m <- matrix(0, nrow = 5, ncol = 4)
colnames(m) <- LETTERS[1:4]
rownames(m) <- letters[1:5]
m[1,1] <- m[1, 3] <-
m[2, 2] <-
m[3, 2] <-
m[4, 3] <- m[4, 4] <-
m[5, 1] <- m[5, 3] <- 1
m <- Matrix::Matrix(m)
vec <- c("A;C", "B", "B", "C;D", "A;C")
names(vec) <- letters[1:5]
test_that("Compare makeAjacendyMatrix() makePeptideProteinVector() outputs on test data", {
m2 <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(vec)
## first check that row/colnames as same
## reorder col/rows before checking identify
m2 <- m2[, colnames(m)]
m2 <- m2[rownames(m), ]
expect_identical(m, m2)
## expecting same order here
vec2 <- makePeptideProteinVector(m)
expect_identical(vec, vec2)
test_that("Check makeAjacendyMatrix() works without split", {
vec <- LETTERS[1:3]
names(vec) <- letters[1:3]
adj0 <- Matrix::Matrix(diag(3))
colnames(adj0) <- LETTERS[1:3]
rownames(adj0) <- letters[1:3]
adj1 <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(vec)
adj2 <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(vec, split = NULL)
expect_equivalent(adj0, adj2)
expect_equivalent(adj1, adj2)
test_that("Check makeAjacendyMatrix() fails with wrong input", {
test_that("makeAjacendyMatrix() works on PMS data (1)", {
f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")
psm <- filterPSMs(PSM(f))
adj <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm)
n_pep <- length(unique(psm[[psmVariables(psm)["peptide"]]]))
expect_identical(nrow(adj), n_pep)
n_prot <- length(unique(psm[[psmVariables(psm)["protein"]]]))
expect_identical(ncol(adj), n_prot)
adj2 <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm, binary = TRUE)
expect_true(all(as.vector(adj2) %in% c(0, 1)))
expect_identical(dimnames(adj), dimnames(adj2))
## try again without psmVariables
metadata(psm)$variables["protein"] <- "NOTVALID"
metadata(psm)$variables["protein"] <- "DatabaseAccess"
metadata(psm)$variables["peptide"] <- "NOTVALID"
metadata(psm)$variables["peptide"] <- NA_character_
test_that("makeAjacendyMatrix() works on PMS data (2)", {
f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")
psm <- PSM(f)
adj <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm)
n_pep <- length(unique(psm[[psmVariables(psm)["peptide"]]]))
expect_identical(nrow(adj), n_pep)
n_prot <- length(unique(psm[[psmVariables(psm)["protein"]]]))
expect_identical(ncol(adj), n_prot)
adj2 <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm, binary = TRUE)
expect_true(all(as.vector(adj2) %in% c(0, 1)))
expect_identical(dimnames(adj), dimnames(adj2))
test_that("ajacendyMatrix() accessor works", {
psm <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT") |>
PSM() |>
filterPsmDecoy() |>
## set to binary to get the same result as the adjacencyMatrix,PSM
## accessor that created adj1
cc <- ConnectedComponents(psm, binary = TRUE)
## not identical, a multiple PSMs per peptide
adj1 <- adjacencyMatrix(psm)
adj2 <- adjacencyMatrix(cc)
expect_true(is(adj1, "sparseMatrix"))
expect_true(is(adj2, "sparseMatrix"))
expect_identical(sum(adj1@x), sum(adj2@x))
expect_identical(colnames(adj1), colnames(adj2))
## remove duplicated sequences to make adjacency matrices
## identical
psm <- psm[!duplicated(psm$sequence), ]
cc <- ConnectedComponents(psm)
adj1 <- adjacencyMatrix(psm)
adj2 <- adjacencyMatrix(cc)
expect_identical(adj1, adj2)
test_that("plotAjacendyMatrix() works", {
cc <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT") |>
PSM() |>
filterPsmDecoy() |>
filterPsmRank() |>
g <- plotAdjacencyMatrix(connectedComponents(cc, 672))
expect_true(is(g, "igraph"))
expect_identical(V(g)$color, c(NA_character_, "steelblue"))
g2 <- plotAdjacencyMatrix(connectedComponents(cc, 672), 1)
expect_true(is(g2, "igraph"))
expect_identical(V(g2)$color, c(0, 2))
test_that("plotAjacendyMatrix() attributes work", {
adj <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT") |>
PSM() |>
filterPsmDecoy() |>
