
#' @title CompDb-based MS spectrum backend
#' @aliases MsBackendCompDb-class
#' @description
#' The `MsBackendCompDb` *represents* MS2 spectra data from a [CompDb()]
#' object/database. The object keeps only the primary keys of the spectra,
#' the associated compound IDs and the precursor m/z values in memory and
#' has thus only a very low memory footprint. All spectra variables, including
#' m/z and intensity values are retrieved from the database *on-demand*. By
#' extending the [Spectra::MsBackendCached()] class directly, `MsBackendCompDb`
#' supports adding/replacing spectra variables. These values are however only
#' cached within the object and not propagated (written) to the database.
#' It is not intended that users create or use instances of this class directly,
#' the [Spectra::Spectra()] call on [CompDb()] will return a `Spectra`
#' object that uses this backend.
#' The `MsBackendCompDb` does not support parallel processing because the
#' database connection stored within the object can not be used across
#' multiple parallel processes. The `backendBpparam()` method for
#' `MsBackendCompDb` thus returns always `SerialParam` and hence any
#' function that uses this method to check for parallel processing capability
#' of a `MsBackend` will by default disable parallel processing.
#' @param BPPARAM for `backendBpparam()`: `BiocParallel` parallel processing
#'     setup. See [BiocParallel::bpparam()] for more information.
#' @param columns for `spectraData()`: `character` with names of columns/spectra
#'     variables that should be returned. Defaults to
#'     `spectraVariables(object)`. Database columns `"ms_level"`,
#'     `"precursor_mz"`, `"precursor_intensity"`, `"precursor_charge"` are
#'     mapped to the core `Spectra` variables `msLevel`, `precursorMz`,
#'     `precursorIntensity` and `precursorCharge`, respectively.
#'     For `peaksData`: `character` with the names of the peaks columns to
#'     return. Use `peaksVariables` for supported values.
#' @param drop For `[`: not considered.
#' @param filter for `backendInitialize()`: optional filter expression to
#'     specify which elements to retrieve from the database.
#' @param initial for `tic()`: `logical(1)` whether original total ion current
#'     values should be returned or if the values should be calculated based
#'     on the actual intensity values of each spectrum.
#' @param i For `[`: `integer`, `logical` or `character` to subset the object.
#' @param j For `[`: not supported.
#' @param name for `$<-`: the name of the spectra variable to replace.
#' @param object an `MsBackendCompDb` instance.
#' @param value for `$<-`: the replacement values.
#' @param x an `MsBackendCompDb` instance.
#' @param ... ignored.
#' @return See the description of the respective function.
#' @note
#' For higher performance it is suggested to change the backend of the
#' [Spectra::Spectra()] object to an [Spectra::MsBackendMemory()] backend
#' with the [Spectra::setBackend()] method of `Spectra` objects.
#' @section Methods implemented for `MsBackendCompDb`:
#' The methods listed here are implemented for the `MsBackendCompDb`. All other
#' methods are inherited directly from the parent [Spectra::MsBackendCached()]
#' class. See the help of [Spectra::MsBackend()] in the `Spectra` package for a
#' complete listing of methods.
#' - `peaksData()`: gets the full list of peak matrices. Returns a [list()],
#'   length equal to the number of spectra and each element being a `matrix`
#'   with columns `"mz"` and `"intensity"` with the spectra's m/z and intensity
#'   values.
#' - `peaksVariables()`: lists the available peaks variables in the backend
#'   (database). These can be used for parameter `columns` of `peaksData()`.
#' - `intensity<-`: not supported.
#' - `mz<-`: not supported.
#' - `spectraData()`: returns the complete spectrum data including m/z and
#'   intensity values as a [S4Vectors::DataFrame()].
#' - `$<-`: replace or add a spectrum variable. Note that `mz`, `intensity` and
#'   `spectrum_id` variables can not be replaced.
#' @name MsBackendCompDb
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @exportClass MsBackendCompDb
#' @importClassesFrom Spectra MsBackendCached
#' @importClassesFrom DBI DBIConnection
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics peaksData
#' @examples
#' ## MsBackendCompDb are not expected to be created/instanciated by users
#' ## directly. Users also almost never directly interact with this type of
#' ## object, as it is intented as a pure data backend for the `Spectra` object.
#' ## Users will thus access MS data through such `Spectra` object, which can
#' ## be created for `CompDb` objects using the `Spectra` method (see help
#' ## of the `CompDb` object for more information. This examples shows how
#' ## a `MsBackendCompDb` could be created purely from an SQLite database
#' ## with data from a CompoundDb database.
#' ## Connect to the SQLite database of a `CompDb` distributed via this package
#' library(RSQLite)
#' library(Spectra)
#' cdb <- CompDb(system.file("sql/CompDb.MassBank.sql", package = "CompoundDb"))
#' be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendCompDb(), cdb)
#' be
#' ## Accessing m/z values
#' mz(be)

setClassUnion("DBIConnectionOrNULL", c("DBIConnection", "NULL"))

         contains = "MsBackendCached",
         slots = c(dbcon = "DBIConnectionOrNULL",
                   spectraIds = "character",
                   .properties = "list",
                   dbname = "character"),
         prototype = prototype(
             dbcon = NULL,
             spectraIds = character(),
             .properties = list(),
             dbname = character(),
             version = "0.2",
             readonly = TRUE))

setValidity("MsBackendCompDb", function(object) {
    con <- .dbconn(object)
    if (!length(con) && length(.dbname(object)))
    msg <- .valid_dbcon(con)
    if (length(msg)) msg
    else TRUE

