#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Compute the surplus of clusters
#' This function computes the surplus of clusters of interest. The surplus of a
#' cluster is equal to its production times the marginal cost of the area it
#' belongs to minus variable, fixed and startup costs.
#' @param x
#' An \code{antaresData} object created with \code{readAntares}. It must
#' contain an element \code{clusters} and an element \code{areas} with at
#' least the column \code{MRG. PRICE}.
#' @param surplusLastUnit
#' Should the surplus of the last unit of a cluster be computed ? If
#' \code{TRUE}, then \code{x} must have been created with the option
#' \code{thermalAvailabilities=TRUE} in order to contain the required column
#' "available units"
#' @param clusterDesc
#' A table created with the function \code{\link[antaresRead]{readClusterDesc}}.
#' If is this parameter is set to \code{NULL} (the default), then the function
#' attempts to read the needed data in the same study as \code{x}.
#' @param opts opts where clusterDesc will be read if null based on data
#' @inheritParams surplus
#' @inheritParams surplusClusters
#' @return
#' A data.table of class \code{antaresDataTable} with the following columns:
#' \item{area}{Area name.}
#' \item{cluster}{Cluster name.}
#' \item{timeId}{Time id and other time columns.}
#' \item{variableCost}{
#' Proportional costs of production of the cluster
#' Formula = marginal cost * production
#' }
#' \item{fixedCost}{
#' Fixed costs of production of the cluster
#' Formula = NODU * fixed cost
#' }
#' \item{startupCost}{
#' Start up costs of the cluster.
#' }
#' \item{surplusPerUnit}{
#' Average surplus per unit of the cluster.
#' formula = (`MRG. PRICE` * production - opCost - startupCost) / unitcount
#' }
#' \item{surplusLastUnit}{
#' Surplus of the last unit of the cluster.
#' formula = (`MRG. PRICE` * prodLastUnit - opCost / pmax(1, NODU) - startup.cost)
#' }
#' \item{totalSurplus}{
#' Surplus of all units of the cluster.
#' formula = `MRG. PRICE` * production - opCost - startupCost
#' }
#' \item{economicGradient}{
#' Economic gradient of a cluster. It is equal to
#' the surplus per unit divided by the capacity of a unit.
#' formula = surplusPerUnit / nominalcapacity
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Data required by the function:
#' showAliases("surplusClusters")
#' mydata <- readAntares(select = "surplusClusters")
#' surplusClusters(mydata)
#' # Computing the surplus of the last unit of a cluster requires the additional
#' # column "availableUnits". To add this column, one has to use parameter
#' # "thermalAvailabilities = TRUE" in readAntares.
#' mydata <- readAntares(select = c("surplusClusters", "thermalAvailabilities"))
#' surplusClusters(mydata, surplusLastUnit = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
surplusClusters <- function(x, timeStep="annual", synthesis = FALSE,
surplusLastUnit = FALSE, clusterDesc = NULL, opts = NULL) {
x <- .checkAttrs(x, timeStep = "hourly", synthesis = FALSE)
opts <- simOptions(x)
if(opts$antaresVersion < 500) stop("This function only works for study created with Antares 5.0 and newer versions")
x <- .checkColumns(x, list(areas = "MRG. PRICE",
clusters = c("production", "NODU", "NP Cost")))
if (surplusLastUnit) x <- .checkColumns(x, list(clusters = "availableUnits"))
# Get marginal, fixed and startup cost of the clusters
if (is.null(clusterDesc)) clusterDesc <- readClusterDesc(opts)
clusterDesc <- .fillClusterDesc(clusterDesc, marginal.cost = 0, fixed.cost = 0, startup.cost = 0)
idVars <- .idCols(x$clusters)
tmp <- merge(x$clusters,
x$areas[, c(setdiff(idVars, "cluster"), "MRG. PRICE"), with = FALSE],
by = setdiff(idVars, "cluster"))
tmp <- merge(tmp, clusterDesc, by = c("area", "cluster"))
# Computed variable, fixed and startup costs
tmp[, `:=`(
variableCost = production * marginal.cost,
fixedCost = NODU * fixed.cost,
opCost = production * marginal.cost + NODU * fixed.cost
setorderv(tmp, .idCols(tmp))
tmp[, startupCost := pmax(0, NODU - shift(NODU, fill = 0)) * startup.cost]
tmp[timeId == min(timeId), startupCost := NODU * startup.cost]
tmp[, `:=`(surplusPerUnit = (`MRG. PRICE` * production - opCost - startupCost) / unitcount,
totalSurplus = `MRG. PRICE` * production - opCost - startupCost,
nbHoursPMax = production == round(nominalcapacity * unitcount))]
tmp[, economicGradient := surplusPerUnit / nominalcapacity]
if (surplusLastUnit) {
tmp[, prodLastUnit := pmax(0, (NODU == availableUnits) * (production - nominalcapacity * (NODU - 1)))]
tmp[, surplusLastUnit := (prodLastUnit > 0) * (`MRG. PRICE` * prodLastUnit - opCost / pmax(1, NODU) - startup.cost * (startupCost > 0))]
res <- tmp[, c(idVars, "surplusPerUnit", "surplusLastUnit", "totalSurplus",
with = FALSE]
} else {
res <- tmp[, c(idVars, "variableCost", "fixedCost", "startupCost", "surplusPerUnit",
"totalSurplus", "economicGradient"),
with = FALSE]
# Set correct attributes to the result
res <- .addClassAndAttributes(res, FALSE, "hourly", opts, type = "surplusClusters")
res <- changeTimeStep(res, timeStep)
if (synthesis) res <- synthesize(res)
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