#' Diversity_rf function for FCM data
#' This function calculates Hill diversity metrics from FCM data. This function
#' differs from the Diversity() function in that it resamples (with replacement)
#' all individual samples and averages out the diversity over all subsamples.
#' This function is recommended in case there are differences in sample
#' size (nr. of cells). Analysis time is approximately 10s/resample run (R) on
#' default settings for the flowData example.
#' @param x flowSet containing the samples to analyse.
#' @param d Rounding factor for density values. Defaults to 4.
#' @param R Number of resampling runs to conduct on individual samples. Defaults
#' to 100
#' @param R.b Number of bootstraps to conduct on the fingerprint (requires less).
#' Defaults to 100
#' @param bw Bandwidth used in the kernel density estimation. Defaults to 0.01
#' which is ideal for normalized FCM data (i.e., all parameter values are
#' within [0,1]).
#' @param nbin Resolution of the binning grid. Defaults to 128 bins which
#' corresponds to a 128x128 binning grid.
#' @param param Parameter vector indicating on which parameters the diversity
#' should be estimated. An example input would be: c("FL1-H", "FL3-H", "SSC-H",
#' "FSC-H"). In addition the first parameter in this vector will be used to
#' normalize the data. Please make sure this is the primary fluorescence
#' channel if available. For example FL1-H for SYBR Green stained bacterial
#' cells measured on an Accuri C6.
#' @param parallel Should the calculation be parallelized? Defaults to FALSE
#' @param ncores How many cores should be used in case of parallel computation?
#' Defaults to 1.
#' @param cleanFCS Indicate whether outlier removal should be conducted prior
#' to diversity assessment (flowAI package). Defaults to FALSE. I would
#' recommend to make sure samples have > 500 cells. Will denoise based on
#' the parameters specified in `param`.
#' @param timesplit Fraction of timestep used in flowAI for denoising. Please
#' consult the `flowAI::flow_auto_qc` function for more information.
#' @param TimeChannel Name of time channel in the FCS files. This can differ
#' between flow cytometers. Defaults to "Time". You can check this by:
#' colnames(flowSet).
#' @keywords diversity, fcm, alpha
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom flowCore fsApply
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics unique colnames
#' @importFrom flowAI flow_auto_qc
#' @importFrom flowFDA flowBasis
#' @examples
#' # Full data processing example
#' # Load raw data (imported using flowCore)
#' data(flowData)
#' # Take subsample
#' flowData <- flowData[1:5]
#' # Asinh transform and select parameters of interest (cells were stained with Sybr Green I).
#' flowData_transformed <- flowCore::transform(flowData,`FL1-H`=asinh(`FL1-H`),
#' `SSC-H`=asinh(`SSC-H`),
#' `FL3-H`=asinh(`FL3-H`),
#' `FSC-H`=asinh(`FSC-H`))
#' param=c('FL1-H', 'FL3-H','SSC-H','FSC-H')
#' # Create a PolygonGate for denoising the dataset
#' # Define coordinates for gate in sqrcut1 in format: c(x,x,x,x,y,y,y,y)
#' sqrcut1 <- matrix(c(8.75,8.75,14,14,3,7.5,14,3),ncol=2, nrow=4)
#' colnames(sqrcut1) <- c('FL1-H','FL3-H')
#' polyGate1 <- flowCore::polygonGate(.gate=sqrcut1, filterId = 'Total Cells')
#' # Gating quality check
#' flowViz::xyplot(`FL3-H` ~ `FL1-H`, data=flowData_transformed[1], filter=polyGate1,
#' scales=list(y=list(limits=c(0,14)),
#' x=list(limits=c(6,16))),
#' axis = lattice::axis.default, nbin=125,
#' par.strip.text=list(col='white', font=2, cex=2), smooth=FALSE)
#' # Isolate only the cellular information based on the polyGate1
#' flowData_transformed <- flowCore::Subset(flowData_transformed, polyGate1)
#' # Calculate diversity for first 5 samples without cleaning data
#' Diversity_rf(flowData_transformed[1:5], param = param, R = 3, R.b = 3,
#' cleanFCS = FALSE)
#' @export
Diversity_rf <- function(x, d = 4, R = 100, R.b = 100, bw = 0.01, nbin = 128,
param, cleanFCS = FALSE, ncores=1,
parallel = FALSE,
timesplit = 0.1,
TimeChannel = "Time") {
### Normalizing ##############################################################
summary_x <- flowCore::fsApply(x = x, FUN = function(x) apply(x, 2, max),
use.exprs = TRUE)
max <- base::max(summary_x[, param[1]])
if (round(max,0) > 1) {
cat(paste0("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n"))
cat(date(), paste0("--- Normalizing your FCS data based on maximum ",
param[1]," value\n"))
for (i in 1:length(param)) cat(paste0("--- Maximum ", param[i],
" before normalizing: ",
round(base::max(summary_x[, param[i]]),
cat(paste0("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n"))
for (pm in param) {
if (pm != TimeChannel) {
