong direction
varea = area, # virtual area connected by the link
rarea = to, # real area connected by the link
area = to, # dummy variable used for merges
direction = NULL,
to = NULL
# Correct balance
if (!is.null(x$areas$BALANCE)) {
x$areas[, BALANCE := as.numeric(BALANCE)]
corrections <- flows[, .(correction = sum(flow)), keyby = byarea]
.mergeByRef(x$areas, corrections, on = byarea, colsToAdd = "correction")
x$areas[, `:=`(
BALANCE = BALANCE + ifelse(is.na(correction), 0, correction),
correction = NULL
# Correct costs and CO2
if (reassignCosts) {
colCostToCorrect <- costsVars
varCost <- intersect(names(x$areas), colCostToCorrect)
if(costsOn == "both"){
costs <- rbind(prodAreas, storageAreas)
} else if(costsOn == "storageFlexibility"){
costs <- storageAreas
} else if(costsOn == "production"){
costs <- prodAreas
costs <- costs[area %in% vareas, c(byarea, varCost), with = FALSE]
# Add column "flow" to 'costs'
flows[, area := varea]
setkeyv(costs, byarea)
setkeyv(flows, byarea)
costs <- costs[flows, c(byarea, varCost, "flow", "rarea"), with = FALSE]
# Compute the proportion of the cost to repercute on each real area
costs[, c("totalFlow", "N") := list(sum(abs(flow)), .N), by = byarea]
costs[, prop := ifelse(totalFlow == 0, 1 / N, abs(flow / totalFlow))]
# Aggregate corrections by real area
costs$area <- costs$rarea
costs <- costs[, lapply(.SD, function(x) sum(x * prop)), by = byarea, .SDcols = c(varCost, "prop")]
x$areas[, c(varCost) := lapply(mget(varCost), as.numeric)]
setkeyv(costs, byarea)
setkeyv(x$areas, byarea)
c(varCost) := as.data.table(mget(varCost)) +
as.data.table(mget(paste0("i.", varCost)))]
x <- .merge_Col_Area_D(x,
colMerge = colCostToCorrect,
opts = opts)
# Add a column for each storage/flexibility area
if (length(storageFlexibility) > 0) {
flows[, area := rarea]
if (newCols & !is.list(storageFlexibility)) {
# Create a new column for each virtual area
formula <- sprintf("%s ~ varea", paste(byarea, collapse = " + "))
tmp <- dcast(flows[varea %in% storageFlexibility, mget(c("varea", byarea, "flow"))],
as.formula(formula), value.var = "flow")
x$areas <- .mergeByRef(x$areas, tmp, on = byarea)
# Replace NA values by zeros
v <- storageFlexibility[vapply( # areas with at least one link
FUN = function(x) length(getLinks(x)) > 0,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
x$areas[, c(v) := lapply(mget(v), function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x))]
# correct values for district
x <- .merge_Col_Area_D(x,
colMerge = v,
opts = opts)
} else {
# Add the virtual flows to column PSP. If column PSP does not exist, it is
# created.
# #OLD
# storageFlexibility = 'x_open_turb'
# #NEW
# storageFlexibility = list("mynowProd" = "x_open_turb")
for(i in 1:length(storageFlexibility)){
new_name <- names(storageFlexibility)[[i]]
new_storageFlexibility = storageFlexibility[[i]]
if (is.null(x$areas[[new_name]])) {
x$areas[, new_name := 0]
setnames(x$areas, "new_name", new_name)
psp <- copy(flows[varea %in% new_storageFlexibility,
corrPSP := sum(flow),
by = c(byarea)])
psp <- psp[varea %in% new_storageFlexibility]
psp[, setdiff(names(psp), c(byarea, "corrPSP")) := NULL]
.mergeByRef(x$areas, psp, on = byarea)
x$areas[, `:=`(n_name = eval(parse(text = new_name)) + ifelse(is.na(corrPSP), 0, corrPSP),
corrPSP = NULL
x$areas[, c(new_name) := NULL]
setnames(x$areas, "n_name", new_name)
# correct values for district
x <- .merge_Col_Area_D(x,
colMerge = new_name,
allX = FALSE,
opts = opts)
} else {
if (is.null(x$areas$PSP)) x$areas[, PSP := 0]
psp <- copy(flows[varea %in% storageFlexibility,
corrPSP := sum(flow),
by = c(byarea)])
psp <- psp[varea %in% storageFlexibility]
psp[, setdiff(names(psp), c(byarea, "corrPSP")) := NULL]
.mergeByRef(x$areas, psp, on = byarea)
x$areas[, `:=`(
PSP = PSP + ifelse(is.na(corrPSP), 0, corrPSP),
corrPSP = NULL
# correct values for district
x <- .merge_Col_Area_D(x,
colMerge = "PSP",
allX = FALSE,
opts = opts)
