##' Store the raw data and optionally, information regarding signal peaks for
##' a number of GCMS runs
##' multipleAlignment is the data structure giving the result of an alignment
##' across several GCMS runs. Multiple alignments are done progressively.
##' First, all samples with the same \code{tg$Group} label with be aligned
##' (denoted a "within" alignment). Second, each group will be summarized into
##' a pseudo-data set, essentially a spectrum and retention time for each matched
##' peak of the within-alignment. Third, these "merged peaks" are aligned in the
##' same progressive manner, here called a "between" alignment.
##' @param object multipleAlignment object
##' @author Mark Robinson
cat("An object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
cat(length(object@clusterAlignmentList), "groups:",
sapply(object@progressiveAlignmentList, FUN = function(u)
length(u@merges)+1), "samples, respectively.\n", sep = " ")
cat(nrow(object@betweenAlignment@ind), "merged peaks","\n")
## cat(length(object@mz), "m/z bins - range: (",range(object@mz),")\n",sep=" ")
## cat("scans:",sapply(object@rawdata,ncol),"\n",sep=" ")
## cat("peaks:",sapply(object@peaksdata,ncol),"\n",sep=" ")
##' Store the raw data and optionally, information regarding signal peaks for
##' a number of GCMS runs
##' multipleAlignment is the data structure giving the result of an alignment
##' across several GCMS runs. Multiple alignments are done progressively.
##' First, all samples with the same \code{tg$Group} label with be aligned
##' (denoted a "within" alignment). Second, each group will be summarized into
##' a pseudo-data set, essentially a spectrum and retention time for each matched
##' peak of the within-alignment. Third, these "merged peaks" are aligned in the
##' same progressive manner, here called a "between" alignment.
##' @title Data Structure for multiple alignment of many GCMS samples
##' @name multipleAlignment-class
##' @aliases multipleAlignment-class, multipleAlignment-show,
##' multipleAlignment-show, multipleAlignment-method
##' @param pd a \code{peaksDataset} object
##' @param group factor variable of experiment groups, used to guide the
##' alignment algorithm
##' @param bw.gap gap parameter for "between" alignments
##' @param wn.gap gap parameter for "within" alignments
##' @param bw.D distance penalty for "between" alignments. When \code{type = 2}
##' represent the retention time window expressed in seconds
##' @param wn.D distance penalty for "within" alignments. When \code{type = 2}
##' represent the retention time window expressed in seconds
##' @param filterMin minimum number of peaks within a merged peak to be kept in the analysis
##' @param lite logical, whether to keep "between" alignment details (default, \code{FALSE})
##' @param usePeaks logical, whether to use peaks (if \code{TRUE}) or the full 2D
##' profile alignment (if \code{FALSE})
##' @param df distance from diagonal to calculate similarity
##' @param verbose logical, whether to print information
##' @param timeAdjust logical, whether to use the full 2D profile data to estimate
##' retention time drifts (Note: time required)
##' @param doImpute logical, whether to impute the location of unmatched peaks
##' @param metric numeric, different algorithm to calculate the similarity matrix
##' between two mass spectrum. \code{metric=1} call \code{normDotProduct()};
##' \code{metric=2} call \code{ndpRT()}; \code{metric=3} call \code{corPrt()}
##' @param type numeric, two different type of alignment function
##' @param penality penalization applied to the matching between two mass
##' spectra if \code{(t1-t2)>D}
##' @param compress logical whether to compress the similarity matrix into a
##' sparse format.
##' @return multipleAlignment object
##' @author Mark Robinson
##' @seealso \code{\link{peaksDataset}}, \code{\link{betweenAlignment}},
##' \code{\link{progressiveAlignment}}
##' @references Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas chromatography -
##' mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University of Melbourne.
