setValidity("HMMList", function(object){
msg <- TRUE
if(length(object) > 0){
cls <- sapply(object, class)
all_elements_HMM <- all(cls=="HMM")
if(!all_elements_HMM) msg <- "All elements must be an HMM object"
#' Constructor for \code{HMMList} class
#' The constructor function for the \code{HMMList} class. The
#' constructor is useful for representing a list of \code{HMM}
#' objects.
#' @param object a list. Each element of the list is in instance of
#' the \code{HMM} class.
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{HMMList}} \code{\linkS4class{HMM}} \code{\link{hmm2}}
#' @export
#' @rdname HMMList
HMMList <- function(object){
if(missing(object)) return(new("HMMList") )
if(is(object, "list")){
return(new("HMMList", object))
#' @param object a \code{HMMList} object
#' @export
#' @rdname HMMList-class
setMethod("show", "HMMList", function(object){
cat("An object of class 'HMMList'\n")
cat(" Length: ", length(object), "\n")
cat(" Use [[j]] to retrieve results for the jth sample. \n")
cat(" Use unlist to coerce to a 'GRanges' object. \n")
#' @param x a \code{HMMList} object
#' @param recursive logical; currently ignored
#' @param use.names logical; currently ignored
#' @rdname HMMList-class
setMethod("unlist", "HMMList", function(x, recursive=TRUE, use.names=TRUE){
grl <- lapply(x, granges)
id <- names(x)
nm <- NULL
grl <- foreach(g=grl, nm=id) %do% {
g$id <- nm
g <- unlist(GRangesList(grl))
#' @aliases segs,HMMList-method
#' @rdname cnvFilter
setMethod("segs", "HMMList", function(object) unlist(object))
#' @aliases hemizygous,HMMList-method
#' @rdname cnvFilter
setMethod("hemizygous", "HMMList", function(object) {
x <- GRangesList(lapply(object, hemizygous))
id <- rep(names(x), elementNROWS(x))
x <- unlist(x)
x$id <- id
#' @aliases homozygous,HMMList-method
#' @rdname cnvFilter
setMethod("homozygous", "HMMList", function(object) {
x <- GRangesList(lapply(object, homozygous))
id <- rep(names(x), elementNROWS(x))
x <- unlist(x)
x$id <- id
#' @aliases duplication,HMMList-method
#' @rdname cnvFilter
setMethod("duplication", "HMMList", function(object) {
x <- GRangesList(lapply(object, duplication))
id <- rep(names(x), elementNROWS(x))
x <- unlist(x)
x$id <- id
#' @aliases cnvSegs,HMMList-method
#' @rdname cnvFilter
setMethod("cnvSegs", "HMMList", function(object, filters=FilterParam(state=as.character(c(1,2,5,6)))){
x <- unlist(object)
cnvFilter(x, filters)
#' @aliases cnvFilter,HMMList-method
#' @rdname cnvFilter
setMethod("cnvFilter", "HMMList", function(object, filters=FilterParam()){
x <- unlist(object)
cnvFilter(x, filters)
computeHeterozygosity <- function(hmmlist, snpexp, filter.param=FilterParam()){
if(ncol(snpexp) != length(hmmlist)) stop("Number of elements in the hmmlist must be the same as the number of columns in snpexp ")
j <- NULL
results <- foreach(x = hmmlist, j=seq_along(hmmlist)) %do% {
g <- cnvFilter(x, filter.param)
se2 <- snpexp[, j]
if(length(g)==0 ){
g$percent.het <- numeric()
granges(x) <- g
g$percent.het <- rep(NA, length(g))
hits <- findOverlaps(g, se2)
hitlist <- split(hits, queryHits(hits))
for(i in seq_along(hitlist)){
h <- hitlist[[i]]
k <- subjectHits(h)
m <- unique(queryHits(h))
g$percent.het[m] <- round(mean(isHeterozygous(se2[k, ], cutoff=c(0.4, 0.6))), 2)
granges(x) <- g
flagHemDelWithHets <- function(segs, thr=0.01){
flag <- rep(0L, length(segs))
is_hemizygous <- state(segs) %in% "2"
is_het <- segs$percent.het >= thr
flag[is_hemizygous & is_het] <- 1L
flagHomDelWithHets <- function(segs, thr=0.2){
flag <- rep(0L, length(segs))
is_hom <- state(segs) %in% "1"
is_het <- segs$percent.het >= thr
flag[is_hom & is_het] <- 1L
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