# Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Compute the modulation of cluster units
#' This function computes the modulation of cluster units or of sectors.
#' @param x
#' An \code{antaresData} object created with \code{readAntares}. It must
#' contain the hourly detailed results for clusters if \code{by = "cluster"}
#' or for areas and/or districts if \code{by = "sector"}
#' @param by
#' Should modulations computed by cluster or by sector? Possible values are
#' "sector" and "cluster".
#' @param opts opts where clusterDesc will be read if null based on data
#' @inheritParams surplus
#' @inheritParams surplusClusters
#' @return
#' A data.table of class \code{antaresDataTable} or a list of such tables with
#' the following columns:
#' \item{area}{
#' Area name. If \code{byDistrict=TRUE}, this column is replaced by column
#' \code{district}.
#' }
#' \item{cluster}{
#' Cluster name. If \code{by="sector"}, this column is replaced by column
#' \code{sector}.
#' }
#' \item{timeId}{
#' Time id and other time columns.
#' }
#' \item{upwardModulation}{
#' Maximal absolute modulation of a cluster unit or of the sector, if \code{timeStep} is hourly.
#' }
#' \item{downwardModulation}{
#' Maximal absolute modulation of a cluster unit or of the sector, if \code{timeStep} is hourly.
#' }
#' \item{absoluteModulation}{
#' Maximal absolute modulation of a cluster unit or of the sector, if \code{timeStep} is hourly.
#' }
#' \item{avg_upwardModulation}{
#' Average upward modulation of a cluster unit or of the sector, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.
#' }
#' \item{avg_downwardModulation}{
#' Average downward modulation of a cluster unit or of the sector, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.
#' }
#' \item{avg_absoluteModulation}{
#' Average absolute modulation of a cluster unit or of the sector, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.
#' }
#' \item{max_upwardModulation}{
#' Maximal upward modulation of a cluster unit or of the sector, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.
#' }
#' \item{max_downwardModulation}{
#' Maximal downward modulation of a cluster unit or of the sector, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.
#' }
#' \item{max_absoluteModulation}{
#' Maximal absolute modulation of a cluster unit or of the sector, if \code{timeStep} is not hourly.
#' }
#' Notice that if \code{by="cluster"}, the function computes the modulation per
#' unit, i.e. the modulation of a cluster divided by the number of units of the
#' cluster. On the opposite, if \code{by="sector"}, the function returns the
#' modulation of the global production of the sector. Moreover, if parameter
#' \code{x} contains area and district data, the function returns a list with
#' components \code{areas} and \code{districts}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # data required by the function
#' showAliases("modulation")
#' mydata <- readAntares(select="modulation")
#' # Modulation of cluster units
#' modulation(mydata)
#' # Aggregate Monte-Carlo scenarios
#' modulation(mydata, synthesis = TRUE)
#' # Modulation of sectors
#' modulation(mydata, by = "sector")
#' # Modulation of sectors per district
#' modulation(mydata, by = "sector")
#' }
#' @export
modulation <- function(x, timeStep = "annual", synthesis = FALSE,
by = c("cluster", "sector"), clusterDesc = NULL, opts = NULL) {
by <- match.arg(by)
x <- .checkAttrs(x, timeStep = "hourly", synthesis = FALSE)
opts <- simOptions(x)
# The code below does the following:
# - If by = cluster, use cluster data to compute modulations
# - If by = sector:
# - If x is an antaresDataTable return a data.table with sector modulations
# - Else if x is an antaresDataList:
# - error if x has no component areas or districts
# - return a data.table if only one component areas or districts
# - return a list if it has the two components areas and districts
if (by == "cluster") {
x <- .checkColumns(x, list(clusters = "production"))
# Add variable unitcount to the table containing the production of clusters
if (is.null(clusterDesc)) clusterDesc <- readClusterDesc(opts)
tmp <- merge(x$clusters,
clusterDesc[, .(area, cluster, unitcount)],
by = c("area", "cluster"))
return(.computeModulation(tmp, timeStep, synthesis, opts))
} else { # by = "sector"
if (is(x, "antaresDataTable")) {
if (! attr(x, "type") %in% c("areas", "districts"))
stop("x needs to contain area or district data.")
tmp <- .prodPerSector(x)
return(.computeModulation(tmp, timeStep, synthesis, opts))
} else { # 'x' is an antaresDataList
res <- list()
if (!is.null(x$areas)) {
tmp <- .prodPerSector(x$areas)
res$areas <- .computeModulation(tmp, timeStep, synthesis, opts)
if (!is.null(x$districts)) {
tmp <- .prodPerSector(x$districts)
res$districts <- .computeModulation(tmp, timeStep, synthesis, opts)
if (length(res) == 0) stop("x needs to contain area and/or district data and at least one sector production (NUCLEAR, LIGNITE, ...).")
.addClassAndAttributes(res, synthesis, timeStep, opts, simplify = TRUE)
.computeModulation <- function(x, timeStep, synthesis, opts) {
# Compute production at t-1. A bit hacky but saves a lot of time !
setorderv(x, .idCols(x))
x[, shiftProd := ifelse(timeId == min(timeId), 0, shift(production))]
# Modulations
res <- x[, append(mget(.idCols(x)),
.(upwardModulation = pmax(0, production - shiftProd) / unitcount,
downwardModulation = pmax(0, shiftProd - production) / unitcount,
absoluteModulation = abs(production - shiftProd) / unitcount))]
res <- .addClassAndAttributes(res, FALSE, "hourly", opts, type = "modulations")
# Aggregation
if (synthesis) {
res <- synthesize(res, "max", prefixForMeans = "avg")
res <- changeTimeStep(res, timeStep,
fun = c("mean", "max", "mean", "max", "mean", "max"))
} else if (timeStep != "hourly") {
res[, max_upwardModulation := upwardModulation]
res[, max_downwardModulation := downwardModulation]
res[, max_absoluteModulation := absoluteModulation]
res <- changeTimeStep(res, timeStep,
fun = c("mean", "mean", "mean", "max", "max", "max"))
setcolorder(res, c(.idCols(res),
"upwardModulation", "max_upwardModulation",
"downwardModulation", "max_downwardModulation",
"absoluteModulation", "max_absoluteModulation"))
c("upwardModulation", "downwardModulation", "absoluteModulation"),
c("avg_upwardModulation", "avg_downwardModulation", "avg_absoluteModulation"))
#' Private function that creates a table with columns area, sector, timeId,
#' mcYear and production. The later column contains the production of the sector
#' @param x
#' data.table of class antaresDataTable with type "areas" or "districts".
#' @noRd
.prodPerSector <- function(x) {
sectors <- pkgEnv$production
sectors <- intersect(sectors, names(x))
if (length(sectors) == 0) return(NULL)
idVars <- .idCols(x)
res <- melt(x[, c(idVars, sectors), with = FALSE], id.vars = idVars,
variable.name = "sector", value.name = "production")
res$unitcount <- 1L
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