##' @keywords classes
##' @examples
##' require(gcspikelite)
##' ## paths and files
##' gcmsPath <- paste(find.package("gcspikelite"), "data", sep = "/")
##' cdfFiles <- dir(gcmsPath, "CDF", full = TRUE)
##' eluFiles <- dir(gcmsPath, "ELU", full = TRUE)
##' ## read data, peak detection results
##' pd <- peaksDataset(cdfFiles[1:2], mz = seq(50, 550), rtrange = c(7.5, 8.5))
##' pd <- addAMDISPeaks(pd,eluFiles[1:2])
##' ## multiple alignment
##' ma <- multipleAlignment(pd, c(1, 1), wn.gap = 0.5, wn.D = 0.05, bw.gap = 0.6,
##' bw.D = 0.2, usePeaks = TRUE, filterMin = 1, df = 50,
##' verbose = TRUE, metric = 1, type = 1)
##' @export
##' @import gcspikelite
multipleAlignment <- function(pd, group, bw.gap = 0.8, wn.gap = 0.6,
bw.D = 0.20, wn.D = 0.05, filterMin = 1,
lite = FALSE, usePeaks = TRUE, df = 50,
verbose = TRUE, timeAdjust = FALSE,
doImpute = FALSE, metric = 2, type = 2,
penality = 0.2, compress = FALSE){
groups <- unique(group)
cAs <- vector("list", length(groups))
pAs <- vector("list", length(groups))
timedf <- vector("list", length(groups))
impute <- vector("list", length(groups))
## do within alignment first
for(i in 1:length(groups))
runs <- which(group == groups[i])
if(timeAdjust == TRUE)
fullca <- clusterAlignment(pd, runs, gap = 0.05, D = 10,
usePeaks = FALSE,
df = 100, verbose = verbose,
metric = metric, compress = compress,
type = type)
timedf[[i]] <- calcTimeDiffs(pd, fullca, verbose = verbose)
## cAs[[i]] <- clusterAlignment(pd, runs, gap = wn.gap, D = wn.D,
## timedf = timedf[[i]], df = df,
## usePeaks = usePeaks,
## verbose = verbose, metric = 1, type = 1)
## pAs[[i]] <- progressiveAlignment(pd, cAs[[i]], gap = wn.gap, D = wn.D,
## df = df, usePeaks = usePeaks,
## verbose = verbose, type = 1)
cAs[[i]] <- clusterAlignment(pd, runs, gap = wn.gap, D = wn.D,
timedf = timedf[[i]], df = df,
metric = metric, type = type,
compress = compress,
penality = penality)
pAs[[i]] <- progressiveAlignment(pd, cAs[[i]], gap = wn.gap, D = wn.D,
df = df, usePeaks = usePeaks,
compress = compress, type = type)
impute[[i]] <- imputePeaks(pd, pAs[[i]], fullca, typ = 2)
impute[[i]] <- imputePeaks(pd, pAs[[i]], typ = 1)
names(cAs) <- groups
names(pAs) <- groups
if(length(groups) == 1)
pn <- length(pAs[[1]]@merges)
## fix this ... need a dummy object here
wRA <- new("betweenAlignment", mergedPeaksDataset = new("peaksDataset"),
ind = pAs[[1]]@merges[[pn]]$ind,
runs = pAs[[1]]@merges[[pn]]$runs,
imputeind = list(), filtind = list(), newind = list(),
cA = cAs[[1]], pA = pAs[[1]],
groups = as.character(rep(groups,nrow(cAs[[1]]@dist)))
wRA <- betweenAlignment(pd, cAs, pAs, impute, gap = bw.gap, D = bw.D,
filterMin = filterMin, usePeaks = usePeaks,
df = df, verbose = verbose, metric = metric,
type = type, penality = penality,
compress = compress)
ma <- new("multipleAlignment", clusterAlignmentList = cAs,
progressiveAlignmentList = pAs, timeDiff = timedf,
impute = impute, betweenAlignment = wRA)
ma@clusterAlignmentList <- NULL
ma@progressiveAlignmentList <- NULL
#' Imputatin of locations of peaks that were undetected
#' Using the information within the peaks that are matched across several runs,
#' we can impute the location of the peaks that are undetected in a subset of
#' runs
#' If you are aligning several samples and for a (small) subset of the samples
#' in question, a peak is undetected, there is information within the alignment
#' that can be useful in determining where the undetected peak is, based on the
#' surrounding matched peaks. Instead of moving forward with missing values
#' into the data matrices, this procedures goes back to the raw data and
#' imputes the location of the apex (as well as the start and end), so that we
#' do not need to bother with post-hoc imputation or removing data because of
#' missing components.
#' We realize that imputation is prone to error and prone to attributing
#' intensity from neighbouring peaks to the unmatched peak. We argue that this
#' is still better than having to deal with these in statistical models after
#' that fact. This may be an area of future improvement.
