
Defines functions .compare_spectra_python .fun_name .cosine_param_string NeutralLossesCosineParam ModifiedCosineParam CosineHungarianParam CosineGreedyParam

Documented in CosineGreedyParam CosineHungarianParam ModifiedCosineParam NeutralLossesCosineParam

#' @title Spectra similarity calculations using matchms
#' @name compareSpectriPy
#' @description
#' The `compareSpectriPy()` function allows to calculate spectral similarity
#' scores using the `calculate_scores module` of the python
#' [matchms.similarity package](https://matchms.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/matchms.similarity.html)
#' package.
#' Selection and configuration of the algorithm can be performed with one of the
#' parameter objects:
#' - `CosineGreedyParam`: calculate the *cosine similarity score* between
#'   spectra. The score is calculated by finding best possible matches between
#'   peaks of two spectra. Two peaks are considered a potential match if their
#'   m/z ratios lie within the given `tolerance`. The underlying peak assignment
#'   problem is here solved in a *greedy* way. This can perform notably faster,
#'   but does occasionally deviate slightly from a fully correct solution (as
#'   with the `CosineHungarianParam` algorithm). In practice this will rarely
#'   affect similarity scores notably, in particular for smaller tolerances. The
#'   algorithm can be configured with parameters `tolerance`, `mzPower` and
#'   `intensityPower` (see parameter description for more details).
#' - `CosineHungarianParam`: calculate the *cosine similarity score* as with
#'   `CosineGreedyParam`, but using the Hungarian algorithm to find the best
#'   matching peaks between the compared spectra. The algorithm can be
#'   configured with parameters `tolerance`, `mzPower` and `intensityPower`
#'   (see parameter description for more details).
#' - `ModifiedCosineParam`: The modified cosine score aims at quantifying the
#'   similarity between two mass spectra. The score is calculated by finding
#'   best possible matches between peaks of two spectra. Two peaks are
#'   considered a potential match if their m/z ratios lie within the given
#'   `tolerance`, or if their m/z ratios lie within the tolerance once a
#'   mass-shift is applied. The mass shift is simply the difference in
#'   precursor-m/z between the two spectra.
#' - `NeutralLossesCosineParam`: The neutral losses cosine score aims at
#'   quantifying the similarity between two mass spectra. The score is
#'   calculated by finding best possible matches between peaks of two spectra.
#'   Two peaks are considered a potential match if their m/z ratios lie within
#'   the given `tolerance` once a mass-shift is applied. The mass shift is the
#'   difference in precursor-m/z between the two spectra.
#' @param x A [Spectra::Spectra()] object.
#' @param y A [Spectra::Spectra()] object to compare against. If missing,
#'   spectra similarities are calculated between all spectra in `x`.
#' @param param one of parameter classes listed above (such as
#'   `CosineGreedyParam`) defining the similarity scoring function in python
#'   and its parameters.
#' @param tolerance `numeric(1)`: tolerated differences in peaks' m/z. Peaks
#'   with m/z differences `<= tolerance` are considered matching.
#' @param mzPower `numeric(1)`: the power to raise m/z to in the cosine
#'   function. The default is 0, in which case the peak intensity products will
#'   not depend on the m/z ratios.
#' @param ignorePeaksAbovePrecursor For `NeutralLossesCosineParam()`:
#'   `logical(1)`: if `TRUE` (the default), peaks with m/z values larger than
#'   the precursor m/z are ignored.
#' @param intensityPower `numeric(1)`: the power to raise intensity to in the
#'   cosine function. The default is 1.
#' @param ... ignored.
#' @return `compareSpectriPy()` returns a `numeric` matrix with the scores,
#'   number of rows being equal to `length(x)` and number of columns equal to
#'   `length(y)`.
#' @author Carolin Huber, Michael Witting, Johannes Rainer, Helge Hecht
#' @seealso [Spectra::compareSpectra()] in the `Spectra` package for pure R
#'     implementations of spectra similarity calculations.
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_run_string
#' @examples
#' library(Spectra)
#' ## Create some example Spectra.
#' DF <- DataFrame(
#'     msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L),
#'     name = c("Caffeine", "Caffeine", "1-Methylhistidine"),
#'     precursorMz = c(195.0877, 195.0877, 170.0924)
#' )
#' DF$intensity <- list(
#'     c(340.0, 416, 2580, 412),
#'     c(388.0, 3270, 85, 54, 10111),
#'     c(3.407, 47.494, 3.094, 100.0, 13.240))
#' DF$mz <- list(
#'     c(135.0432, 138.0632, 163.0375, 195.0880),
#'     c(110.0710, 138.0655, 138.1057, 138.1742, 195.0864),
#'     c(109.2, 124.2, 124.5, 170.16, 170.52))
#' sps <- Spectra(DF)
#' ## Calculate pairwise similarity beween all spectra within sps with
#' ## matchms' CosineGreedy algorithm
#' ## Note: the first compareSpectriPy will take longer because the Python
#' ## environment needs to be set up.
#' res <- compareSpectriPy(sps, param = CosineGreedyParam())
#' res
#' ## Next we calculate similarities for all spectra against the first one
#' res <- compareSpectriPy(sps, sps[1], param = CosineGreedyParam())
#' ## Calculate pairwise similarity of all spectra in sps with matchms'
#' ## ModifiedCosine algorithm
#' res <- compareSpectriPy(sps, param = ModifiedCosineParam())
#' res
#' ## Note that the ModifiedCosine method requires the precursor m/z to be
#' ## known for all input spectra. Thus, it is advisable to remove spectra
#' ## without precursor m/z before using this algorithm.
#' sps <- sps[!is.na(precursorMz(sps))]
#' compareSpectriPy(sps, param = ModifiedCosineParam())

