# Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Ramp of an area
#' This function computes the ramp of the consumption and the balance of areas
#' and/or districts.
#' @param x
#' Object of class \code{antaresData} containing data for areas and/or
#' districts. It must contain the column \code{BALANCE} and either the column
#' "netLoad" or the columns needed to compute the net load see \link[antaresProcessing]{addNetLoad}.
#' @param ignoreMustRun
#' Should the must run production be ignored in the computation of the net
#' load?
#' @param opts opts where clusterDesc will be read if null based on data
#' @inheritParams surplus
#' @return
#' \code{netLoadRamp} returns a data.table or a list of data.tables with the
#' following columns:
#' \item{netLoadRamp}{
#' Ramp of the net load of an area. If \code{timeStep} is not hourly, then these
#' columns contain the average value for the given time step.
#' Formula = netLoad - shift(netLoad, fill = 0)
#' }
#' \item{balanceRamp}{
#' Ramp of the balance of an area. If \code{timeStep} is not hourly, then
#' these columns contain the average value for the given time step.
#' formula = BALANCE - shift(BALANCE, fill = 0)
#' }
#' \item{areaRamp}{
#' Sum of the two previous columns. If \code{timeStep} is not hourly, then
#' these columns contain the average value for the given time step.
#' formula = netLoadRamp + balanceRamp
#' }
#' \item{minNetLoadRamp}{Minimum ramp of the net load of an area, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.}
#' \item{minBalanceRamp}{Minimum ramp of the balance of an area, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.}
#' \item{minAreaRamp}{Minimum ramp sum of the sum of balance and net load, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.}
#' \item{maxNetLoadRamp}{Maximum ramp of the net load of an area, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.}
#' \item{maxBalanceRamp}{Maximum ramp of the balance of an area, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.}
#' \item{maxAreaRamp}{Maximum ramp of the sum of balance and net load, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.}
#' For convenience the function invisibly returns the modified input.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # data required by the function
#' showAliases("netLoadRamp")
#' mydata <- readAntares(select="netLoadRamp")
#' netLoadRamp(mydata, timeStep = "annual")
#' }
#' @export
netLoadRamp <- function(x, timeStep = "hourly", synthesis = FALSE, ignoreMustRun = FALSE, opts = NULL) {
.checkAttrs(x, "hourly", "FALSE")
opts <- simOptions(x)
if (is(x, "antaresDataList")) {
if (is.null(x$areas) & is.null(x$districts)) stop("'x' does not contain area or district data")
res <- list()
if (!is.null(x$areas)) res$areas <- netLoadRamp(x$areas, timeStep, synthesis, ignoreMustRun)
if (!is.null(x$districts)) res$districts <- netLoadRamp(x$districts, timeStep, synthesis, ignoreMustRun)
if (length(res) == 0) stop("'x' needs to contain area and/or district data.")
res <- .addClassAndAttributes(res, synthesis, timeStep, opts, simplify = TRUE)
if(! attr(x, "type") %in% c("areas", "districts")) stop("'x' does not contain area or district data")
if (is.null(x$BALANCE)) stop("Column 'BALANCE' is needed but missing.")
if (is.null(x$netLoad)) addNetLoad(x, ignoreMustRun)
x <- x[, c(.idCols(x), "BALANCE", "netLoad"), with = FALSE]
idVars <- .idCols(x)
setorderv(x, idVars)
x[, `:=`(netLoadRamp = netLoad - shift(netLoad, fill = 0),
balanceRamp = BALANCE - shift(BALANCE, fill = 0))]
x[timeId == min(timeId), c("netLoadRamp", "balanceRamp") := 0]
x[, areaRamp := netLoadRamp + balanceRamp]
x <- x[, c(idVars, "netLoadRamp", "balanceRamp", "areaRamp"), with = FALSE]
x <- .addClassAndAttributes(x, FALSE, "hourly", opts, type = "netLoadRamp")
if (synthesis) {
x <- synthesize(x, "min", "max", prefixForMeans = "avg")
x <- changeTimeStep(x, timeStep,
fun = c("mean", "min", "max",
"mean", "min", "max",
"mean", "min", "max"))
} else if (timeStep != "hourly") {
x[, `:=`(
min_netLoadRamp = netLoadRamp,
min_balanceRamp = balanceRamp,
min_areaRamp = areaRamp,
max_netLoadRamp = netLoadRamp,
max_balanceRamp = balanceRamp,
max_areaRamp = areaRamp
x <- changeTimeStep(x, timeStep,
fun = c("mean", "mean", "mean",
"min", "min", "min",
"max", "max", "max"))
setcolorder(x, c(.idCols(x),
"netLoadRamp", "min_netLoadRamp", "max_netLoadRamp",
"balanceRamp", "min_balanceRamp", "max_balanceRamp",
"areaRamp", "min_areaRamp", "max_areaRamp"))
c("netLoadRamp", "balanceRamp", "areaRamp"),
c("avg_netLoadRamp", "avg_balanceRamp", "avg_areaRamp"))
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