##' @title Estimates the Baseline of a Mass Spectrum
##' @description
##' This function estimates the the baseline of mass spectrometry
##' data, represented by numeric vectors of masses and intensities of
##' identical lengths.
##' @param x `numeric()` vector of masses.
##' @param y `numeric()` vector of intensities.
##' @param method `character(1)` specifying the estimation method. One
##' of `"SNIP"` (default), `"TopHat"`, `"ConvexHull"` or
##' `"median"`. See details below.
##' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the respective
##' functions.
##' @details
##' - SNIP: This baseline estimation is based on the
##' Statistics-sensitive Non-linear Iterative Peak-clipping algorithm
##' (SNIP) described in Ryan et al 1988.
##' The algorithm based on the following equation:
##' \deqn{y_i(k) = \min \{ y_i, \frac{(y_{i-k}+y_{i+k})}{2} \}}{y_i(k) = min \{ y_i, (y_{i-k}+y_{i+k})/2 \}}
##' It has two additional arguments namely an integer `iterations`
##' and a logical `decreasing`.
##' - TopHat: This algorithm applies a moving minimum (erosion filter)
##' and subsequently a moving maximum (dilation filter) filter on
##' the intensity values. The implementation is based on van Herk
##' (1996). It has an additional `halfWindowSize` argument
##' determining the half size of the moving window for the TopHat
##' filter.
##' - ConvexHull: The baseline estimation is based on a convex hull
##' constructed below the spectrum.
##' - Median: This baseline estimation uses a moving median. It is
##' based on [stats::runmed()]. The additional argument
##' `halfWindowSize` corresponds to the `k` argument in
##' [stats::runmed()] (`k = 2 * halfWindowSize + 1`) and controls
##' the half size of the moving window.
##' @return `numeric()` with estimated baseline intensities.
##' @references
##' These functions have been ported from the
##' [MALDIqaunt](https://strimmerlab.github.io/software/maldiquant/)
##' package.
##' SNIP:
##' - C.G. Ryan, E. Clayton, W.L. Griffin, S.H. Sie, and D.R. Cousens
##' (1988). Snip, a statistics-sensitive background treatment for
##' the quantitative analysis of pixe spectra in geoscience
##' applications. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
##' Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,
##' 34(3): 396-402.
##' - M. Morhac (2009). An algorithm for determination of peak regions
##' and baseline elimination in spectroscopic data. Nuclear
##' Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A:
##' Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
##' 600(2), 478-487.
##' TopHat:
##' - M. van Herk (1992). A Fast Algorithm for Local Minimum and
##' Maximum Filters on Rectangular and Octagonal Kernels. Pattern
##' Recognition Letters 13.7: 517-521.
##' - J. Y. Gil and M. Werman (1996). Computing 2-Dimensional Min,
##' Median and Max Filters. IEEE Transactions: 504-507.
##' ConvexHull:
##' - Andrew, A. M. (1979). Another efficient algorithm for convex
##' hulls in two dimensions. Information Processing Letters, 9(5),
##' 216-219.
