#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
#' Compare two simulations or two antaresData
#' \code{compare} has been designed to compare two surpluses created with function
#' "surplus" but it can be used to compare the values of two tables of
#' class \code{antaresData} that contain the same type of data.
#' @param x
#' Table of class \code{antaresData}. x can be an antaresDataTable or antaresDataList.
#' @param y
#' Table of class \code{antaresData}. x can be an antaresDataTable or antaresDataList.
#' It must contain the same type of data than 'x': if 'x' contains areas,
#' it must contain areas, ... Moreover it has to have same time step and
#' contain either synthetic or detailed results like 'x'.
#' @param method
#' Method used two compare the two tables. \code{"diff"} compute the difference
#' between 'y' and 'x'. \code{"ratio"} computes the ratio between 'y' and 'x'.
#' Finally, \code{"rate"} computes the rate of change between 'y' and 'x' (
#' it is equal to the ratio between 'y' and 'x' minus one).
#' @return
#' a data.table of class \code{antaresDataTable}. It contains all shared rows and
#' columns between 'x' and 'y'. The columns contain the statistic chosen:
#' difference, ratio or rate of change.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # First simulation
#' studyPath <- "path/to/study/"
#' setSimulationPath(studyPath, 1)
#' mydata1 <- readAntares("all", "all", synthesis = FALSE)
#' surplus1 <- surplus(mydata1, groupByDistrict = TRUE)
#' # Second simulation
#' setSimulationPath(studyPath, 2)
#' mydata2 <- readAntares("all", "all", synthesis = FALSE)
#' surplus2 <- surplus(mydata2, groupByDistrict = TRUE)
#' compare(surplus1, surplus2)
#' opts1 <- setSimulationPath(studyPath,-1)
#' mydata1<-readAntares(areas = "all",
#' links = "all",
#' select = c("allAreas", "allLinks"),
#' mcYears = c(1),
#' linkCapacity = TRUE)
#' opts2 <- setSimulationPath(studyPath,-2)
#' mydata2 <- readAntares(areas = "all",
#' links = "all",
#' select = c("allAreas", "allLinks"),
#' mcYears = c(1),
#' linkCapacity = TRUE)
#' opts3 <- setSimulationPath(studyPath,-3)
#' mydata3 <- readAntares(areas = "all",
#' links = "all",
#' select = c("allAreas", "allLinks"),
#' mcYears = c(1),
#' linkCapacity = TRUE)
#' opts4 <- setSimulationPath(studyPath, -4)
#' mydata4 <- readAntares(areas = "all",
#' links = "all",
#' select=c("allAreas", "allLinks"),
#' mcYears = c(1),
#' linkCapacity = TRUE)
#' opts5 <- setSimulationPath(studyPath, -5)
#' mydata5 <- readAntares(areas = "all",
#' links = "all",
#' select=c("allAreas", "allLinks"),
#' mcYears = c(1),
#' linkCapacity = TRUE)
#' resCompare1 <- compare(mydata2, mydata1, method = "diff")
#' resCompare2 <- compare(mydata3, mydata1, method = "diff")
#' resCompare3 <- compare(mydata4, mydata1, method = "diff")
#' resCompare4 <- compare(mydata5, mydata1, method = "diff")
#' listCompare <- list(resCompare1, resCompare2, resCompare3, resCompare4)
#' for (i in 1:length(listCompare)){
#' listCompare[[i]] <- removeVirtualAreas(listCompare[[i]],
#' storageFlexibility =
#' getAreas(select = c("z_dsr", "y_mul", "pum", "tur")))
#' }
#' ml <- readRDS("path/to/mapLayout.rds")
#' plotMap(listCompare, ml)
#' }
#' @export
compare <- function(x, y, method=c("diff", "ratio", "rate")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (!is(x, "antaresData")) stop("'x' must be a data.table of class 'antaresData'")
if (!is(y, "antaresData")) stop("'y' must be a data.table of class 'antaresData'")
if (is(x, "antaresDataList")) {
if (!suppressWarnings(all(names(x) == names(y)))){
stop(paste0(" x and y must have the same names, names(x) :", paste(names(x), collapse = ", "),
" names(y) : ", paste(names(y), collapse = ", ")))
res <- list()
for (i in names(x)){
res[[i]] <- compare(x[[i]], y[[i]], method)
attrs <- attributes(x)
res <- .addClassAndAttributes(res, synthesis = attrs$synthesis, timeStep = attrs$timeStep,
type = paste0(attrs$type, "Comparison"), opts = attrs$opts)
res <- antaresRead::as.antaresDataList(res)
# Check that x and y are comparable
for (t in c("type", "timeStep", "synthesis")) {
if (attr(x, t) != attr(y, t)) {
stop("'x' and 'y' are not comparable. 'x' has ", t, " = ", attr(x, t),
" while 'y' has ", t, " = ", attr(y, t))
attrs <- attributes(x)
# Combine the two tables
sharedVars <- intersect(names(x), names(y))
sharedIdVars <- intersect(.idCols(x), .idCols(y))
valueVars <- setdiff(sharedVars, sharedIdVars)
x <- x[, sharedVars, with = FALSE]
y <- y[, sharedVars, with = FALSE]
setnames(y, valueVars, paste0(valueVars, "_y"))
res <- merge(x, y, by = sharedIdVars)
if (method == "diff") {
res[, c(valueVars) := res[, paste0(valueVars, "_y"), with = FALSE] - res[, valueVars, with = FALSE]]
} else if (method == "ratio") {
res[, c(valueVars) := res[, paste0(valueVars, "_y"), with = FALSE] / res[, valueVars, with = FALSE]]
} else if (method == "rate") {
res[, c(valueVars) := res[, paste0(valueVars, "_y"), with = FALSE] / res[, valueVars, with = FALSE] - 1]
} else stop("Invalid method")
res <- res[, sharedVars, with = FALSE]
#type = paste0(attrs$type, "Comparison")
res <- .addClassAndAttributes(res, synthesis = attrs$synthesis, timeStep = attrs$timeStep,
type = attrs$type, opts = attrs$opts)
res <- antaresRead::as.antaresDataTable(res)
# if compare is empty return a warning
# no rows
warning("compare is empty, x and y must the same ids. For example, table 'areas' of x and y must contains the same values for 'area', 'mcYear', 'timeId', 'time', 'day', 'month' and 'hour'.")
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