myTrans <- flowCore::transformList(pm, function(x) x/max)
x <- flowCore::transform(x, myTrans)
summary_x <- flowCore::fsApply(x = x, FUN = function(x) apply(x, 2, max),
use.exprs = TRUE)
for (i in 1:length(param)) cat(paste0("--- Maximum ", param[i],
" after normalizing: ",
round(base::max(summary_x[, param[i]]),
cat(paste0("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n \n"))
} else cat(paste0("--- parameters are already normalized at: ",
base::max(summary_x[, param[1]]),"\n"))
if (cleanFCS == TRUE) {
cat(paste0("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n"))
cat(date(), paste0("--- Using the following parameters for removing errant collection events\n in samples:\n \n"))
cat(paste0(param),"\n \n")
cat(date(), paste0("--- Scatter parameters will be automatically excluded", "\n"))
cat("\n", paste0("Please cite:", "\n"))
cat("\n", paste0("Monaco et al., flowAI: automatic and interactive anomaly discerning tools for flow cytometry data,\n Bioinformatics, Volume 32, Issue 16, 15 August 2016, Pages 2473-2480, \n https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw191", "\n"))
cat(paste0("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n \n"))
# Extract parameters not to base denoising on
param_f <- BiocGenerics::unique(gsub(param,
pattern = "-H|-A|-W",
replacement = ""))
filter_param <- BiocGenerics::colnames(x)
filter_param <- BiocGenerics::unique(gsub(filter_param,
pattern = "-H|-A|-W",
replacement = ""))
filter_param <- filter_param[!filter_param %in% param_f &
filter_param != TimeChannel]
filter_param <- c(filter_param, "FSC", "SSC")
# Exclude all scatter information from denoising
add_measuredparam <- base::unique(gsub("^.*-([A-Z])$","\\1",param))[1]
# Denoise with flowAI
x <- flowAI::flow_auto_qc(x, alphaFR = 0.01,
folder_results = "QC_flowA",
fcs_highQ = "HighQ",
output = 1,
timeCh = TimeChannel,
ChExcludeFM = paste0(param_f[param_f %in% c("FSC",
"-", add_measuredparam),
ChExcludeFS = filter_param,
second_fractionFR = timesplit
# Subset data to relevant data
x <- x[, param]
# Change characters in parameter description from character back to numeric
# Otherwise nothing that follows will work
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
x[[i]]@parameters@data[,3] <- as.numeric(x[[i]]@parameters@data[,3])
x[[i]]@parameters@data[,4] <- as.numeric(x[[i]]@parameters@data[,4])
x[[i]]@parameters@data[,5] <- as.numeric(x[[i]]@parameters@data[,5])
cat("\n", paste0("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"), sep = "")
cat("\n", date(), paste0(" --- Done with cleaning data\n"), sep = "")
# Subset data
x <- x[, param]
# Calculate diversity
if (parallel == FALSE) {
for (i in 1:R) {
cat(date(), paste0("--- Starting resample run ", i, "\n"))
tmp <- Phenoflow::FCS_resample(x, rarefy = TRUE, replace = TRUE,
progress = FALSE)
tmp.basis <- flowFDA::flowBasis(tmp, param = param[param != TimeChannel],
nbin = nbin, bw = bw,
normalize = function(x) x)
tmp.diversity <- Phenoflow::Diversity(tmp.basis, plot = FALSE,
d = d, R = R.b,
progress = FALSE)
rm(tmp, tmp.basis)
if (i == 1)
results <- cbind(tmp.diversity) else {
results <- rbind(results, tmp.diversity)
} else {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
cat(date(), "--- Using", ncores, "cores for calculations\n")
results <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:R, .combine = rbind,
.packages = c("flowCore",
"Phenoflow")) %dopar% {
# cat(date(), paste0("--- Starting resample run ", i, "\n"))
tmp <- Phenoflow::FCS_resample(x, rarefy = TRUE, replace = TRUE,
progress = FALSE)
tmp.basis <- flowFDA::flowBasis(tmp, param = param[param != TimeChannel],
nbin = nbin, bw = bw,
normalize = function(x) x)
tmp.diversity <- Phenoflow::Diversity(tmp.basis, plot = FALSE,
d = d, R = R.b,
progress = FALSE)
if (parallel == TRUE) {
cat(date(), "--- Closing workers\n")
results.sd <- by(results[, c(2, 3, 5)], INDICES = factor(results$Sample_name),
FUN = function(x) apply(x, 2, sd))
results.sd <- do.call(rbind, results.sd)
colnames(results.sd) <- c("sd.D0", "sd.D1", "sd.D2")
results.m <- by(results[, c(2, 3, 5)], INDICES = factor(results$Sample_name),
FUN = colMeans)
results.m <- do.call(rbind, results.m)
results <- data.frame(Sample_names = rownames(results.m), results.m,
# Add parameters as attributes to dataframe
attr(results, "R") <- R
attr(results, "R.b") <- R.b
attr(results, "bw") <- bw
attr(results, "nbin") <- nbin
attr(results, "d") <- d
attr(results, "cleanFCS") <- cleanFCS
if (cleanFCS) attr(results, "cleanparam") <- param
cat(date(), paste0("--- Alpha diversity metrics (D0,D1,D2) have been computed after ",
R, " bootstraps\n"))
cat(paste0("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n \n"))
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