
## Plot for selected cells.
## - in sync with selected color variable
##   - if categorical: number of cells in each group
##   - if numerical: box/violin plot
output[["overview_details_selected_cells_plot"]] <- plotly::renderPlotly({
    input[["overview_projection_to_display"]] %in% availableProjections(),
  ## extract cells to plot
  cells_df <- cbind(
  ## check selection
  ## ... selection has not been made or there is no cell in it
  if ( is.null(overview_projection_selected_cells()) ) {
    cells_df <- cells_df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(group = 'not selected')
  ## ... selection has been made and at least 1 cell is in it
  } else {
    cells_df <- cells_df %>%
      dplyr::rename(X1 = 1, X2 = 2) %>%
        identifier = paste0(X1, '-', X2),
        group = ifelse(identifier %in% overview_projection_selected_cells()$identifier, 'selected', 'not selected'),
        group = factor(group, levels = c('selected', 'not selected'))
  color_variable <- input[["overview_selected_cells_plot_select_variable"]]
  ## if the selected coloring variable is categorical, represent the selected
  ## cells in a bar chart
  if (
    is.factor(cells_df[[ color_variable ]]) ||
    is.character(cells_df[[ color_variable ]])
  ) {
    ## filter table for selected cells
    cells_df <- cells_df %>%
      dplyr::filter(group == 'selected')
    ## prepare table, depending on whether at least a single cell is selected
    ## ... at least 1 cell is selected
    if ( nrow(cells_df) > 0 ) {
      ## count the number of cells by selected meta data column
      cells_df <- cells_df %>%
        dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c(color_variable))) %>%
        dplyr::tally() %>%
    ## ... no cell is selected
    } else {
      ## check whether the selected meta data column contains a registered
      ## grouping variable
      ## ... the column is a grouping variable
      if ( color_variable %in% getGroups() ) {
        ## get levels for the grouping variable
        group_levels <- getGroupLevels(color_variable)
      ## ... the column is not a known grouping variable
      } else {
        ## get unique values on the meta data column
        group_levels <- unique(getMetaData()[[color_variable]])
      ## create empty table to show
      cells_df <- data.frame(
          group = group_levels,
          n = 0
        ) %>%
        dplyr::rename(!!color_variable := group)
    ## get colors for groups
    colors_for_groups <- assignColorsToGroups(cells_df, color_variable)
    ## convert factor to character to avoid empty bars when selecting cells of
    ## certain groups
    cells_df[[1]] <- as.character(cells_df[[1]])
    ## make bar chart
    plot <- plotly::plot_ly(
        x = ~cells_df[[1]],
        y = ~cells_df[[2]],
        type = "bar",
        color = ~cells_df[[1]],
        colors = colors_for_groups,
        source = "subset",
        showlegend = FALSE,
        hoverinfo = "y"
    y_axis_title <- "Number of cells"
  ## if the selected coloring variable is numeric/continuous
  } else if ( is.numeric(cells_df[[ color_variable ]]) ) {
    ## remove unnecessary columns
    cells_df <- cells_df %>%
      dplyr::select(group, tidyselect::all_of(color_variable))
    ## create violin/box plot
    plot <- plotly::plot_ly(
        x = ~cells_df[[ 'group' ]],
        y = ~cells_df[[ color_variable ]],
        type = "violin",
        box = list(
          visible = TRUE
        meanline = list(
          visible = TRUE
        color = ~cells_df[[1]],
        colors = setNames(
          c('selected', 'not selected')
        source = "subset",
        showlegend = FALSE,
        hoverinfo = "y",
        marker = list(
          size = 5
    y_axis_title <- colnames(cells_df)[2]
  plot %>%
    title = "",
    xaxis = list(
      title = "",
      mirror = TRUE,
      showline = TRUE
    yaxis = list(
      title = y_axis_title,
      tickformat = ",.0f",
      hoverformat = ",.0f",
      mirror = TRUE,
      showline = TRUE
    dragmode = "select",
    hovermode = "compare"
romanhaa/cerebroApp documentation built on Nov. 25, 2021, 5:29 p.m.