#' Identify the premature termination codons in nucleotide sequences
#' @description Identify the premature termination codons in nucleotide
#' sequences of interest.
#' @param orfs character string giving the name of tab-delimited TXT file with
#' coordinates of open reading frame(-s). This file should include four
#' mandatory fields:
#' i) transcript_id - transcript ID;
#' ii) start - start coordinate of open reading frame
#' in a transcript;
#' iii) end - end coordinate of open reading frame in a transcript;
#' iv) length - length of open reading frame.
#' @param gtf character string giving the name of GTF/GFF file with annotated
#' transcripts of interest. Valid format is "gtf" or "gff".
#' @param workDir character string giving the path to and name of work
#' directory. NULL by default that mean the current working directory.
#' @return data.frame object with start and stop positions, length and stop
#' status of codons for each transcript ID.
#' @author Vasily V. Grinev
#' @examples
#' orfs_path <- system.file("extdata",
#' "Set.trans_ORFs.coordinates.txt",
#' package="ORFhunteR")
#' gtf_path <- system.file("extdata",
#' "Set.trans_sequences.gtf",
#' package="ORFhunteR")
#' ptcs <- findPTCs(orfs=orfs_path,
#' gtf=gtf_path,
#' workDir=NULL)
#' @export
findPTCs <- function(orfs, gtf, workDir=NULL){
### Loading of the coordinates of identified open reading frames as an object
# of class data.frame.
## Full path to the file.
if (!is.null(x = workDir)){
orfs <- paste(workDir, orfs, sep="/")
## Loading of the coordinates.
coordORFs <- read.table(file=orfs, header=TRUE, quote="\"", as.is=TRUE)
coordORFs$tr_length <- 0
coordORFs$l.ex_width <- 0
coordORFs <- as.matrix(x=coordORFs)
### Loading of experimental transcripts in GTF/GFF format.
## Validation of file format.
# Retrieving the file extension.
frt <- tools::file_ext(x=gtf)
# Validation of file format.
if (!frt %in% c("gtf", "gff")){
stop("Invalid file format")
## Loading of experimental transcripts as a list of character strings.
# Full path to the file.
if (!is.null(x=workDir)){
gtf <- paste(workDir, gtf, sep="/")
expTrans <- rtracklayer::import(con=gtf, format=frt)
expTrans <- sort(x=expTrans[expTrans$type == "exon", ])
expTrans <- split(x=expTrans, f=expTrans$transcript_id)
### Identification of PTC(-s).
chk <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", "")
if (nzchar(chk) && chk == "TRUE") {
ncl <- 2L
} else {
ncl <- parallel::detectCores()-1
cl <- makeCluster(spec=ncl)
varlist=c("as.character", "c", "length", "return",
"sum", "width"))
lengths <- parLapply(X=expTrans,
if(as.character(x=rtracklayer::strand(x=y))[1] == "-"){
lengths <- do.call(what=rbind, args=lengths)
idx <- coordORFs[, "transcript_id"] %in% rownames(x=lengths)
coordORFs[idx, c("tr_length", "l.ex_width")] <-
lengths[coordORFs[idx, "transcript_id"], 1:2]
coordORFs <- data.frame(coordORFs, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
coordORFs[, 2:7] <- apply(X=coordORFs[, 2:7], MARGIN=2, FUN=as.numeric)
coordORFs$stop.status <- "mature"
ptc_ctrl <- coordORFs$end - (coordORFs$tr_length - coordORFs$l.ex_width + 1) <= -50
if (any(ptc_ctrl)){
coordORFs[ptc_ctrl, ]$stop.status <- "premature"
coordORFs <- coordORFs[, c(1:5, 8)]
### Returning a final object.
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