#' Returns a list of pathways from various file formats.
#' @description This function supports custom pathway annotations to use
#' for fedup pathway enrichment analysis. Current file formats supported are
#' gmt, txt, and xlsx.
#' @param pathwayFile (char) path to file with pathway annotations
#' @param header (logical) whether \code{pathwayFile} has a header
#' (default FALSE)
#' @param pathCol (char or int) column name or number with pathway identifiers
#' (for use with non-GMT input files (eg "Pathway.ID" or 2; default NULL))
#' @param geneCol (char or int) column name or number with gene identifiers
#' (for use with non-GMT input files (eg "Gene.ID" or 5; default NULL))
#' @param minGene (integer) minimum number of genes to be considered
#' in a pathway (default 1)
#' @param maxGene (integer) maximum number of genes to be considered
#' in a pathway (default Inf)
#' @return A list of vectors with pathway annotations.
#' @examples
#' # Generate pathway list from GMT annotation file
#' pathways <- readPathways(
#' system.file("extdata", "Human_Reactome_November_17_2020_symbol.gmt",
#' package = "fedup"
#' ),
#' minGene = 10, maxGene = 500
#' )
#' # Generate pathway list from XLSX annotation file
#' pathways <- readPathways(
#' system.file("extdata", "SAFE_terms.xlsx", package = "fedup"),
#' header = TRUE, pathCol = "Enriched.GO.names", geneCol = "Gene.ID"
#' )
#' @importFrom openxlsx read.xlsx
#' @importFrom tibble deframe
#' @importFrom stats aggregate na.omit
#' @importFrom utils head read.delim tail
#' @export
#' @usage
#' readPathways(
#' pathwayFile,
#' header = FALSE,
#' pathCol = NULL,
#' geneCol = NULL,
#' minGene = 1L,
#' maxGene = Inf
#' )
readPathways <- function(pathwayFile, header = FALSE,
pathCol = NULL, geneCol = NULL, minGene = 1L, maxGene = Inf) {
s <- c("gmt", "txt", "xlsx")
f <- sub(".*\\.", "", pathwayFile)
if (!f %in% s) {
"Sorry, pathway file type (", f, ") is not supported. ",
"Supported extensions: ", paste(s, collapse = ", "), "."
if (f == "gmt") {
path_in <- strsplit(readLines(pathwayFile), "\t")
if (header) {
path_in <- path_in[-1]
pathways <- lapply(path_in, tail, -2)
names(pathways) <- vapply(path_in, head, n = 1, character(1))
} else {
if (f == "xlsx") {
path_in <- read.xlsx(pathwayFile)
if (f == "txt") {
path_in <- read.delim(pathwayFile, header = header)
if (!pathCol %in% names(path_in) && !pathCol %in% seq_along(path_in)) {
stop("Pathway ID column (", pathCol, ") not in file")
if (!geneCol %in% names(path_in) && !geneCol %in% seq_along(path_in)) {
stop("Gene ID column (", geneCol, ") not in file")
pathway_df <- data.frame(
pathway = path_in[, pathCol], gene = path_in[, geneCol]
pathway_df[which(pathway_df$gene == ""), "gene"] <- NA
pathway_df <- na.omit(pathway_df)
pathway_df <- aggregate(gene ~ pathway, pathway_df, paste)
pathways <- deframe(pathway_df)
size <- lapply(pathways, length)
pathways_s <- pathways[which(size >= minGene & size <= maxGene)]
if (!length(pathways_s)) {
stop("Oops, no pathways left... try different filtering options.")
"Pathway file: ", basename(pathwayFile),
"\n => n total pathways: ", length(pathways),
"\n => n pathways (", minGene, "-", maxGene, "): ", length(pathways_s)
#' Writes a set of pathways (list of vectors) to a GMT file.
#' @param pathways (list) named list of vectors
#' @param gmtFile (char) name of output GMT file
#' @return GMT-formatted file. Rows represent pathways. Columns represent:
#' \itemize{
#' \item pathway ID;
#' \item description;
#' \item a list of tab-delimited genes
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(pathwaysXLSX)
#' writePathways(pathwaysXLSX, tempfile("pathwaysXLSX", fileext = ".gmt"))
#' @importFrom data.table fwrite
#' @export
writePathways <- function(pathways, gmtFile) {
tab <- data.table(
pathway = names(pathways),
description = gsub("\\%.*", "", names(pathways)),
genes = unlist(lapply(pathways, paste, collapse = "\t"))
fwrite(tab, file = gmtFile, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
message("Wrote out pathway gmt file to ", gmtFile)
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