filterPsmRank() |>
ConnectedComponents() |>
## ------------------------
## Test default colours
g <- plotAdjacencyMatrix(adj)
pep_nodes <- which(names(V(g)) %in% rownames(adj))
prot_nodes <- which(names(V(g)) %in% colnames(adj))
## peptides are white/NA
## proteins are steelblue
expect_true(all(V(g)$color[prot_nodes] == "steelblue"))
## ------------------------
## Test shapes
expect_true(all(V(g)$shape[prot_nodes] == "square"))
expect_true(all(V(g)$shape[pep_nodes] == "circle"))
## ---------------------------
## Test custom peptide colors
exp_pep_cols <- c("red", "blue", "green", "red", "blue", "orange", "green")
pep_cols <- c(rep("black", 10), exp_pep_cols)
names(pep_cols) <- c(LETTERS[1:10], rownames(adj))
pep_cols <- sample(pep_cols)
g <- plotAdjacencyMatrix(adj, pepColors = pep_cols)
## proteins are still steelblue
expect_true(all(V(g)$color[prot_nodes] == "steelblue"))
## peptides have set colours
expect_identical(V(g)$color[pep_nodes], exp_pep_cols)
## ---------------------------
## Test custom protein colors
exp_prot_cols <- c("red", "blue", "green", "orange")
prot_cols <- c(rep("black", 10), exp_prot_cols)
names(prot_cols) <- c(LETTERS[1:10], colnames(adj))
prot_cols <- sample(prot_cols)
g <- plotAdjacencyMatrix(adj, protColors = prot_cols)
## peptides are still white/NA
## proteins have set colours
expect_identical(V(g)$color[prot_nodes], exp_prot_cols)
## ---------------------------------------
## Test custom protein and peptide colors
g <- plotAdjacencyMatrix(adj, protColors = prot_cols,
pepColors = pep_cols)
## proteins have set colours
expect_identical(V(g)$color[prot_nodes], exp_prot_cols)
## peptides have set colours
expect_identical(V(g)$color[pep_nodes], exp_pep_cols)
test_that("ajacendyMatrix() with scores works", {
psmdf <- data.frame(spectrum = c("sp1", "sp2", "sp3", "sp4", "sp5"),
sequence = c(c("A", LETTERS[1:4])),
protein = c("ProtA", "ProtA", "ProtB", "ProtC", "ProtD"),
decoy = rep(FALSE, 5),
rank = rep(1, 5),
score = 1:5)
psm1 <- PSM(psmdf[-1, ], spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank")
psm2 <- PSM(psmdf, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank")
psm3 <- PSM(psmdf[-1, ], spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank", score = "score")
psm4 <- PSM(psmdf, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank", score = "score")
## binary matrix
adj1 <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm1)
expect_identical(dimnames(adj1), list(c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
c("ProtA", "ProtB", "ProtC", "ProtD")))
expect_identical(sum(adj1), 4)
expect_identical(adj1@x, rep(1, 4))
## A/Prot2 tallies 2 PSMs
adj2 <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm2)
expect_identical(dimnames(adj2), list(c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
c("ProtA", "ProtB", "ProtC", "ProtD")))
expect_identical(sum(adj2), 5)
expect_identical(adj2@x, c(2, rep(1, 3)))
expect_identical(adj1, makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm2, binary = TRUE))
## scores with single PSMs
adj3 <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm3)
expect_identical(dimnames(adj3), list(c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
c("ProtA", "ProtB", "ProtC", "ProtD")))
expect_identical(sum(adj3), 14)
expect_identical(adj3@x, seq(2, 5, 1))
expect_identical(adj1, makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm3, binary = TRUE))
## scores with one double PSMs
adj4 <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm4)
expect_identical(dimnames(adj4), list(c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
c("ProtA", "ProtB", "ProtC", "ProtD")))
expect_identical(sum(adj4), 15)
expect_identical(adj4@x, c(3, seq(3, 5, 1)))
expect_identical(adj1, makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm4, binary = TRUE))
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