#' MA Plot
#' @description
#' Generate an MA plot for differential TSSs or TSRs.
#' @inheritParams common_params
#' @param data_type Whether to plot differential TSSs ('tss') or TSRs ('tsr').
#' @param de_comparisons Character vector of differential expression comparisons to plot.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to geom_point.
#' @details
#' This function generates an MA plot of the results from differential analysis of
#' TSSs or TSRs.
#' 'de_comparisons' are the names given to the comparisons from the 'comparison_name'
#' argument of the 'differential_expression' function.
#' 'log2fc_cutoff' and 'fdr_cutoff' are the log2(fold change) and FDR cutoffs used
#' for coloring of features as significantly altered in the plot.
#' @return ggplot2 object of MA plot.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fit_de_model}} to fit a differential expression model.
#' \code{\link{differential_expression}} to find differential TSSs or TSRs.
#' @examples
#' data(TSSs)
#' sample_sheet <- data.frame(
#' sample_name=c(
#' sprintf("S288C_D_%s", seq_len(3)),
#' sprintf("S288C_WT_%s", seq_len(3))
#' ),
#' file_1=rep(NA, 6), file_2=rep(NA, 6),
#' condition=c(rep("Diamide", 3), rep("Untreated", 3))
#' )
#' exp <- TSSs %>%
#' tsr_explorer(sample_sheet=sample_sheet) %>%
#' format_counts(data_type="tss")
#' diff_tss <- exp %>%
#' fit_de_model(data_type="tss", formula= ~condition, method="edgeR") %>%
#' differential_expression(
#' data_type="tss",
#' comparison_name="Diamide_vs_Untreated",
#' comparison_type="coef",
#' comparison=2)
#' p <- plot_ma(diff_tss, data_type="tss")
#' @export
plot_ma <- function(
data_type=c("tss", "tsr"),
## Input checks.
assert_that(is(experiment, "tsr_explorer"))
data_type <- match.arg(
c("tss", "tsr", "tss_features", "tsr_features")
assert_that(is.numeric(log2fc_cutoff) && log2fc_cutoff >= 0)
assert_that(is.numeric(fdr_cutoff) && (fdr_cutoff <= 1 & fdr_cutoff > 0))
## Get differential expression tables.
de_samples <- extract_de(experiment, data_type, de_comparisons)
## Prepare DE data for plotting.
de_samples <- rbindlist(de_samples, idcol="sample")
.de_status(de_samples, log2fc_cutoff, fdr_cutoff)
## Set sample order if required.
if (!all(de_comparisons == "all")) {
de_samples[, sample := factor(sample, levels=de_comparisons)]
## MA plot of differential expression.
p <- ggplot(de_samples, aes(x=log2(.data$mean_expr), y=.data$log2FC, color=.data$de_status)) +
geom_point(...) +
geom_hline(yintercept=log2fc_cutoff, lty=2) +
geom_hline(yintercept=-log2fc_cutoff, lty=2) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
facet_wrap(~ sample, ncol=ncol, scales="free")
#' Volcano Plot
#' @description
#' Generate a volcano plot for differential TSSs or TSRs.
#' @inheritParams common_params
#' @param data_type Whether to plot differential TSSs ('tss') or TSRs ('tsr').
#' @param de_comparisons Character vector of differential expression comparisons to plot.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to geom_point.
#' @details
#' This function generates a volcano plot of the results from differential analysis of
#' TSSs or TSRs.
#' 'de_comparisons' are the names given to the comparisons from the 'comparison_name'
#' argument of the 'differential_expression' function.
#' 'log2fc_cutoff' and 'fdr_cutoff' are the log2(fold change) and FDR cutoffs used
#' for coloring of features as significantly altered in the plot.
#' @return ggplot2 object of the volcano plot.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fit_de_model}} to fit a differential expression model.
#' \code{\link{differential_expression}} to find differential TSSs or TSRs.
#' @examples
#' data(TSSs)
#' sample_sheet <- data.frame(
#' sample_name=c(
#' sprintf("S288C_D_%s", seq_len(3)),
#' sprintf("S288C_WT_%s", seq_len(3))
#' ),
#' file_1=rep(NA, 6), file_2=rep(NA, 6),
#' condition=c(rep("Diamide", 3), rep("Untreated", 3))
#' )
#' exp <- TSSs %>%
#' tsr_explorer(sample_sheet=sample_sheet) %>%
#' format_counts(data_type="tss")
#' diff_tss <- exp %>%
#' fit_de_model(data_type="tss", formula=~condition, method="edgeR") %>%
#' differential_expression(
#' data_type="tss",
#' comparison_name="Diamide_vs_Untreated",
#' comparison_type="coef",
#' comparison=2)
#' p <- plot_volcano(diff_tss, data_type="tss")
