################################ DB1 (RAPDB) ############################
#' creationGeneDB1
#' This function returns a gene specific to the RAPDB database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class RAPDB
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB1-function
creationGeneDB1 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[1]])
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "1", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "1", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
##if rOutput is not an empty list then we don't create a new GeneDB1
if (length(rOutput) > 0) {
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput[[1]])
idRec = jsonOutput["ID"]
position = jsonOutput["Position"]
rapSymbol = jsonOutput["RAP-DB Gene Symbol Synonym(s)"]
cgsnlName = jsonOutput["CGSNL Gene Name"]
oryGeneSymbol = jsonOutput["Oryzabase Gene Symbol Synonym(s)"]
description = jsonOutput["Description"]
rapName = jsonOutput["RAP-DB Gene Name Synonym(s)"]
oryGeneName = jsonOutput["Oryzabase Gene Name Synonym(s)"]
cgsnlGene = jsonOutput["CGSNL Gene Symbol"]
if (position != "") {
position <- as.character(position)
pos1 <- strsplit(position, ":")
pos2 <- pos1[[1]][[2]]
pos3 <- strsplit(pos2,"[..]")
positionData <- data.frame(ch=c(pos1[[1]][[1]]),
else {
positionData <- data.frame()
##dataLocus <- data.frame(ch = ch, st = start, end = end)
dataLocus <- data.frame(ch = as.character(locusList[x,1]),
st = as.character(locusList[x,2]),
end = as.character(locusList[x,3]))
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
newGene <- new("RAPDB",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = dataLocus,
others = list(),
rapDBGeneNameSynonym = as.character(rapName),
rapDBGeneSymbolSynonym = as.character(rapSymbol),
cgsnlGeneName = as.character(cgsnlName),
cgsnlGeneSymbol = as.character(cgsnlGene),
oryzabaseGeneNameSynonym =
oryzabaseGeneSymbolSynonym =
position = positionData,
description = as.character(description))
#' callCreationGeneDB1
#' This function calls creationGeneDB1 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB1-function
callCreationGeneDB1 <- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes1 <- data.frame()
listGenes1 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB1(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
##listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
#' callDB1
#' This function is linked to RAPDB database and will return a list of genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB1
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB1-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1"),
#' st = c("148907"),
#' end = c("248907"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB1(ids, locusList)
callDB1 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
function(x) callCreationGeneDB1(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
function(x){liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
################################ DB2 (GRAMENE) #######################
#' creationGeneDB2
#' This function returns a gene specific to the GRAMENE database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class Gramene
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB2-function
creationGeneDB2 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[1]])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "2", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "2", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
if (length(rOutput) > 0) {
##Sometimes, if the JSON is too big, the rOutput of the json
##will be sent with 2 "print" in the python part.
##When the JSON is in one or two prints, we can get the right
##json with the paste0. But if we receive 3 prints for the
##json, we will face a problem. But actually we never face
##this problem
if (substr(rOutput[[1]],
nchar(rOutput[[1]])) != "}") {
rOutput <- paste0(rOutput[[1]],rOutput[[2]])
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput)
else {
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput[[1]])
##Few informations BUT NOT ALL!! See with Julien and Hai what
##to take from all the informations
##idRec = jsonOutput["_id"]
description = jsonOutput["description"]
biotype = jsonOutput["biotype"]
taxonId = jsonOutput["taxon_id"]
systemName = jsonOutput["system_name"]
dbType = jsonOutput["db_type"]
geneIdx = jsonOutput["gene_idx"]
loc_region = jsonOutput["location"]$location$region
loc_start = jsonOutput["location"]$location$start
loc_end = jsonOutput["location"]$location$end
loc_strand = jsonOutput["location"]$location$strand
loc_map = jsonOutput["location"]$location$map
# = jsonOutput[""]
location <- data.frame(region = c(as.character(loc_region)),
start = c(as.character(loc_start)),
end = c(as.character(loc_end)),
strand = c(as.character(loc_strand)),
map = c(as.character(loc_map))
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
newGene <- new("Gramene",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
description = as.character(description),
biotype = as.character(biotype),
taxonId = as.character(taxonId),
systemName = as.character(systemName),
dbType = as.character(dbType),
