#' @title Trendy
#' @param Data a matrix of normalized expression measurements. Rows are
#' genes/features and columns are samples.
#' @param tVectIn a numerical vector indicating the time-points or the
#' order of samples. If it is NULL (default), then the time/order
#' will be assumed to be equaly spaced from 1:N (N is number of samples).
#' @param saveObject if TRUE then the trendy object produced will be saved
#' to use in the Shiny app (default is FALSE).
#' @param fileName the file name (and file path) to save the Trendy object,
#' only used if saveObject=TRUE (default name is
#' trendyOutputForShiny.RData).
#' @param meanCut genes whose mean is less than MeanCut will not be
#' considered, default is 10.
#' @param maxK maximum number of breakpoints to consider. For each gene,
#' trendy will fit maxK + 1 models containing 0 -> maxK breakpoints
#' (1 -> (maxK + 1) segments). The model with the lowest BIC
#' value will be selected (unless forceRsq = TRUE, see below).
#' @param minNumInSeg minimum number of samples required to be within
#' a segment. If a breakpoint model has a segment with fewer than
#' minNumInSeg point in any segment, then the model is not
#' considered valid.
#' @param pvalCut p-value cutoff. If the p-value of a segment is greater than
#' PvalCut, then the segment will be called as 'no change'.
#' @param numTry the number of different seeds to try. If all numTry runs
#' fail, then the linear regression (no breakpoints, one segment) model
#' will be returned.
#' @param keepFit whether to report the fitted object (default is FALSE).
#' @param featureNames optional parameter to specify an explicit subset of
#' features/genes to fit the segmented regression model to.
#' @param NCores number of cores to use, default is detectCores() - 1.
#' @description Segmented regression models are fit for each gene.
#' The number of model fits is 1 -> maxK.
#' @return Trend: direction of each sample; -1: down, 0: no change, 1: up
#' Slope: fitted slopes, Slope.Trend: sign of fitted slopes,
#' Slope.Pvalue: p value of each segment, Breakpoint: estimated breakpoints,
#' Fitted.Values: fitted values AdjustedR2: adjusted R squared
#' value of the model
#' Fit: fit object
#' @author Ning Leng and Rhonda Bacher
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply register MulticoreParam bpparam SnowParam
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment assayNames
#' assays colData
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @import stats
#' @import segmented
#' @examples
#' m1 <- matrix(c(c(rnorm(50,5,1),sort(rnorm(50, 15, 5))), rnorm(100, 50,10)), 2, 100, TRUE)
#' rownames(m1) <- c("g1","g2")
#' colnames(m1) <- paste0("time", seq_len(100))
#' myTrends <- trendy(m1)
trendy <-
function(Data = NULL, tVectIn = NULL, saveObject = FALSE, fileName = NULL,
meanCut = 10, maxK = 3, minNumInSeg = 5, pvalCut = .1,
numTry = 5, keepFit = FALSE, NCores = NULL, featureNames = NULL)
# Checks
if (methods::is(Data, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
if (is.null(SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(Data)) ||
SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(Data)[1] != "Counts") {
message("Renaming the first element in assays(Data) to 'Counts'")
SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(Data)[1] <- "Counts"
if (is.null(colnames(Trendy::getCounts(Data)))) {
stop("Must supply sample/cell names!")
if (!(methods::is(Data, "SummarizedExperiment"))) {
Data <- data.matrix(Data)
if (anyNA(Trendy::getCounts(Data))) {stop("Data contains at least one
value of NA. Unsure how to proceed.")}
if (is.null(rownames(Trendy::getCounts(Data)))) {
stop("Must supply feature/gene/row names!")
if (is.null(colnames(Trendy::getCounts(Data)))) {
stop("Must supply sample/column names!")
NSample <- ncol(Trendy::getCounts(Data))
if (is.null(tVectIn)) {
warning(paste0("No values for parameter tVectIn were given.
Trendy will assume data goes from 1:",NSample))
tVectIn <- seq_len(NSample)
names(tVectIn) <- colnames(Trendy::getCounts(Data))
if (is.null(names(tVectIn))) {
names(tVectIn) <- colnames(Trendy::getCounts(Data))
if (is.null(NCores)) {NCores <- max(1, parallel::detectCores() - 1)}
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
param = SnowParam(workers=NCores)
param = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers=NCores)
BiocParallel::register(BPPARAM = param)
if (is.null(featureNames)) {
featureNames <- rownames(Data)
Data <- Data[rownames(Data) %in% featureNames, ]
if (length(featureNames) == 1) {
if (mean(Trendy::getCounts(Data)) >= meanCut) {
Data.MeanFiltered <- t(data.matrix(Trendy::getCounts(Data)))
row.names(Data.MeanFiltered) <- featureNames
} else {
stop("Gene does not pass the mean cutoff filter!")
} else {
toKeep <- which(rowMeans(Trendy::getCounts(Data)) >= meanCut)
if (sum(rowMeans(Trendy::getCounts(Data)) >= meanCut) == 0) {
stop("No genes pass the mean cutoff filter!")
if (NSample < (maxK + 1) * minNumInSeg) {
maxK <- floor(NSample / minNumInSeg) - 1
message("Number of samples (", NSample, ") is less than
[# segments] * [min number of samples in a segment]. maxK has been
set to", maxK)
if (length(unique(tVectIn)) <= (maxK + 1)) {
maxK <- length(unique(tVectIn)) - 2
message("Number of unique times (", length(unique(tVectIn)), ") is less than
setting of maxK. Trendy has automatically set maxK to ", maxK)
if (maxK < 1) {
stop("Invalid value for maxK. Adjust minNumInSeg setting
in order to run Trendy.")
segAll <- BiocParallel::bplapply(X = seq_len(nrow(Data.MeanFiltered)),
function(X) {
inGene = Data.MeanFiltered[X,]
fitSegBIC(Data = inGene,
tVectIn = tVectIn,
maxK = maxK,
minNumInSeg = minNumInSeg,
pvalCut = pvalCut,
numTry = numTry,
keepFit = keepFit)
names(segAll) <- rownames(Data.MeanFiltered)
if (saveObject == TRUE) {
if (is.null(fileName)){
fileName <- "trendyForShiny.RData"
} else {
fileName <- paste0(fileName, "_trendyForShiny.RData")
origData <- Trendy::getCounts(Data)
trendyOut <- segAll
tVectIn <- tVectIn
save(trendyOut, origData, tVectIn, file = fileName)}
S4Vectors::metadata(Data)[["TrendyFits"]] <- segAll
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