# Aggregate production of production virtual areas and add columns for each
# type of production.
if (length(production) > 0) {
linkListProd <- flows[varea %in% production]
# Add virtual productions columns to x$areas
# prodVars <- intersect(names(x$areas), prodVars)
# BUG if creating new storage variable AND set as prodVars
prodVars <- intersect(names(prodAreas), prodVars)
vars <- c(byarea, prodVars)
virtualProd <- prodAreas[, vars, with = FALSE]
# Remove columns containing only zeros
for (v in prodVars) {
if (all(virtualProd[[v]] == 0)) virtualProd[, c(v) := NULL]
prodVars <- prodVars[prodVars %in% names(virtualProd)]
if(length(prodVars) > 0){
# Rename columns by appending "_virtual" to their names
setnames(virtualProd, prodVars, paste0(prodVars, "_virtual"))
# Merging with original data
# /!\ Undesired results if multiple real areas connected to the same
# virtual area.
setnames(virtualProd, "area", "varea")
linkListProd$area <- linkListProd$rarea
virtualProd <- merge(virtualProd,
linkListProd[, c("varea", byarea), with = FALSE],
by = c("varea", by))
virtualProd$varea <- NULL
virtualProd <- virtualProd[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = byarea]
.mergeByRef(x$areas, virtualProd, on = byarea)
# Replace NA values by zeros
v <- paste0(prodVars, "_virtual")
x$areas[, c(v) := lapply(mget(v), function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x))]
# Prod are integers
x$areas[, c(v) := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = c(v)]
if (!newCols) {
for (i in prodVars){
x$areas[, c(i) := mapply(sum, get(i), get(paste0(i, "_virtual")))]
x <- .merge_Col_Area_D(x,
colMerge = prodVars,
opts = opts)
x$areas[, c(v) := NULL]
x <- .merge_Col_Area_D(x,
colMerge = v,
opts = opts)
# Put clusters of the virtual areas in the corresponding real areas
# TODO we must rename production virtual areas to productionVirual
# cluster has a "production" column
productionVirual <- production
if (!is.null(x$clusters)){
if (length(unique(x$clusters[area %in% productionVirual, area])) > 0){
linkListProdVirtual <- linkListProd[varea %in% productionVirual]
linkListProdVirtual$area <- linkListProdVirtual$varea
x$clusters <- merge(x$clusters, linkListProdVirtual[, mget(c(byarea, "rarea"))],
by = byarea, all.x = TRUE)
x$clusters[!is.na(rarea), area := rarea]
x$clusters[, rarea := NULL]
idColsclusters <- .idCols(x$clusters)
if(nrow(x$cluster[, c(idColsclusters), with = FALSE]) != nrow(unique(x$cluster[, c(idColsclusters), with = FALSE]))){
var_names <- setdiff(colnames(x$clusters), idColsclusters)
x$clusters <- x$cluster[, lapply(.SD, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = T)),
by = idColsclusters, .SDcols = var_names]
# Remove all data about virtual areas in x
for (n in names(x)) {
if (!is.null(x[[n]]$area)){
x[[n]] <- x[[n]][!area %in% vareas]