geneIdx = as.character(geneIdx),
location = location
return (newGene)
else {
stop("One of the element of the locus is empty")
#' callCreationGeneDB2
#' This function calls creationGeneDB2 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB2-function
callCreationGeneDB2 <- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes2 <- data.frame()
listGenes2 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB2(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
##listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
#' callDB2
#' This function is linked to GRAMENE database and will return a list of genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB2
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB2-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1"),
#' st = c("148907"),
#' end = c("248907"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB2(ids, locusList)
callDB2 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
function(x) callCreationGeneDB2(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
function(x){liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
################################## DB3 (ORYZABASE) - #########################
#' creationGeneDB3
#' This function returns a gene specific to the ORYZABASE database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class Oryzabase
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB3-function
creationGeneDB3 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[1]])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "3", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "3", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
if (length(rOutput) > 0) {
rOutput <- gsub('\'', '"', rOutput)
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput)
traitGeneId = jsonOutput["Trait Gene Id"]
cgsnlGeneSymbol =jsonOutput["CGSNL Gene Symbol"]
geneSymbolSynonym =jsonOutput["Gene symbol synonym(s)"]
cgsnlGeneName = jsonOutput["CGSNL Gene Name"]
geneNameSynonym =jsonOutput["Gene name synonym(s)"]
proteinName =jsonOutput["Protein Name"]
allele = jsonOutput["Allele"]
chromosomeNo = jsonOutput["Chr. No."]
explanation =jsonOutput["Explanation"]
traitClass =jsonOutput["Trait Class"]
rapId =jsonOutput["RAP ID"]
grameneId =jsonOutput["Gramene ID"]
arm =jsonOutput["Arm"]
locateCm = jsonOutput["Locate(cM)"]
geneOntology = jsonOutput["Gene Ontology"]
traitOntology = jsonOutput["Trait Ontology"]
plantOntology = jsonOutput["Plant Ontology"]
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
newGene <- new("Oryzabase",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
traitGeneId = as.character(traitGeneId),
cgsnlGeneSymbol = as.character(cgsnlGeneSymbol),
GeneSymbolSynonim =
cgsnlSymbolSynonim = as.character(cgsnlGeneName),
GeneNameSynonim = as.character(geneNameSynonym),
proteinName = as.character(proteinName),
allele = as.character(allele),
chromosomeNumber = as.numeric(chromosomeNo),
explanation = as.character(explanation),
traitClass = as.character(traitClass),
rapID = as.character(rapId),
grameneId = as.character(grameneId),
arm = as.character(arm),
locate = as.character(locateCm),
geneOntology = as.character(geneOntology),
traitOntology = as.character(traitOntology),
plantOntology = as.character(plantOntology))
else {
stop("One of your locus has a problem")
#' callCreationGeneDB3
#' This function calls creationGeneDB3 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB3-function
callCreationGeneDB3 <- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes3 <- data.frame()
listGenes3 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB3(x,
#' callDB3
#' This function is linked to ORYZABASE database and will return a list of
#' genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB3
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB3-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1","1"),
#' st = c("148907","527906"),
#' end = c("248907","842359"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB3(ids, locusList)
callDB3 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
FUN = function(x)
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
FUN = function(x){
liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
liste[sapply(liste, is.null)] <- NULL
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
################################ DB4 (IC4R) - very long data #######
#' makeList
#' This function is called in order to return element in order to restructure
#' a list
#' @param liste list
#' @param number number
#' @return it will return ...
#' @rdname makeList-function
makeList <- function (liste, number){
if (number == 1)
else if (number == 2)
else if (number == 3)
else if (number == 4)
else if (number == 5)
else if (number == 6)
else if (number == 7)
stop("problem with the number which has to be between 1 and 7")
#' analyseDataDB7
#' This function returns a list with importants elements
#' @param rOutput character
#' @return it will return a list of elements
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @rdname analyseDataDB7-function
analyseDataDB4 <- function (rOutput) {
if (length(rOutput) > 0 && rOutput != "None") {
#Format JSON not good !!