#' @param pD a \code{peaksDataset} object
#' @param obj the alignment object, either \code{multipleAlignment} or
#' \code{progressiveAlignment}, that is used to infer the unmatched peak
#' locations
#' @param typ type of imputation to do, 1 for simple linear interpolation
#' (default), 2 only works if \code{obj2} is a \code{clusterAlignment} object
#' @param obj2 a \code{clusterAlignment} object
#' @param filterMin minimum number of peaks within a merged peak to impute
#' @param verbose logical, whether to print out information
#' @return \code{list} with 3 elements \code{apex}, \code{start} and
#' \code{end}, each masked matrices giving the scan numbers of the imputed
#' peaks.
#' @author Mark Robinson
#' @seealso \code{\link{multipleAlignment}},
#' \code{\link{progressiveAlignment}}, \code{\link{peaksDataset}}
#' @references Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas
#' chromatography - mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University
#' of Melbourne.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' require(gcspikelite)
#' ## paths and files
#' gcmsPath <- paste(find.package("gcspikelite"), "data", sep = "/")
#' cdfFiles <- dir(gcmsPath,"CDF", full = TRUE)
#' eluFiles <- dir(gcmsPath,"ELU", full = TRUE)
#' ## read data, peak detection results
#' pd <- peaksDataset(cdfFiles[1:3], mz = seq(50,550), rtrange = c(7.5,8.5))
#' pd <- addAMDISPeaks(pd, eluFiles[1:3])
#' ## alignments
#' ca <- clusterAlignment(pd, gap = 0.5, D = 0.05, df = 30, metric = 1, type =
#' 1, compress = FALSE)
#' pa <-progressiveAlignment(pd, ca, gap = 0.6, D = 0.1, df = 30,
#' compress = FALSE)
#' v <- imputePeaks(pd, pa, filterMin = 1)
#' @importFrom stats approx median
#' @export imputePeaks
imputePeaks <- function(pD, obj, typ = 1, obj2 = NULL, filterMin = 1,
verbose = TRUE){
if(is(obj, "multipleAlignment"))
ind <- obj@betweenAlignment@ind
runs <- obj@betweenAlignment@runs
else if(is(obj, "progressiveAlignment"))
n <- length(obj@merges)
ind <- obj@merges[[n]]$ind
runs <- obj@merges[[n]]$runs
newind <- matrix(,nrow = nrow(ind), ncol = ncol(ind))
mask <- !is.na(ind) + 0
rws <- which(rowSums(mask) >= filterMin & rowSums(mask) < ncol(mask))
ind.scan <- ind
for(i in 1:nrow(ind.scan)){ # replace indices with scan numbers, then impute these
for(j in 1:ncol(ind.scan)){
ind.scan[i,j] <- pD@peaksind[[runs[j]]][ind[i,j]]
n <- ncol(ind.scan)
approxs <- vector("list", n * (n - 1))
count <- 0
xy <- matrix(,n,n); rownames(xy) <- colnames(xy) <- 1:n
if (typ == 1){ # impute from scan numbers
for(i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:n){
if(i == j) next
count <- count + 1
approxs[[count]] <- approx(x = ind.scan[,i], y = ind.scan[,j], xout = ind.scan[,i])
xy[i,j] <- count
else if (typ == 2)
{ # impute from scan numbers
# obj2 must be a clusterAlignment having not used peaks
stop("'obj2' must be a 'clusterAlignment' object (run with usePeaks = F).")
