# Test data
df_1 <- vdj_sce@colData
df_2 <- vdj_sce@colData |>
as.data.frame() |>
as_tibble(rownames = ".cell_id")
test_clsts <- df_1 |>
as_tibble() |>
na.omit() |>
pull(seurat_clusters) |>
# Check all calc_similarity arguments
mets <- abdiv::beta_diversities |>
purrr::set_names() |>
map(~ eval(parse(text = paste0("abdiv::", .x))))
arg_lst <- list(
input = list(vdj_sce, df_1),
data_col = "cdr3",
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters",
method = mets,
return_mat = c(TRUE, FALSE),
prefix = "TEST_"
arg_lst = arg_lst,
.fn = calc_similarity,
desc = "calc_similarity args",
chk = expect_silent
# Check similarity calculation
# calculate similarity independently and compare to calc_similarity results
test_sim <- vdj_sce@colData |>
as.data.frame() |>
as_tibble(rownames = ".cell_id") |>
filter(!is.na(cdr3)) |>
group_by(cdr3, seurat_clusters) |>
summarize(n = n_distinct(.cell_id), .groups = "drop") |>
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "seurat_clusters", values_from = "n") |>
mutate(across(all_of(test_clsts), ~ tidyr::replace_na(.x, 0)))
clst <- test_clsts[1]
nm <- paste0("x", clst)
clst_dat <- pull(test_sim, clst)
get_sim_res <- function(method) {
map_dfr(test_clsts, ~ {
x <- pull(test_sim, clst)
y <- pull(test_sim, .x)
seurat_clusters = .x,
!!sym(nm) := method(x, y)
}) |>
arrange(seurat_clusters) |>
!!sym(nm) := if_else(
seurat_clusters == clst,
method(clst_dat, clst_dat),
purrr::walk(abdiv::beta_diversities, ~ {
fn <- paste0("abdiv::", .x)
test_res <- get_sim_res(eval(parse(text = fn)))
res <- vdj_sce |>
data_col = "cdr3",
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters",
method = eval(parse(text = fn)),
return_mat = FALSE,
prefix = "x"
res <- res@colData |>
as_tibble() |>
select(seurat_clusters, all_of(nm)) |>
filter(!is.na(seurat_clusters)) |>
distinct() |>
test_that(paste0("sim calc ", .x), {
expect_identical(res, test_res)
# Check SCE output
test_that("calc_similarity SCE out", {
res <- vdj_sce |>
data_col = "cdr3",
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters",
method = abdiv::binomial_deviance,
return_mat = FALSE,
prefix = "x"
expect_s4_class(res, "SingleCellExperiment")
new_clmns <- colnames(res@colData)
new_clmns <- new_clmns[!new_clmns %in% paste0("x", test_clsts)]
res@colData <- res@colData[, new_clmns]
expect_identical(res, vdj_sce)
# Check data.frame output
test_that("calc_similarity df out", {
res <- vdj_sce@colData |>
data_col = "cdr3",
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters",
method = abdiv::binomial_deviance,
return_mat = FALSE,
prefix = "x"
expect_s3_class(res, "data.frame")
res_2 <- res |>
as_tibble() |>
select(-all_of(paste0("x", test_clsts)))
expect_identical(res_2, as_tibble(vdj_sce@colData))
# Check matrix output
test_that("calc_similarity mat out", {
res <- vdj_sce |>
data_col = "cdr3",
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters",
method = abdiv::binomial_deviance,
return_mat = TRUE,
prefix = "x"
expect_type(res, "double")
res <- unique(c(rownames(res), colnames(res)))
expect_true(all(sort(test_clsts) == sort(res)))
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