#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Compute the surplus of sectors
#' This function computes the surplus of sectors for each area and time step.
#' For sectors wind, solar, hydraulic storage and run of river, production costs
#' are assumed to be equal to 0.
#' @param x
#' Object of class \code{antaresData} created with \code{readAntares}. It needs
#' to contain hourly detailed results of a simulation. Moreover, it must contain
#' area data and if thermal sectors are required, cluster data.
#' @param sectors
#' vector containing the name of the sectors for which surplus needs to be
#' computed. Possible values are "thermal" for thermal sectors(nuclear, coal,..),
#' "ren" for renewable energy and any column name that can be considered as
#' a production (for instance production of virtual areas). It is assumed that
#' the cost of these productions is equal to 0 as for renewable energies.
#' If the parameter contains the value "thermal", then the parameter
#' \code{x} has to contain cluster data.
#' @param opts opts
#' @inheritParams surplus
#' @inheritParams surplusClusters
#' @return
#' A data.table of class "antaresData". It contains one column per sector
#' containing the surplus of that sector for a given area and timeId.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Data required by the function:
#' showAliases("surplusSectors")
#' mydata <- readAntares(select = "surplusSectors")
#' surplusSectors(mydata)
#' # Note that if the parameter "sectors" is modified, the function can require
#' # more or less data. For instance, if one only wants surplus for thermal
#' # sectors:
#' mydata <- readAntares(areas = "all", clusters = "all", synthesis = FALSE,
#' select = "MRG. PRICE")
#' surplusSectors(mydata, sectors = "thermal")
#' }
#' @export
surplusSectors <- function(x, sectors = c("thermal", "renewable"),
timeStep = "annual", synthesis = FALSE,
groupByDistrict = FALSE, clusterDesc = NULL, opts = NULL) {
.checkAttrs(x, timeStep = "hourly", synthesis = FALSE)
x <- .checkColumns(x, list(areas = "MRG. PRICE"))
opts <- simOptions(x)
if (any(sectors == "renewable")) {
sectors <- sectors[!sectors == "renewable"]
sectors <- union(sectors, pkgEnv$ren)
fatalProdVars <- intersect(sectors, names(x$areas))
idVars <- .idCols(x$areas)
if (length(fatalProdVars) > 0) {
x <- .checkColumns(x, list(areas = c(fatalProdVars)))
res <- x$areas[, c(idVars, fatalProdVars, "MRG. PRICE"), with = FALSE]
for (v in fatalProdVars) res[, c(v) := get(v) * `MRG. PRICE`]
res$`MRG. PRICE` <- NULL
# Put the result in long format
res <- melt(res, id.vars = idVars, variable.name = "sector", value.name = "surplus")
res$cost <- 0
} else {
res <- NULL
if("thermal" %in% sectors) {
surplusThermal <- surplusClusters(x, "hourly")
# Add column group
if (is.null(clusterDesc)) clusterDesc <- readClusterDesc(opts)
surplusThermal <- merge(surplusThermal,
clusterDesc[, .(area, cluster, sector = group)],
by = c("area", "cluster"))
# Aggregate by group
surplusThermal <- surplusThermal[,.(surplus = sum(totalSurplus),
cost = sum(variableCost + fixedCost + startupCost)),
by = c(idVars, "sector")]
if (is.null(res)) res <- surplusThermal
else res <- rbind(res, surplusThermal)
# Group by district
if (groupByDistrict) res <- .groupByDistrict(res, opts)
# Set correct attributes to the result
res <- .addClassAndAttributes(res, FALSE, "hourly", opts, type = "surplusSectors")
res <- changeTimeStep(res, timeStep)
if (synthesis) res <- synthesize(res)
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