#' quickReg
#' Perform the single gene regressions using quantile regression.
#' @details Perform the single gene regressions using quantile regression.
#' @param x gene to perform the regression on.
#' @param InputData list of data needed for the regression.
#' @return gene slope.
quickReg <- function(x,InputData) {
LogData = InputData[[1]]
SeqDepth = InputData[[2]]
X = InputData[[3]][x]
Tau = InputData[[4]]
ditherFlag = InputData[[5]]
if(ditherFlag == TRUE) {
slope <- try(quantreg::rq(quantreg::dither(LogData[X, ], type="symmetric", value=.01) ~
log(SeqDepth), tau = Tau, method="br")$coef[2], silent=TRUE)
if(methods::is(slope, "try-error")){
slope <- try(quantreg::rq(quantreg::dither(LogData[X, ], type="symmetric", value=.01) ~
log(SeqDepth), tau = Tau, method="fn")$coef[2], silent=TRUE)
if(methods::is(slope, "try-error")){
slope <- NA
} else {
slope <- try(quantreg::rq(LogData[X, ] ~ log(SeqDepth), tau = Tau,
method="br")$coef[2], silent=TRUE)
if(methods::is(slope, "try-error")){
slope <- try(quantreg::rq(LogData[X, ] ~ log(SeqDepth), tau = Tau,
method="fn")$coef[2], silent=TRUE)
if(methods::is(slope, "try-error")){
slope <- NA
names(slope) <- X
#' redoBox
#' @details Function to log data and turn zeros to NA to mask/ignore in
#' functions.
#' @param DATA data set to.
#' @param smallc, what value to ignore, typically is zero.
#' @return the dataset has been logged with values below smallc masked.
redoBox <- function(DATA, smallc) {
DATA[DATA <= smallc] <- NA #truncate some values first, usually just zero
y <- log(DATA)
#' splitGroups
#' @details helper function to get split a vector into a specified number of groups
#' @param DATA vector to be splot.
#' @param NumGroups number of groups
#' @return list, length is equal to NumGroups
splitGroups <- function(DATA, NumGroups=10) {
splitby <- sort(DATA)
grps <- length(splitby) / NumGroups
sreg <- split(splitby, ceiling(seq_along(splitby) / grps))
#' getDens
#' @details get density of slopes in different expression groups
#' @param ExprGroups expression groups already split.
#' @param byGroup factor (usually slopes) to get density based on ExprGroups.
#' @param RETURN whether to return Mode or Height of density.
#' @return list, length is equal to NumGroups
getDens <- function(ExprGroups, byGroup, RETURN=c("Mode", "Height")) {
NumExpressionGroups <- length(ExprGroups)
Mode <- rep(NA, NumExpressionGroups)
Height <- rep(NA, NumExpressionGroups)
for (i in seq_len(NumExpressionGroups)) {
useg <- names(ExprGroups[[i]])
rqdens <- density(na.omit(byGroup[useg]))
peak <- which.max(rqdens$y)
Mode[i] <- rqdens$x[peak]
Height[i] <- rqdens$y[peak]
RETURN <- eval(parse(text = match.arg(RETURN)))
#' @title getCounts
#' @usage getCounts(DATA)
#' @param DATA An object of class \code{SummarizedExperiment} that contains
#' single-cell expression and metadata
#' @description Convenient helper function to extract the normalized expression
#' matrix from the SummarizedExperiment
#' @return A \code{matrix} which contains the count data
#' where genes are in rows and cells are in columns
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @examples
#' data(ExampleSimSCData)
#' ExampleData <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays=list("Counts"=ExampleSimSCData))
#' myData <- getCounts(ExampleData)
getCounts <- function(DATA){
#' @title results
#' @param DATA An object of class \code{SummarizedExperiment} that contains
#' normalized single-cell expression and other metadata, and the output of the
#' \code{SCnorm} function.
#' @param type A character variable specifying which output is desired,
#' with possible values "NormalizedData", "ScaleFactors", and "GenesFilteredOut".
#' By default results() will
#' return type="NormalizedData", which is the matrix of normalized counts from SCnorm.
#' By specifiying type="ScaleFactors" a matrix of scale factors (only returned if
#' reportSF=TRUE when running \code{SCnorm()}) can be obtained.
#' type="GenesFilteredOut" returns a list of genes that were not normalized using
#' SCnorm, these are genes that
#' did not pass the filter critiera.
#' @description Convenient helper function to extract the results (
#' normalized data, list of genes filtered out, or scale factors). Results
#' data.frames/matrices are stored in the
#' \code{metadata} slot and can also be accessed without the help of this
#' convenience function by calling \code{metadata(DataNorm)}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} containing output as detailed in the
#' description of the \code{type} input parameter
#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment normcounts
#' @examples
#' data(ExampleSimSCData)
#' Conditions = rep(c(1), each= 90)
#' #NormData <- SCnorm(Data=ExampleSimSCData, Conditions=Conditions)
#' #normDataMatrix <- results(NormData)
results <- function(DATA, type=c("NormalizedData", "ScaleFactors", "GenesFilteredOut")){
if (type=="NormalizedData") {
} else {
type <- match.arg(type)
#' correctWithin
#' Perform the correction within each sample (See loess normalization in
#' original publication Risso et al., 2011 (BMC Bioinformatics)).
#' Similar to function in EDAseq v2.8.0.
#' @details Performs within sample normalization.
#' @param y gene to perform the regression on.
#' @param correctFactor list of data needed for the regression.
#' @return within-cell normalized expression estimates
correctWithin <- function(y, correctFactor) {
#don't use zeros or outliers
useg <- which(y > 0 & y <= quantile(y, probs=0.995))
X <- correctFactor[useg]
Y <- log(y[useg])
calcL <- loess(Y ~ X)
counts.fit <- predict(calcL, newdata = correctFactor)
names(counts.fit) <- names(y)
counts.fit[is.na(counts.fit)] <- 0
scaleC <- y / exp(counts.fit - median(Y)) #correct
} ##from EDAseq v2.8.0
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