rOutput <- gsub('\'', '"', rOutput)
##Transform in order to use data
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput[[1]])
# = jsonOutput[""]
experiment_name = jsonOutput["Experiment name"]
dev_stage = jsonOutput["Development stage"]
experiment_id = jsonOutput["Experiment ID"]
variety = jsonOutput["Variety"]
project_id = jsonOutput["Project ID"]
tissue = jsonOutput["Tissue"]
expr_value = jsonOutput["Expression value"]
#' creationGeneDB4
#' This function returns a gene specific to the IC4R database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class IC4R
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB4-function
creationGeneDB4 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[1]])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "4", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "4", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
# rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
# function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
# rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
# r <- rOutput[3]
# r <- substring(r,2)
# #r <- substring(r, 1, (length(r)-1))
# r <- substr(r, 1, nchar(r)-1)
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
# print(rOutput[1])
# print(rOutput[2])
# print(rOutput[3])
# print(rOutput[4])
# print(rOutput[5])
if (length(rOutput) > 0) {
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) analyseDataDB4(rOutput[x]))
experimentName <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) makeList(rOutput[x],1))
devStage <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) makeList(rOutput[x],2))
experimentId <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) makeList(rOutput[x],3))
variety <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) makeList(rOutput[x],4))
projectId <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) makeList(rOutput[x],5))
tissue <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) makeList(rOutput[x],6))
exprValue <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) makeList(rOutput[x],7))
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
newGene <- new("IC4R",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
experimentName = experimentName,
devStage = devStage,
experimentId = experimentId,
variety = variety,
projectId = projectId,
tissue = tissue,
exprValue = exprValue)
return (newGene)
else {
stop("One of the element of the locus is empty")
#' callCreationGeneDB4
#' This function calls creationGeneDB4 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB4-function
callCreationGeneDB4 <- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes4 <- data.frame()
listGenes4 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB4(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
##listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
#' callDB4
#' This function is linked to IC4R database and will return a list of genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB4
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB4-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1","1"),
#' st = c("148907","527906"),
#' end = c("248907","842359"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB4(ids, locusList)
callDB4 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
function(x) callCreationGeneDB4(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
function(x){liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
############################# DB5 (PLANTTFDB) ####################
#' creationGeneDB5
#' This function returns a gene specific to the PLANTTFDB database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class PLANTTFDB
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB5-function
creationGeneDB5 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[2]])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "5", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "5", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
# rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
# function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
# rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
#family <- as.character(rOutput[1])
# if (length(rOutput) > 0) {
# jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput[[1]])
# # = jsonOutput[""]
# }
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
if (length(rOutput[[1]]) > 0) {
rOutput <- gsub('\'', '"', rOutput)
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput)
family <- jsonOutput['Family']
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
newGene <- new("PLANTTFDB",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
family = as.character(family)
return (newGene)
else {
newGene <- new("PLANTTFDB",
id = as.character(id),
genesIDs = as.list(IdsList[[x]][[y]]),
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
family = "False"
else {
stop("One of the element of the locus is empty")
#' callCreationGeneDB5
#' This function calls creationGeneDB5 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB5-function
callCreationGeneDB5 <- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes5 <- data.frame()
listGenes5 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB5(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
##listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
#' callDB5
#' This function is linked to PLANTTFDB database and will return a list of
#' genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB5
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB5-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1","1"),
#' st = c("148907","527906"),
#' end = c("248907","842359"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB5(ids, locusList)
callDB5 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
function(x) callCreationGeneDB5(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
function(x){liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
################################### DB6 (PLNTFDB) ######################
#' creationGeneDB6
#' This function returns a gene specific to the PLNTFDB database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class PLNTFDB
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB6-function
creationGeneDB6 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[2]])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "6", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "6", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
##rOutput is an array so don't use getOutputJSON
#id <- rOutput[1]