#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
#' @importFrom methods callNextMethod
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics backendInitialize
#' @exportMethod backendInitialize
setMethod("backendInitialize", "MsBackendCompDb", function(object,
                                                           filter, ...) {
    if (missing(x))
        stop("Parameter 'x' is mandatory for 'MsBackendCompDb'")
    if (!is(x, "CompDb"))
        stop("Parameter 'x' has to be a 'CompDb' object")
    con <- .dbconn(x)
    msg <- .valid_dbcon(con)
    if (length(msg))
    if (length(.dbname(x))) {
        object@dbname <- .dbname(x)
    } else object@dbcon <- con
    ## Get spectrum ID, precursor_mz and compound_id from db (msms_spectrum).
    ## Put that into localData.
    local_data <- .fetch_data(
        x, columns = c("spectrum_id", "precursor_mz", "compound_id"),
        filter = filter, start_from = "msms_spectrum")
    rownames(local_data) <- NULL
    colnames(local_data)[colnames(local_data) == "precursor_mz"] <-

    object@spectraIds <- as.character(local_data$spectrum_id)
    ## Get info on tables and column names. Put them into spectraVariables.
    object@.properties$tables <- .tables(x)
    spectra_variables <- unique(unlist(.tables(object)))
    spectra_variables <- spectra_variables[!spectra_variables %in% c("peak_id")]
    object <- callNextMethod(
        data = local_data[, !colnames(local_data) == "spectrum_id"],
        nspectra = nrow(local_data),
        spectraVariables = .map_sql_to_spectraVariables(spectra_variables))

#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
#' @exportMethod show
setMethod("show", "MsBackendCompDb", function(object) {
    if (length(object)) {
        con <- .dbconn(object)
        if (length(con) && length(.dbname(object)))
        cat(" data source:", .metadata_value(con, "source"), "\n")
        cat(" version:", .metadata_value(con, "source_version"), "\n")
        cat(" organism:", .metadata_value(con, "organism"), "\n")

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics peaksData
#' @exportMethod peaksData
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics peaksVariables
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
    "peaksData", "MsBackendCompDb",
    function(object, columns = c("mz", "intensity")) {
        .peaks_data(object, columns = columns)

#' @exportMethod peaksVariables
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
setMethod("peaksVariables", "MsBackendCompDb",
          function(object) .available_peaks_variables(object))

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics dataStorage
#' @exportMethod dataStorage
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
setMethod("dataStorage", "MsBackendCompDb", function(object) {
    rep("<db>", length(object))

#' @exportMethod intensity<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics intensity<-
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
setReplaceMethod("intensity", "MsBackendCompDb", function(object, value) {
    stop("Can not replace original intensity values in the database.")

#' @exportMethod mz<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics mz<-
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
setReplaceMethod("mz", "MsBackendCompDb", function(object, value) {
    stop("Can not replace original data in the database.")

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics spectraData
#' @exportMethod spectraData
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
    "spectraData", "MsBackendCompDb",
    function(object, columns = spectraVariables(object)) {
        .spectra_data(object, columns = columns)

#' @exportMethod spectraNames
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics spectraNames
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
setMethod("spectraNames", "MsBackendCompDb", function(object) {

#' @exportMethod spectraNames<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics spectraNames<-
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
setReplaceMethod("spectraNames", "MsBackendCompDb",
                 function(object, value) {
                          " does not support replacing spectra names (IDs).")

#' @exportMethod [
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils i2index
#' @importFrom methods slot<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors extractROWS
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
setMethod("[", "MsBackendCompDb", function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
    if (missing(i))
    i <- i2index(i, length(x), x@spectraIds)
    extractByIndex(x, i)

#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra extractByIndex
#' @export
setMethod("extractByIndex", c("MsBackendCompDb", "ANY"), function(object, i) {
    slot(object, "spectraIds", check = FALSE) <- object@spectraIds[i]
    callNextMethod(object, i = i)

#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("$", "MsBackendCompDb", function(x, name, value) {
    if (name %in% c("spectrum_id"))
        stop("Spectra IDs can not be changed.", call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra precScanNum
#' @export
setMethod("precScanNum", "MsBackendCompDb", function(object) {
    message("precursor scan numbers not available")
    rep(NA_integer_, length(object))

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics tic
#' @importFrom Spectra intensity
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils vapply1d
#' @exportMethod tic
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
setMethod("tic", "MsBackendCompDb", function(object, initial = TRUE) {
    if (initial) {
        if (any(colnames(object@localData) == "totIonCurrent"))
            object@localData[, "totIonCurrent"]
        else rep(NA_real_, times = length(object))
    } else vapply1d(intensity(object), sum, na.rm = TRUE)

#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra backendBpparam
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam bpparam
#' @rdname MsBackendCompDb
    "backendBpparam", signature = "MsBackendCompDb",
    function(object, BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
        if (!is(BPPARAM, "SerialParam"))
            message("'", class(object)[1L], "' does not support ",
                    "parallel processing. Switching to serial processing.")
rformassspectrometry/CompoundDb documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 10:46 a.m.