##' @author Sebastian Gibb
##' @importFrom stats runmed
##' @useDynLib MsCoreUtils, .registration = TRUE
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## ----------------------------
##' ## Simulation example data
##' nmz <- 5000
##' mz <- seq(1000, length.out = nmz)
##' ## create peaks
##' center <- seq(50, nmz, by = 500)
##' peaks <- lapply(center, function(cc)1000 * dpois(0:100, (1000 + cc) / 75))
##' ## create baseline
##' intensity <- 100 * exp(-seq_len(nmz)/2000)
##' ## add peaks to baseline
##' for (i in seq(along = center)) {
##' intensity[center[i]:(center[i] + 100)] <-
##' intensity[center[i]:(center[i] + 100)] + peaks[[i]]
##' }
##' ## add noise
##' intensity <- intensity + rnorm(nmz, mean = 0, sd = 1)
##' plot(mz, intensity, type = "l")
##' ## ----------------------------
##' ## SNIP baseline
##' base_SNIP <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
##' method = "SNIP",
##' iterations = 20L)
##' ## same as estimateBaselineSnip(mz, intensity, iterations = 20L)
##' lines(mz, base_SNIP, col = "red")
##' ## ----------------------------
##' ## TopHat baseline
##' base_TH25 <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
##' method = "TopHat",
##' halfWindowSize = 25L)
##' ## same as estimateBaselineTopHat(mz, intenstity, halfWindowSize = 25L)
##' lines(mz, base_TH25, col = "blue")
##' base_TH15 <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
##' method = "TopHat",
##' halfWindowSize = 15L)
##' lines(mz, base_TH15, col = "steelblue")
##' ## ----------------------------
##' ## Convex hull baseline
##' base_CH <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
##' method = "ConvexHull")
##' ## same as estimateBaselineConvexHull(mz, intensity)
##' lines(mz, base_CH, col = "green")
##' ## ----------------------------
##' ## Median baseline
##' base_med <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
##' method = "median")
##' ## same as estimateBaselineMedian(mz, intensity)
##' lines(mz, base_med, col = "orange")
##' legend("topright", lwd = 1,
##' legend = c("SNIP", "TopHat (hws = 25)",
##' "TopHat (hws = 15)",
##' "ConvexHull", "Median"),
##' col = c("red", "blue", "steelblue",
##' "green", "orange"))
estimateBaseline <- function(x, y,
method = c("SNIP", "TopHat",
"ConvexHull", "median"),
...) {
if (!identical(length(x), length(y))) {
stop("Mass and intensity vectors must be of same lengths.")
method <- match.arg(method)
"SNIP" = estimateBaselineSnip(x, y, ...),
"TopHat" = estimateBaselineTopHat(x, y, ...),
"ConvexHull" = estimateBaselineConvexHull(x, y, ...),
"median" = estimateBaselineMedian(x, y, ...)
##' @rdname estimateBaseline
##' @export
estimateBaselineConvexHull <- function(x, y) {
.Call(C_lowerConvexHull, x, y)
##' @param halfWindowSize `integer()` defining the half window
##' size. Default is 100L. The resulting window reaches from
##' `x[cur_index - halfWindowSize]` to `x[cur_index +
##' halfWindowSize]`.
##' @rdname estimateBaseline
##' @export
estimateBaselineMedian <- function(x, y, halfWindowSize = 100L) {
.stopIfNotIsValidHalfWindowSize(halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize,
n = length(x))
as.vector(runmed(y, k = 2L * halfWindowSize + 1L))
##' @param iterations `integer()` controling the window size (*k*,
##' similar to `halfWindowSize` in `"TopHat"`, `"median"`) of the
##' algorithm. The resulting window reaches from `x[cur_index -
##' iterations]` to `x[cur_index + iterations]`.
##' @param decreasing `logical(1)` whether the cliping window should
##' be decreasing, as defined in Morhac (2009). A decreasing
##' clipping window is suggested to get a smoother baseline. For
##' `TRUE` (`FALSE`) *k*=`iterations` is decreased (increased) by
##' one until zero (`iterations`) is reached. The default setting
##' is `decreasing = TRUE`.
##' @rdname estimateBaseline
##' @export
estimateBaselineSnip <- function(x, y,
iterations = 100L,
decreasing = TRUE) {
.Call(C_snip, y, iterations, decreasing)
##' @rdname estimateBaseline
##' @export
estimateBaselineTopHat <- function(x, y, halfWindowSize = 100L) {
.stopIfNotIsValidHalfWindowSize(halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize,
n = length(x))
.dilation(.erosion(y, halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize),
halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize)
## dilation: calculates moving max (dilation filter)
## erosion: calculates moving min (erosion filter)
## - M. van Herk. "A Fast Algorithm for Local Minimum and Maximum
## Filters on Rectangular and Octagonal Kernels." Pattern
## Recognition Letters 13.7 (1992): 517-521.
## - J. Y. Gil and M. Werman. "Computing 2-Dimensional Min, Median and
## Max Filters." IEEE Transactions (1996): 504-507.
## params:
## x: vector of x values
## halfWindowSize: size of local window
## returns:
## moving max
.dilation <- function(x, halfWindowSize) {
.Call(C_dilation, x, halfWindowSize)
.erosion <- function(x, halfWindowSize) {
.Call(C_erosion, x, halfWindowSize)
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