#' Read Optimization Criteria
#' This function can be used to read the value of the criteria optimized by ANTARES.
#' Notice that these values are only available in "Xpansion" mode or when option
#' "Export mps" is turned on.
#' @inheritParams readAntares
#' @return
#' A table of class \code{antaresDataTable}. It contains the usual columns
#' \code{timeID}, \code{mcYear}, \code{time} and two columns "criterion1" and
#' "criterion2" containing the values of the criteria. Time step can be daily
#' or weekly depending on the optimization options.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' setSimulationPath()
#' optimCriteria <- readOptimCriteria()
#' }
#' @export
readOptimCriteria <- function(opts = simOptions()) {
fileList <- list.files(opts$simPath, pattern = "criterion", full.names = TRUE)
if (length(fileList) == 0) stop("Optimization criteria not found")
info <- str_match(fileList, "criterion-(\\d+)-(\\d+)-\\d+-\\d+-?(\\d*)")
mcYear <- as.numeric(info[,2])
weekId <- as.numeric(info[,3])
# Correctly order files: we cannot just use alphanumerical order because file
# names are a mix of text and numbers
# For instance "criterion-1-1-20170101-0000-10" would be before
# "criterion-1-1-20170101-0000-2". We fix that by replacing this name by:
# "criterion-1-1-20170101-0000-02"
idx <- info[, 4]
idx[idx == ""] <- "0"
idx <- sprintf("%02.f", as.numeric(idx))
fixedFileNames <- str_replace(basename(fileList),
# extract values from files
values <- vapply(fileList, function(f) {
value <- readLines(f)
value <- str_replace(value, "^.+ : +", "")
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
res <- data.table(mcYear = mcYear, weekId = weekId, value = values, name = fixedFileNames)
res <- res[, data.table(matrix(value[order(name)], ncol = 2)),
keyby = .(mcYear, weekId)]
setnames(res, 3:4, c("criterion1", "criterion2"))
# Set timeId
if (opts$parameters$optimization$`simplex-range` == "day") {
# Daily optimisation
timeStep <- "daily"
firstDay <- .getTimeId(opts$timeIdMin, "daily", opts)
res[, timeId := firstDay - 1 + 1:.N + 7 * (weekId - 1), keyby = .(mcYear, weekId)]
} else {
# Weekly optimisation
timeStep <- "weekly"
firstWeek <- .getTimeId(opts$timeIdMin, "weekly", opts)
res[,timeId := firstWeek + weekId - 1]
res[, weekId := NULL]
res <- as.antaresDataTable(res, synthesis = FALSE, timeStep = timeStep,
type = "optimCriteria", opts = opts)
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