setGeneric("compareSpectriPy", function(x, y, param, ...)

#' @importClassesFrom ProtGenerics Param
#' @noRd
         slots = c(
             tolerance = "numeric",
             mzPower = "numeric",
             intensityPower = "numeric"
         prototype = prototype(
             tolerance = 0.1,
             mzPower = 0.0,
             intensityPower = 1.0
         validity = function(object) {
             msg <- NULL
             if (length(object@tolerance) != 1 || object@tolerance < 0)
                 msg <- c("'tolerance' has to be a positive number of length 1")
             if (length(object@mzPower) != 1)
                 msg <- c(msg, "'mzPower' has to be a number of length 1")
             if (length(object@intensityPower) != 1)
                 msg <- c(msg,
                          "'intensityPower' has to be a number of length 1")
         contains = "CosineGreedyParam")
         contains = "CosineGreedyParam")
         contains = "CosineGreedyParam",
         slots = c(ignorePeaksAbovePrecursor = "logical"),
         prototype = prototype(ignorePeaksAbovePrecursor = TRUE),
         validity = function(object) {
             msg <- NULL
             if (length(object@ignorePeaksAbovePrecursor) != 1)
                 msg <- paste0("'ignorePeaksAbovePrecursor' has to be a ",
                               "positive number of length 1")

#' @rdname compareSpectriPy
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
CosineGreedyParam <- function(tolerance = 0.1, mzPower = 0.0,
                              intensityPower = 1.0) {
    new("CosineGreedyParam", tolerance = as.numeric(tolerance),
        mzPower = as.numeric(mzPower),
        intensityPower = as.numeric(intensityPower))

#' @rdname compareSpectriPy
#' @export
CosineHungarianParam <- function(tolerance = 0.1, mzPower = 0.0,
                                 intensityPower = 1.0) {
    new("CosineHungarianParam", tolerance = as.numeric(tolerance),
        mzPower = as.numeric(mzPower),
        intensityPower = as.numeric(intensityPower))

#' @rdname compareSpectriPy
#' @export
ModifiedCosineParam <- function(tolerance = 0.1, mzPower = 0.0,
                                 intensityPower = 1.0) {
    new("ModifiedCosineParam", tolerance = as.numeric(tolerance),
        mzPower = as.numeric(mzPower),
        intensityPower = as.numeric(intensityPower))

#' @rdname compareSpectriPy
#' @export
NeutralLossesCosineParam <- function(tolerance = 0.1, mzPower = 0.0,
                                     intensityPower = 1.0,
                                     ignorePeaksAbovePrecursor = TRUE) {
    new("NeutralLossesCosineParam", tolerance = as.numeric(tolerance),
        mzPower = as.numeric(mzPower),
        intensityPower = as.numeric(intensityPower),
        ignorePeaksAbovePrecursor = as.logical(ignorePeaksAbovePrecursor))