#' @export
plot_volcano <- function(
data_type=c("tss", "tsr"),
) {
## Check inputs.
assert_that(is(experiment, "tsr_explorer"))
data_type <- match.arg(
c("tss", "tsr", "tss_features", "tsr_features")
assert_that(is.numeric(log2fc_cutoff) && log2fc_cutoff >= 0)
assert_that(is.numeric(fdr_cutoff) && (fdr_cutoff < 1 & fdr_cutoff >= 0))
## Get DE data.
de_samples <- extract_de(experiment, data_type, de_comparisons)
## Prepare DE data for plotting.
de_samples <- rbindlist(de_samples, idcol="sample")
.de_status(de_samples, log2fc_cutoff, fdr_cutoff)
de_samples[, c("de_status", "padj") := list(
factor(de_status, levels=c("up", "unchanged", "down")),
## Set sample order if required.
if (!all(de_comparisons == "all")) {
de_samples[, sample := factor(sample, levels=de_comparisons)]
## Volcano plot.
p <- ggplot(de_samples, aes(x=.data$log2FC, y=.data$padj)) +
geom_point(aes(color=.data$de_status), ...) +
geom_vline(xintercept=log2fc_cutoff, lty=2) +
geom_vline(xintercept=-log2fc_cutoff, lty=2) +
geom_vline(xintercept=0) +
geom_hline(yintercept=-log10(fdr_cutoff), lty=2) +
facet_wrap(~ sample, ncol=ncol, scales="free")
#' Export to clusterProfiler
#' Export differential features for use in clusterProfiler term enrichment.
#' @inheritParams common_params
#' @param data_type Whether to export genes associated with differential TSSs ('tss') or
#' TSRs ('tsr').
#' @param de_comparisons Character vector of differential expression comparisons to export.
#' @param keep_unchanged Logical for inclusion of genes not significantly changed in
#' the exported list.
#' @param anno_categories Vector of annotation categories to keep.
#' If NULL no filtering by annotation type occurs.
#' @details
#' This function outputs a data.frame that is formatted for use with the 'compareCluster'
#' function of the clusterProfiler library.
#' The 'geneId', 'sample', and 'de_status' columns can be used in the formula
#' 'geneId ~ sample + de_status'.
#' 'de_comparisons' are the names given to the comparisons from the 'comparison_name'
#' argument of the 'differential_expression' function.
#' 'log2fc_cutoff' and 'fdr_cutoff' are the log2(fold change) and FDR cutoffs used
#' for determination of significance.
#' 'keep_unchanged' controls whether genes with the category of 'unchanged'
#' (not differentially expressed) are returned in the table.
#' Additionally, genes can be returned based on whether they have differential
#' features within a certain relative genomic location, such as promoter.
#' This is controlled by providing a vector of annotation types to 'anno_types'.
#' @return data.frame of genes and differential expression status of TSSs or TSRs.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fit_de_model}} to fit a differential expression model.
#' \code{\link{differential_expression}} to find differential TSSs or TSRs.
#' @examples
#' data(TSSs)
#' annotation <- system.file("extdata", "S288C_Annotation.gtf", package="TSRexploreR")
#' sample_sheet <- data.frame(
#' sample_name=c(
#' sprintf("S288C_D_%s", seq_len(3)),
#' sprintf("S288C_WT_%s", seq_len(3))
#' ),
#' file_1=rep(NA, 6), file_2=rep(NA, 6),
#' condition=c(rep("Diamide", 3), rep("Untreated", 3))
#' )
#' exp <- TSSs %>%
#' tsr_explorer(sample_sheet=sample_sheet, genome_annotation=annotation) %>%
#' format_counts(data_type="tss") %>%
#' annotate_features(data_type="tss")
#' diff_tss <- exp %>%
#' fit_de_model(data_type="tss", formula=~condition, method="edgeR") %>%
#' differential_expression(
#' data_type="tss",
#' comparison_name="Diamide_vs_Untreated",
#' comparison_type="coef",
#' comparison=2)
#' diff_tss <- export_for_enrichment(diff_tss, data_type="tss")
#' @export
export_for_enrichment <- function(
data_type=c("tss", "tsr"),
) {
## Input checks.
assert_that(is(experiment, "tsr_explorer"))
data_type <- match.arg(str_to_lower(data_type), c("tss", "tsr"))
assert_that(is.numeric(log2fc_cutoff) && log2fc_cutoff >= 0)
assert_that(is.numeric(fdr_cutoff) && (fdr_cutoff > 0 & fdr_cutoff <= 1))
assert_that(is.null(anno_categories) || is.character(anno_categories))
## Get DE comparisons.
de_samples <- extract_de(experiment, data_type, de_comparisons)
de_samples <- rbindlist(de_samples, idcol="sample")
## Keep only selected annotation categories if provided.
if (!is.null(anno_categories)) {
de_samples <- de_samples[simple_annotations %in% anno_categories]