for(i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:n){
if(i == j) next
al <- obj2@alignments[[obj2@aligned[runs[i],runs[j]]]]
count <- count+1
if(i < j)
xx <- al@v$match[,1]
yy <- al@v$match[,2]
xx <- al@v$match[,2]
yy <- al@v$match[,1]
approxs[[count]] <- approx(x = xx, y = yy, xout = ind.scan[,i])
xy[i,j] <- count
v <- which(is.na(ind.scan), arr.ind = TRUE)
v <- v[v[,1] %in% rws,]
for(i in 1:nrow(v)){
pr <- xy[,v[i,2]]
pr <- pr[!is.na(pr)]
implist <- lapply(approxs[pr], FUN = function(u,ind) u$y[ind], ind = v[i,1]) # use all other runs to impute
newind[v[i,1],v[i,2]] <- round(median(unlist(implist), na.rm = TRUE))
newind.start <- matrix( ,nrow = nrow(ind), ncol = ncol(ind))
newind.end <- matrix( ,nrow = nrow(ind), ncol = ncol(ind))
before <- matrix( ,nrow = nrow(ind), ncol = ncol(ind))
after <- matrix( ,nrow = nrow(ind), ncol = ncol(ind))
for(j in 1:ncol(newind.start)){
before[,j] <- (pD@peaksind[[ runs[j] ]] - pD@peaksind.start[[runs[j]]])[ind[,j]]
after[,j] <- (pD@peaksind.end[[runs[j]]] - pD@peaksind[[runs[j]]])[ind[,j]]
before <- round(rowMeans(before, na.rm = TRUE))
after <- round(rowMeans(after, na.rm = TRUE))
for(i in 1:nrow(newind)){
for(j in 1:ncol(newind)){
newind.start[i,j] <- newind[i,j] - before[j]
newind.end[i,j] <- newind[i,j] + after[j]
newind.start[newind.start <= 0] <- 1
rownames(newind) <- rownames(newind.start) <- rownames(newind.end) <- 1:nrow(newind)
list(apex = newind, start = newind.start, end = newind.end)
#' Calculate retention time shifts from profile alignments
#' This function takes the set of all pairwise profile alignments and use these
#' to estimate retention time shifts between each pair of samples. These will
#' then be used to normalize the retention time penalty of the signal peak
#' alignment.
#' Using the set of profile alignments,
#' @param pd a \code{peaksDataset} object
#' @param ca.full a \code{clusterAlignment} object, fit with
#' @param verbose logical, whether to print out information
#' @return
#' \code{list} of same length as \code{ca.full@alignments} with the matrices
#' giving the retention time penalties.
#' @author Mark Robinson
#' @seealso \code{\link{peaksAlignment}}, \code{\link{clusterAlignment}}
#' @references
#' Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas chromatography -
#' mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University of Melbourne.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' require(gcspikelite)
#' # paths and files
#' gcmsPath <- paste(find.package("gcspikelite"),"data",sep="/")
#' cdfFiles <- dir(gcmsPath,"CDF",full=TRUE)
#' eluFiles <- dir(gcmsPath,"ELU",full=TRUE)
#' # read data, peak detection results
#' pd <- peaksDataset(cdfFiles[1:2],mz=seq(50,550),rtrange=c(7.5,8.5))
#' pd <- addAMDISPeaks(pd,eluFiles[1:2])
#' # pairwise alignment using all scans
#' fullca <- clusterAlignment(pd, usePeaks=FALSE, df=100)
#' # calculate retention time shifts
#' timedf <- calcTimeDiffs(pd, fullca)
#' @importFrom stats approx median
#' @export calcTimeDiffs
calcTimeDiffs <- function(pd, ca.full, verbose = TRUE){
n <- length(ca.full@alignments)
estdiffs <- vector("list", n)
for(k in 1:n){
v <- which(ca.full@aligned == k, arr.ind = TRUE)
run1 <- v[2,1]; run2 <- v[2,2]
if(run1 > run2)
tmp <- run2; run2 <- run1; run1 <- tmp
cat("Estimating time differences for alignment", k, "(", run1, "-", run2,")\n")
pind1 <- pd@peaksind[[run1]]
pind2 <- pd@peaksind[[run2]]
scantimes <- c(median(diff(pd@rawrt[[run1]])), median(diff(pd@rawrt[[run2]])))
m <- ca.full@alignments[[ca.full@aligned[run1,run2]]]@v$match
est1 <- approx(m[,1],m[,2], xout = pind1)
est2 <- approx(m[,2],m[,1], xout = pind2)
estdiff <- matrix(0, length(pind1), length(pind2))
for(i in 1:nrow(estdiff)){
for(j in 1:ncol(estdiff)){
diffs <- c(est1$y[i] - est2$x[j], est1$x[i] - est2$y[j])
## cat(i,j,diffs,"\n")
am <- which.min(abs(diffs))
estdiff[i,j] <- diffs[am] * scantimes[am]
estdiffs[[k]] <- estdiff
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