#' @rdname compareSpectriPy
#' @exportMethod compareSpectriPy
    signature = c(x = "Spectra", y = "Spectra", param = "CosineGreedyParam"),
    function(x, y, param, ...) {
        .compare_spectra_python(x, y, param)

#' @rdname compareSpectriPy
    signature = c(x = "Spectra", y = "missing", param = "CosineGreedyParam"),
    function(x, y, param, ...) {
        .compare_spectra_python(x, y = NULL, param)

#' helper function to extract cosine parameter settings for similarity functions
#' based on cosine.
#' @noRd
.cosine_param_string <- function(x) {
    paste0("tolerance=", x@tolerance, ", mz_power=", x@mzPower,
           ", intensity_power=", x@intensityPower)
#' Could also define a method, but I guess that's overkill in this case.
#' @noRd
.fun_name <- function(x) {
    sub("Param$", "", class(x)[1L])

#' (internal) helper method to build the python command to perform the
#' comparison. Each parameter class could (if needed) it's own implementation
#' to create the string. This methods will be called in the
#' `compare_spectra_python` function.
#' @noRd
setGeneric("python_command", function(object, ...)
    function(object, input_param = "py_x, py_y", is_symmetric = "False") {
        FUN <- .fun_name(object)
        paste0("import matchms\n",
               "from matchms.similarity import ", FUN, "\n",
               "res = matchms.calculate_scores(", input_param,
               ", ", FUN, "(", .cosine_param_string(object), "), ",
               "is_symmetric=", is_symmetric, ")\n",
               "sim = res.scores.to_array()[\"", FUN, "_score\"]\n")
    function(object, input_param = "py_x, py_y", is_symmetric = "False") {
        FUN <- .fun_name(object)
        paste0("import matchms\n",
               "from matchms.similarity import ", FUN, "\n",
               "res = matchms.calculate_scores(", input_param,
               ", ", FUN, "(", .cosine_param_string(object), ", ",
                      yes = "True", no = "False"),
               "), is_symmetric=", is_symmetric, ")\n",
               "sim = res.scores.to_array()[\"", FUN, "_score\"]\n")

#' internal function to calculate similarities with python's matchms. `Spectra`
#' will be converted to python.
#' @param x `Spectra`
#' @param y `Spectra`
#' @param param Parameter object.
#' @param value `character(1)` defining which value should be returned from the
#'     Python call.
#' @return a `numeric` `matrix` nrow being length of `x`, nrow length `y`.
#' @importFrom basilisk basiliskStart basiliskRun basiliskStop
#' @importFrom reticulate py
#' @noRd
#' @author Carolin Huber, Johannes Rainer
.compare_spectra_python <- function(x, y = NULL, param, value = "score") {
    ## handle empty input
    if (!length(x) || (!length(y) & !is.null(y)))
        return(matrix(NA_real_, ncol = length(y), nrow = length(x)))

    cl <- basiliskStart(matchms_env)

    basiliskRun(cl, function(x, y, param) {
        ref <- import("matchms")
        vars <- c(precursorMz = "precursor_mz")
        is_symmetric <- "False"
        py$py_x <- rspec_to_pyspec(x, reference = ref, mapping = vars)
        if (is.null(y)) {
            py$py_y <- py$py_x
            is_symmetric <- "True"
        } else
            py$py_y <- rspec_to_pyspec(y, reference = ref, mapping = vars)
        com <- python_command(param, is_symmetric = is_symmetric)
        ## Run the command. Result is in py$res
        ## Collect the results
        ## py_run_string(
        ##     paste0("sim = []\n",
        ##            "for x,y,z in res:\n  sim.append(z['", value, "'])"))
        ## matrix(unlist(py$sim, use.names = FALSE),
        ##        nrow = length(x), byrow = TRUE)
    }, x = x, y = y, param = param)

## from matchms import calculate_scores
## from matchms.importing import load_from_msp
## from ms2deepscore import MS2DeepScore
## from ms2deepscore.models import load_model

## model = load_model("load model file")
## similarity_measure = MS2DeepScore(model)
## scores_mat = similarity_measure.matrix(
## matchms_spectrum1,
## matchms_spectrum2
## )
rformassspectrometry/SpectriPy documentation built on Jan. 31, 2025, 4:12 a.m.