# family <- rOutput[1]
# #print(paste(id,family))
# newGene <- new("PLNTFDB",
# id = as.character(id),
# genesIDs = as.list(IdsList[[x]][[y]]),
# locus = locusList[x,],
# others = list(),
# family = as.character(family))
# return (newGene)
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
if (length(rOutput[[1]]) > 0) {
rOutput <- gsub('\'', '"', rOutput)
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput)
family <- jsonOutput['Family']
newGene <- new("PLNTFDB",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
family = as.character(family)
return (newGene)
else {
newGene <- new("PLNTFDB",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
family = "False"
else {
stop("One of the element of the locus is empty")
#' callCreationGeneDB6
#' This function calls creationGeneDB6 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB6-function
callCreationGeneDB6 <- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes6 <- data.frame()
listGenes6 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB6(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
##listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
#' callDB6
#' This function is linked to PLNTFDB database and will return a list of genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB6
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB6-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1","1"),
#' st = c("148907","527906"),
#' end = c("248907","842359"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB6(ids, locusList)
callDB6 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
function(x) callCreationGeneDB6(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
function(x){liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
################################### DB7 (FUNRICIGENES) ###############
#' creationGeneDB7
#' This function returns a gene specific to the FUNRICIGENES database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class Funricigenes
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB7-function
creationGeneDB7 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[1]])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "7", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "7", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
##rOutput is an array so don't use getOutputJSON
# print(rOutput[1])
# print(rOutput[2])
# print(rOutput[3])
# symbol <- rOutput[1]
# #print(symbol)
# if (symbol == "Series([], Name: Symbol, dtype: object)"
# || is.na(symbol)){
# symbol <- "None"
# }
# else {
# symbol <- strsplit(symbol," ")
# symbol <- symbol[[1]][[length(symbol[[1]])]]
# }
# #print(symbol)
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
##if rOutput is not an empty list then we don't create a new GeneDB1
if (length(rOutput) > 0) {
rOutput <- gsub('\'', '"', rOutput)
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput)
symbol <- jsonOutput['Symbol']
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
newGene <- new("Funricigenes",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
symbol = as.character(symbol))
return (newGene)
else {
stop("One of the element of the locus is empty")
#' callCreationGeneDB7
#' This function calls creationGeneDB7 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB7-function
callCreationGeneDB7 <- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes7 <- data.frame()
listGenes7 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB7(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
##listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
#' callDB7
#' This function is linked to FUNRICIGENES database and will return a list of
#' genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB7
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB7-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1","1"),
#' st = c("148907","527906"),
#' end = c("248907","842359"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB7(ids, locusList)
callDB7 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
function(x) callCreationGeneDB7(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
function(x){liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
################################### DB8 (FUNRICIGENES2) #############
#' creationGeneDB8
#' This function returns a gene specific to the FUNRICIGENES2 database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class Funricigenes2
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB8-function
creationGeneDB8 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[1]])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "8", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "8", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
# str <- rOutput[1]
# if (str == "Series([], dtype: object)" || is.na(str)){
# symbol <- "None"
# name <- "None"
# }
# else {
# str <- strsplit(str,"°")
# symbol <- str[[1]][[2]]
# name <- str[[1]][[3]]
# }
# print(paste(symbol, name))
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
if (length(rOutput) > 0) {
rOutput <- gsub('\'', '"', rOutput)
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput)
symbol <- jsonOutput['Symbol']
name <- jsonOutput['Name']
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
newGene <- new("Funricigenes2",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
symbol = as.character(symbol),
name = as.character(name))
return (newGene)
else {
stop("One of the element of the locus is empty")
#' callCreationGeneDB8
#' This function calls creationGeneDB8 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB8-function
callCreationGeneDB8 <- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes8 <- data.frame()
listGenes8 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB8(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
##listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
#' callDB8
#' This function is linked to FUNRICIGENES2 database and will return a list of
#' genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB8
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB8-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1","1"),
#' st = c("148907","527906"),
#' end = c("248907","842359"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB8(ids, locusList)
callDB8 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
function(x) callCreationGeneDB8(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
function(x){liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
################################### DB9 (FUNRICIGENES3) - #################
#' creationGeneDB9