# Remove virtual links but if present keep the capacity of the links connected
# to storage flexibility areas. These capacities are needed to compute
# upward and downward margins.
if (length(storageFlexibility) > 0 && !is.null(x$links$transCapacityDirect)) {
idColsLinks <- .idCols(x$links)
pspCapacity <- merge(
linkList[area %in% unlist(storageFlexibility), .(link, area = to, direction)],
x$links[, c(idColsLinks, "transCapacityDirect",
"transCapacityIndirect"), with = FALSE],
by = "link"
pspCapacity[direction == -1, `:=`(
transCapacityDirect = transCapacityIndirect,
transCapacityIndirect = transCapacityDirect
# Users tend to use a transmission capacity of 1 instead of 0 to avoid warnings.
# The following lines correct this.
pspCapacity[transCapacityDirect == 1, transCapacityDirect := 0]
pspCapacity[transCapacityIndirect == 1, transCapacityIndirect := 0]
pspCapacity <- pspCapacity[,
.(transCapacityDirect = sum(transCapacityDirect),
transCapacityIndirect = sum(transCapacityIndirect)),
by = c(.idCols(x$areas))
if (is.null(x$areas$storageCapacity)) {
x$areas[, `:=`(
storageCapacity = 0,
pumpingCapacity = 0
pspCapacity[, c(.idCols(x$areas), "transCapacityDirect",
"transCapacityIndirect"), with = FALSE]
x$areas[, `:=`(
pumpingCapacity = pumpingCapacity + ifelse(is.na(transCapacityIndirect), 0, transCapacityIndirect),
storageCapacity = storageCapacity + ifelse(is.na(transCapacityDirect), 0, transCapacityDirect),
transCapacityDirect = NULL,
transCapacityIndirect = NULL
x$links <- x$links[!link %in% linkList$link]
#correct district data
if (!is.null(x$districts) && length(storageFlexibility) > 0 && !is.null(x$areas$pumpingCapacity)){
x <- .merge_Col_Area_D(x,
colMerge = c("pumpingCapacity", "storageCapacity"),
opts = opts, allX = FALSE)
# correct balance district but only at the end,
# with the final x (after removing veryVirtualAreas) so we must keep all.y
if (!is.null(x$areas$BALANCE)){
x <- .merge_Col_Area_D(x,
colMerge = "BALANCE",
opts = opts,
allX = FALSE)
# Store in attributes the name of the virtuals nodes
attr(x, "virtualNodes") <- list(
storageFlexibility = setdiff(unique(c(attr(x, "virtualNodes")$storageFlexibility, names(storageFlexibility), unlist(storageFlexibility))), "PSP"),
production = unique(c(attr(x, "virtualNodes")$production, production))
} else {
attr(x, "virtualNodes") <- list(
storageFlexibility = unique(c(attr(x, "virtualNodes")$storageFlexibility, storageFlexibility)),
production = unique(c(attr(x, "virtualNodes")$production, production))
if (attr(x, "synthesis")){
colCostToCorrect <- c("OV. COST", "OP. COST", "CO2 EMIS.", "NP COST")
colMustChange <- c("BALANCE", colCostToCorrect, "virtualProd")
warningMessage <- .tidymess(paste0("Colmuns : ", paste(colMustChange, collapse = ", "), " will
be corrected but no statistical variables like BALANCE_min, BALANCE_max and
BALANCE_std. If you want an accurate result, use removeVirtualAreas with
detailed results and then use antaresProcessing::synthesize"))
if (rowBal){
# for R CMD Check
# no visible binding for global variable 'ROW BAL.'
if (!is.null(x$areas$`ROW BAL.`)){
# edit BALANCE if ROW BAL is not always null
if(min(unique(x$areas$`ROW BAL.`)) > 1){
x$areas[, BALANCE := BALANCE - `ROW BAL.`, by = byarea]
x$areas[, `ROW BAL.` := 0]
x <- .merge_Col_Area_D(x,
colMerge = c("BALANCE", "ROW BAL."),
opts = opts)
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