## Mark de status.
.de_status(de_samples, log2fc_cutoff, fdr_cutoff)
## Remove unchanged if requested and set factor levels.
if (keep_unchanged) {
de_samples[, de_status := factor(
de_status, levels=c("up", "unchanged", "down")
} else {
de_samples <- de_samples[de_status != "unchanged"]
de_samples[, de_status := factor(
de_status, levels=c("up", "down")
#' Plot DE Numbers
#' @description
#' Stacked barplot of the number of differential TSSs or TSRs per comparison.
#' @inheritParams common_params
#' @param data_type Whether to plot numbers of differential TSSs ('tss') or TSRs ('tsr').
#' @param de_comparisons Character vector of differential expression comparisons to plot.
#' @param keep_unchanged Whether to include (TRUE) unchanged features in the plot.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to geom_col.
#' @details
#' Generate a stacked barplot with the number of differential TSSs or TSRs per comparison.
#' 'de_comparisons' are the names given to the comparisons from the 'comparison_name'
#' argument of the 'differential_expression' function.
#' 'log2fc_cutoff' and 'fdr_cutoff' are the log2(fold change) and FDR cutoffs used
#' for determination of significance in the plot.
#' 'keep_unchanged' controls whether non-significant feature numbers are included in the plot.
#' If 'keep_unchanged' is TRUE, a table with the numbers is returned instead of the ggplot.
#' This may be useful if the exact numbers underlying the plot are required.
#' @return ggplot2 object of stacked barplot.
#' If 'return_table' is TRUE, a data.frame with differentially expressed TSS/TSR numbers
#' are returned.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fit_de_model}} to fit a differential expression model.
#' \code{\link{differential_expression}} to find differential TSSs or TSRs.
#' @examples
#' data(TSSs)
#' sample_sheet <- data.frame(
#' sample_name=c(
#' sprintf("S288C_D_%s", seq_len(3)),
#' sprintf("S288C_WT_%s", seq_len(3))
#' ),
#' file_1=NA, file_2=NA,
#' condition=c(rep("Diamide", 3), rep("Untreated", 3))
#' )
#' exp <- TSSs %>%
#' tsr_explorer(sample_sheet=sample_sheet) %>%
#' format_counts(data_type="tss")
#' diff_tss <- exp %>%
#' fit_de_model(data_type="tss", formula= ~condition, method="edgeR") %>%
#' differential_expression(
#' data_type="tss",
#' comparison_name="Diamide_vs_Untreated",
#' comparison_type="coef",
#' comparison=2)
#' p <- plot_num_de(diff_tss, data_type="tss")
#' @export
plot_num_de <- function(
data_type=c("tss", "tsr"),
) {
## Input checks.
assert_that(is(experiment, "tsr_explorer"))
data_type <- match.arg(
c("tss", "tsr", "tss_features", "tsr_features")
assert_that(is.numeric(log2fc_cutoff) && log2fc_cutoff >= 0)
assert_that(is.numeric(fdr_cutoff) && (fdr_cutoff > 0 & fdr_cutoff <= 1))
## Get appropriate samples.
de_samples <- extract_de(experiment, data_type, de_comparisons)
de_samples <- rbindlist(de_samples, idcol="samples")
## Mark DE status.
.de_status(de_samples, log2fc_cutoff, fdr_cutoff)
if (keep_unchanged) {
de_samples[, de_status := factor(
de_status, levels=c("up", "unchanged", "down")
} else {
de_samples <- de_samples[de_status != "unchanged"]
de_samples[, de_status := factor(de_status, levels=c("up", "down"))]
## Prepare data for plotting.
de_samples <- de_samples[, .(count=.N), by=.(samples, de_status)]
## Set sample order if required.
if (!all(de_comparisons == "all")) {
de_samples[, samples := factor(samples, levels=de_comparisons)]
## Return table if requested.
if (return_table) return(as.data.frame(de_samples))
## Plot data.
p <- ggplot(de_samples, aes(x=.data$samples, y=.data$count, fill=.data$de_status)) +
geom_col(position="stack", ...) +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1))
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