#' @title Read digest file
#' @param opts simulation options
#' @param endpoint
#' Suffix of path for digest file
#' Default is : "mc-all/grid/digest.txt" added to opts$simDataPath
#' @importFrom purrr quietly
#' @return list of 5 tables (begin, areas, middle, links lin., links quad.)
#' @export
readDigestFile <- function(opts, endpoint = "mc-all/grid/digest.txt"){
digestPath <- file.path(opts$simDataPath, endpoint)
digest <- list()
readDigestTable <- quietly(fread)
nextIdx <- 0
for (elmt in c("begin", "areas", "middle", "lin")){
currTable <- readDigestTable(digestPath, skip = nextIdx, header = T)
nextIdx <- as.numeric(gsub("Stopped early on line ", "", strsplit(currTable$warnings, "\\.")[[1]][1]))
digest[[elmt]] <- currTable$result[,V1 := NULL]
#table link quad (last table)
digest$quad <- readDigestTable(digestPath, skip = nextIdx, header = T)$result[,V1 := NULL]
#' @title Merge two digests
#' @param digest_new new digest with missing lines
#' @param digest_ori original digest with all lines
#' @return
#' updated digest
#' list of 5 tables (begin, areas, middle, links lin., links quad.)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{readDigestFile}}
#' @export
mergeDigests <- function(digest_new, digest_ori){
res <- list()
currTable <- copy(digest_new$begin)
output <- lapply(colnames(currTable), function(x){
currTable[, eval(x) := max(currTable[, x, with = F], digest_ori$begin[, x, with = F])]})
res$begin <- currTable
res$areas <- rbind(digest_new$areas, digest_ori$areas[!V2 %in% digest_new$areas$area], use.names = F)
setorder(res$areas, area)
res$areas[`H. LEV` == 0, c("H. LEV", "H. OVFL", "H. VAL") := "N/A"]
currTable <- copy(digest_new$middle)
output <- lapply(colnames(currTable), function(x){
currTable[, eval(x) := max(currTable[, x, with = F], digest_ori$middle[, x, with = F])]})
res$middle <- currTable
linNew <- copy(digest_new$lin)
linOri <- copy(digest_ori$lin)
missingLinks <- setdiff(colnames(linOri), colnames(linNew))
linNew[, (missingLinks) := "ORI"]
linNew <- rbind(linNew, linOri[!`...To` %in% linNew$`...To`])
setcolorder(linNew, colnames(linOri))
setorder(linNew, `...To`)
for (nm in missingLinks){
idx = which(c(linNew[,nm,with = F])[[1]] %in% "ORI")
linNew[idx, eval(nm) := linOri[idx, nm, with = F]]
res$lin <- linNew
quadNew <- copy(digest_new$quad)
quadOri <- copy(digest_ori$quad)
missingLinks <- setdiff(colnames(quadOri), colnames(quadNew))
quadNew[, (missingLinks) := "ORI"]
quadNew <- rbind(quadNew, quadOri[!`...To` %in% quadNew$`...To`])
setcolorder(quadNew, colnames(quadOri))
setorder(quadNew, `...To`)
for (nm in missingLinks){
idx = which(c(quadNew[,nm, with = F])[[1]] %in% "ORI")
quadNew[idx, eval(nm) := quadOri[idx, nm, with = F]]
res$quad <- quadNew
#' @title Write digest file
#' @param digest list of 5 elements similar to what is returned by \code{\link{readDigestFile}}
#' @param opts simulation options
#' @return
#' updated digest
#' list of 5 tables (begin, areas, middle, links lin., links quad.)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{readDigestFile}}
#' @export
writeDigest <- function(digest, opts = simOptions()){
digestFile <- file.path(opts$simDataPath, "mc-all", "grid", "digest.txt")
# First table
write("digest", digestFile)
write.table(digest$begin, digestFile, row.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t", append = T)
write("", digestFile, append = T)
## Digest areas
write.table(digest$areas, digestFile, row.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t", append = T)
write("\n", digestFile, append = T)
## deuxieme table et retours ligne
write("digest", digestFile, append = T)
write.table(digest$middle, digestFile, row.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t", append = T)
write(rep("\n",5), digestFile, append = T)
## Digest links LIN
write("Links (FLOW LIN.)", digestFile, append = T)
write( "\tFrom...", digestFile, append = T)
write.table(digest$lin, digestFile, row.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t", append = T)
write(rep("\n",2), digestFile, append = T)
## Digest links QUAD
write("Links (FLOW QUAD.)", digestFile, append = T)
write("\tFrom...", digestFile, append = T)
write.table(digest$quad, digestFile, row.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t", append = T)
## add empty first column
lines <- readLines(digestFile)
write(x = paste0("\t",lines[1]), file = digestFile, sep = "\t")
for (line in lines[-1]){
write(x = paste0("\t",line), file = digestFile, sep = "\t", append = T)
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