#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Retrieve links connected to a set of areas
#' This function finds the names of the links connected to a set of areas.
#' @param areas
#' Vector containing area names. It represents the set of areas we are interested
#' in. If \code{NULL}, all areas of the study are used.
#' @param exclude
#' Vector containing area names. If not \code{NULL}, all links connected to
#' one of these areas are omitted.
#' @param internalOnly
#' If \code{TRUE}, only links that connect two areas from parameter \code{areas} are returned.
#' If not, the function also returns all the links that connect an area from the list with
#' an area outside the list.
#' @param namesOnly
#' If \code{TRUE}, the function returns a vector with link names, else it
#' returns a table containing the name, the origin and the destination of each
#' selected link.
#' @param withDirection
#' Used only if \code{namesOnly = FALSE}. If \code{FALSE}, then the function
#' returns a table with one line per link, containing the link name, the
#' origin and the destination of the link. If \code{TRUE}, then it returns a
#' table with columns \code{area}, \code{link}, \code{to} and \code{direction}
#' which is equal is equal to
#' 1 if the link connects \code{area} to \code{to} and -1 if it connects
#' \code{to} to \code{area}.
#' The column \code{area} contains only areas that are compatible with parameters
#' \code{areas} and \code{exclude}. Note that the same link can appear twice
#' in the table with different directions.
#' @param withTransmission
#' Used only if \code{namesOnly = FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, a column is added to indicate
#' type of transmission capacities for links.
#' @inheritParams readAntares
#' @return
#' If \code{namesOnly = TRUE} the function returns a vector containing link names
#' If \code{namesOnly = FALSE} and \code{withDirection = FALSE}, it returns a
#' \code{data.table} with \strong{exactly one line per link} and with three columns:
#' \item{link}{Link name}
#' \item{from}{First area connected to the link}
#' \item{to}{Second area connected to the link}
#' If \code{namesOnly = FALSE} and \code{withDirection = TRUE}, it returns a
#' \code{data.table} with \strong{one or two lines per link} and with four columns:
#' \item{area}{Area name}
#' \item{link}{Link name}
#' \item{to}{Area connected to \code{area} by \code{link}}
#' \item{direction}{1 if the link connects \code{area} to \code{to} else -1}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get all links of a study
#' getLinks()
#' # Get all links with their origins and destinations
#' getLinks(namesOnly = FALSE)
#' # Get all links connected to French areas (assuming their names contain "fr")
#' getLinks(getAreas("fr"))
#' # Same but with only links connecting two French areas
#' getLinks(getAreas("fr"), internalOnly = TRUE)
#' # Exclude links connecting real areas with pumped storage virtual areas
#' # (assuming their names contain "psp")
#' getLinks(getAreas("fr"), exclude = getAreas("psp"))
#' }
#' @export
getLinks <- function(areas = NULL, exclude = NULL, opts = simOptions(),
internalOnly=FALSE, namesOnly = TRUE,
withDirection = FALSE, withTransmission = FALSE) {
if (is.null(areas)) areas <- getAreas(opts = opts)
# There are no links -> return NULL
if (is.null(opts$linksDef$from)) {
if (internalOnly) links <- opts$linksDef[from %in% areas & to %in% areas]
else links <- opts$linksDef[from %in% areas | to %in% areas]
links <- links[!from %in% exclude & !to %in% exclude]
if (namesOnly) return(links$link)
if (withDirection){
outward_links <- links[, .(area = from, link, to = to)]
outward_links[, direction := 1]
inward_links <- links[, .(area = to, link, to = from)]
inward_links[, direction := -1]
links <- rbind(outward_links, inward_links)[area %in% areas]
if (withTransmission){
infinite <- ldply(areas, function(f) {
if (opts$typeLoad %in% "api"){
properties <- tryCatch({readIni(file.path("input", "links", f, "properties"))},
message("Area ", f, " has no links.")
return (NULL)
} else {
if (!dir.exists(file.path(opts$inputPath, "links", f))) return(NULL)
properties <- readIniFile(file.path(opts$inputPath, "links", f, "properties.ini"))
to <- names(properties)
if (length(to) == 0) return(NULL)
res <- ldply(to, function(x){data.frame(link = paste(f, "-", x), transmission = properties[[x]]$`transmission-capacities`)})
if ("link" %in% colnames(infinite)) links <- merge(links, as.data.table(infinite), by = "link")
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