#' Run DEXSeq differential expression on polyA sites
#' @param mat PA site count matrix
#' @param cell_ids1 cell barcodes for group 1
#' @param cell_ids2 cell barcodes for group 2
#' @param fc_cut min fold change cutoff
#' @param padj_cut max adjusted p value cutoff
#' @param pseudo_n number of pseudobulk profiles to make for each group
#' @param types filter to only these types of PA sites, set to NULL to use all
#' @param indep_fil independent filtering for DEXSeq
#' @param sep separator to split and merge names
#' @param groups1 vector of grouping for cell_ids1
#' @param groups2 vector of grouping for cell_ids2
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr
#' @return DEXSeq result table
#' @export
PA_DEXSeq <- function(mat,
fc_cut = 0.25,
padj_cut = 0.1,
pseudo_n = 4,
seed = 1,
type = c("3'UTR"),
indep_fil = TRUE,
sep = ";",
groups1 = NA,
groups2 = NA) {
if (!is.null(type)) {
mat <- mat[str_detect(rownames(mat), type), ]
dat2 <- data.frame(gene = rownames(mat)) %>%
sep = sep,
into = c("gene_name", "gene_info"),
remove = FALSE,
extra = "merge")
keeps2 <- dat2$gene_name %>% table() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
setNames(c("gene_name", "n")) %>%
dplyr::filter(n > 1) %>%
pull(gene_name) %>%
unique() %>%
message("number of genes with 2+ PA sites: ", length(keeps2))
keeps <- dat2 %>% dplyr::filter(gene_name %in% keeps2) %>%
pull(gene) %>%
message("number of peaks tested: ", length(keeps))
mat <- mat[keeps, ]
if (!is.na(groups1) & !is.na(groups2)) {
ngroup <- unique(groups1) %>% length()
message("using ", ngroup, " custom groups for pseudo-bulks")
cells_1 <- split(cell_ids1, groups1)
cells_2 <- split(cell_ids2, groups2)
} else {
message("prepare ", pseudo_n, " pseudo-bulks per sample")
cells_1 <- split(sample(cell_ids1), 1:length(cell_ids1)%%pseudo_n)
cells_2 <- split(sample(cell_ids2), 1:length(cell_ids2)%%pseudo_n)
profile_1 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = length(cells_1))
for (i in 1:length(cells_1)) {
set_temp <- cells_1[[i]]
mat_temp <- mat[, set_temp]
if (length(set_temp) > 1) {
profile_1[, i] <- Matrix::rowSums(mat_temp)
else {
warning("not pseudobulk")
profile_1[, i] <- mat_temp
rownames(profile_1) <- rownames(mat)
colnames(profile_1) <- str_c("Population1_", 1:length(cells_1))
profile_2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = length(cells_2))
for (i in 1:length(cells_2)) {
set_temp <- cells_2[[i]]
mat_temp <- mat[, set_temp]
if (length(set_temp) > 1) {
profile_2[, i] <- Matrix::rowSums(mat_temp)
else {
warning("not pseudobulk")
profile_2[, i] <- mat_temp
rownames(profile_2) <- rownames(mat)
colnames(profile_2) <- str_c("Population2_", 1:length(cells_2))
profile_full <- cbind(profile_1, profile_2)
message("run DEXSeq prep...")
st <- data.frame(row.names = c(colnames(profile_1), colnames(profile_2)),
condition = c(rep("target", ncol(profile_1)), rep("comparison",
ft <- data.frame(gene = rownames(profile_full)) %>% separate(gene,
sep = sep, into = c("gene_name", "gene_info"), remove = FALSE,
extra = "merge")
rownames(ft) <- rownames(profile_full)
dxd <- suppressWarnings(DEXSeq::DEXSeqDataSet(profile_full, sampleData = st,
groupID = ft$gene_name, featureID = ft$gene_info, design = ~sample +
exon + condition:exon))
dxd <- DEXSeq::estimateSizeFactors(dxd, locfunc = genefilter::shorth)
dxd <- DEXSeq::estimateDispersions(dxd, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam())
message("run DEXSeq test...")
dxd <- DEXSeq::testForDEU(dxd, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam())
dxd <- DEXSeq::estimateExonFoldChanges(dxd, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam())
dxr1 <- DEXSeq::DEXSeqResults(dxd, independentFiltering = indep_fil)
message("get output...")
mat1 <- mat[, cell_ids1, drop = FALSE]
mat1[mat1 > 0] <- 1
mat2 <- mat[, cell_ids2, drop = FALSE]
mat2[mat2 > 0] <- 1
pct <- data.frame(full_site = rownames(mat), pct_1 = Matrix::rowMeans(mat1),
pct_2 = Matrix::rowMeans(mat2))
sig <- as.data.frame(dxr1) %>% dplyr::select(gene = groupID, padj,
log2FC = log2fold_target_comparison) %>% arrange(padj) %>%
rownames_to_column("full_site") %>% mutate(full_site = str_replace(full_site,
":", sep)) %>% left_join(pct, by = "full_site") %>% dplyr::filter(padj <=
padj_cut, abs(log2FC) >= fc_cut) %>% dplyr::filter(gene != "NA")
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