#' This function returns a gene specific to the FUNRICIGENES3 database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class Funricigenes3
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB9-function
creationGeneDB9 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[1]])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "9", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "9", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
if (length(rOutput) > 0) {
rOutput <- gsub('\'', '"', rOutput)
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput)
symbol <- jsonOutput['Symbol']
keyword <- jsonOutput['Keyword']
title <- jsonOutput['Title']
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
newGene <- new("Funricigenes3",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
symbol = as.character(symbol),
keyword = as.character(keyword),
title = as.character(title))
return (newGene)
else {
stop("One of the element of the locus is empty")
#' callCreationGeneDB9
#' This function calls creationGeneDB9 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB9-function
callCreationGeneDB9<- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes9 <- data.frame()
listGenes9 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB9(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
##listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
#' callDB9
#' This function is linked to FUNRICIGENES3 database and will return a list of
#' genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB9
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB9-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1","1"),
#' st = c("148907","527906"),
#' end = c("248907","842359"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB9(ids, locusList)
callDB9 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
function(x) callCreationGeneDB9(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
function(x){liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
################################### DB10 (MSU) - #################
#' creationGeneDB10
#' This function returns a gene specific to the MSU database
#' @param x number
#' @param y number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return it will return a gene from the class MSU
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname creationGeneDB10-function
creationGeneDB10 <- function (x, y, IdsList, locusList) {
##PATH for package when it will be installed -> when it will be released
path <- system.file("python",
package = "rRice")
##manage the spaces -> for example "Program Files" under windows will
##generate an error because with system2 we generate a command line
##with multiple arguments in one string.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
path <- shortPathName(path)
ch = as.character(locusList[x,1])
start = as.character(locusList[x,2])
end = as.character(locusList[x,3])
ids <- IdsList[[x]][[y]]
iricname <- as.character(ids[[3]])
rapdb <- as.character(ids[[1]])
msu <- as.character(ids[[2]])
id <- as.character(ids[[2]])
if (ch != "" && start != "" && end != "") {
if (id != "None") {
##Call run.py from python
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){
args = c(path, ch, start, end, "10", id)
cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
rOutput = system2(command = cmd, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
else {
args = c(ch, start, end, "10", id)
rOutput = system2(command = path, args=args, stdout = TRUE)
lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) returnError(rOutput[x]))
rOutput <- lapply(1 : length(rOutput),
function(x) getOutPutJSON(rOutput[x]))
rOutput[sapply(rOutput, is.null)] <- NULL
if (length(rOutput) > 0) {
##Sometimes, if the JSON is too big, the rOutput of the json
##will be sent with 2 "print" in the python part.
##When the JSON is in one or two prints, we can get the right
##json with the paste0. But if we receive 3 prints for the
##json, we will face a problem. But actually we never face
##this problem
if (substr(rOutput[[1]],
nchar(rOutput[[1]])) != "}") {
rOutput <- paste0(rOutput[[1]],rOutput[[2]])
rOutput <- gsub('\'', '"', rOutput)
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput)
else {
rOutput <- gsub('\'', '"', rOutput)
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput[[1]])
jsonOutput <- fromJSON(rOutput)
protein <- jsonOutput['Protein']
genomicSequence <- jsonOutput['Genomic Sequence']
cds <- jsonOutput['CDS']
genesids <- list(MSU7 = msu,
RAPDB = rapdb)
newGene <- new("MSU",
id = iricname,
genesIDs = genesids,
locus = locusList[x,],
others = list(),
protein = as.character(protein),
genomicSequence = as.character(genomicSequence),
cds = as.character(cds))
return (newGene)
else {
stop("One of the element of the locus is empty")
#' callCreationGeneDB10
#' This function calls creationGeneDB10 function
#' @param x number
#' @param IdsList list
#' @param locusList list
#' @return It will return a list of genes
#' @rdname callCreationGeneDB10-function
callCreationGeneDB10<- function (x, IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes10 <- data.frame()
listGenes10 <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList[[x]]),
FUN = function(y) creationGeneDB10(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
##listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
#' callDB10
#' This function is linked to MSU database and will return a list of genes
#' @param IdsList list of ids and uniquename we can catch with callSnpSeek
#' @param locusList list of locus for which we want the genes
#' @return It will return only a list with all the genesDB10
#' @export
#' @rdname callDB10-function
#' @examples
#' locusList <- data.frame(ch = c("1","1"),
#' st = c("148907","527906"),
#' end = c("248907","842359"))
#' ids <- list(list("testId"))
#' callDB10(ids, locusList)
callDB10 <- function (IdsList, locusList) {
listGenes <- data.frame()
if (class(IdsList) == "list" && length(IdsList) > 0) {
if (class(IdsList[[1]][[1]]) != "list"){
else {
##We call the function creationGeneDB1 to create our newGene
listGenes <- lapply(1 : length(IdsList),
function(x) callCreationGeneDB10(x,
##Remove all the NULL object from the list
listGenes[sapply(listGenes, is.null)] <- NULL
##To delete all the geneDB1 which exists in double
listGenes <- unique(listGenes)
##liste is a list with only the genes.
liste <- list()
lapply(1 : length(listGenes),
function(x){liste <<- append(liste,listGenes[[x]])})
return (liste)
else {
stop("IdsList has to be a list")
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